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Announcing Windows Server Insider Preview Build 16237

Announcing Windows Server Insider Preview Build 16237

Hello Windows Insiders!

On June 15th we announced some very exciting news: Windows Server will now have more frequent releases providing customers who are innovating quickly an opportunity to take advantage of new OS capabilities at a faster pace, both in applications – particularly those built on containers and microservices – as well as in the software-defined datacenter.

Today we are very excited to be releasing the first Windows Server Insider Preview to Windows Insiders: Build 16237. To access to the latest Windows Server preview release, register at the Windows Insiders for Business program or the Windows Insider Program.

Windows Server Datacenter Core and Standard Core editions are headless operating systems and are best managed remotely. For more information, please refer to Configure a Server Core installation of Windows Server with Sconfig.cmd. Updated remote administration information will be provided with future Insider releases.

General Scenario Highlights

Developers and Containers:

Cloud Guest:

Cloud Host:

What’s New in Build 16237 for Server

Persistent Memory can now be exposed to Hyper-V VMs:

Battery Passthrough:

Improvements to Container Networking: 

RDMA for Trusted Guests:

Improvements to Software Defined Networking:

Improvements in Networking transports:

 Improvements in HTTP(s):

Improvements in time accuracy:

Nano Server optimized for Containers:

Server Core base image optimizations:

How to Download

The latest Windows Server build and matching symbols are available for download here. Matching Windows Server container images will be available via the Docker Hub. For more information about Windows Server containers and Insider builds, please visit

The following keys are available for unlimited activations of Windows Server. These keys may be used throughout the pre-release cycle.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you signed up for Windows Insiders for Business using an AAD account, there is a temporary issue with access to the Windows Server Download page using AAD accounts. If you registered using an MSA account at the Windows Insider program, your MSA account may be used to access the page and to download builds until this is resolved.

It’s all about your feedback! 

Use the Feedback Hub app to provide feedback on Windows Server builds. Feedback Hub comes pre-installed on Windows 10. Register a Windows 10 device with the Windows Insider or Windows Insider for Business programs. Open the Feedback Hub application. Choose the Server category and then the appropriate subcategory for your feedback. Please indicate what edition and build number you are providing feedback on. The Feedback Hub app cannot scan a server for diagnostic information, however you may manually attach screenshots or other files to your feedback entry.

We encourage you to visit the Windows Server Insiders space on the Microsoft Tech Communities forum to collaborate, share and learn from experts.

NOTE: The expiration date for this server preview build will be 12/4/2017.

Known issues 

No downtime for Hustle-As-A-Service,
Dona <3

Source: Announcing Windows Server Insider Preview Build 16237

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