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Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16176 for PC + Build 15204 for Mobile

Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16176 for PC + Build 15204 for Mobile

Hello Windows Insiders!

Today we are excited to be releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16176 for PC to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. We’re continuing work to refine OneCore with some code refactoring so that teams can start checking in new code. So, you still won’t see any noticeable changes or new features in new builds just yet.

We are also releasing Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 15204 to Insiders in the Fast ring. As we release new builds from our Development Branch for PC, we will also be doing the same for Windows 10 Mobile just like we have been in the past. However, Windows Insiders will likely notice some minor differences. The biggest difference being that the build number and branch won’t match the builds we will be releasing for PC. This is a result of more work we’re doing to converge code into OneCore – the heart of Windows across PC, tablet, phone, IoT, HoloLens, Xbox and more as we continue to develop new improvements for Windows 10 Mobile and our enterprise customers.

Starting with the Windows 10 Creators Update, these are the Windows 10 Mobile devices we will officially support in the Windows Insider Program going forward:

Devices not on this list will not officially receive the Windows 10 Creators Update nor will they receive any future builds from our Development Branch that we release as part of the Windows Insider Program. However, Windows Insiders who have devices not on this list can still keep these devices on the Windows 10 Creators Update at their own risk knowing that it’s unsupported.

We recognize that many Insiders will be disappointed to see their device is no longer supported. We looked at feedback from our Windows Insiders and realized that we were not providing the best possible experience for our customers on many older devices. That helped us determine which devices we support for the Windows 10 Creators Update. We are continually listening to your feedback to provide the best experience for ALL of our customers.

For developers – you will need to set the minimum platform version in Visual Studio to be the Windows 10 Creators Update.

What’s New in Build 16176 For PC

Windows Subsystem for Linux Gains Serial Device Support: Windows COM ports can now be accessed directly from a WSL process!

Windows COM ports can now be accessed directly from a WSL process

More information can be found on the WSL Blog.  Additional features and fixes are posted on the WSL Release Notes page – keep the feedback coming!

Changes, improvements, and fixes for PC

Known issues for PC

Changes, improvements, and fixes for Mobile

Known issues for Mobile

Happy Easter to those of you who are celebrating, have a great weekend ALL of you, and keep hustling team,
Dona <3

Source: Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16176 for PC + Build 15204 for Mobile

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