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Get ready for the football season with Microsoft

Get ready for the football season with Microsoft

Football season is here! Today, we’re sharing ways you can celebrate with Microsoft, from weekly game predictions to Special Edition Surface NFL Type Covers.

Let Bing predict which teams will win

 Bing predictions for the football season

Bing has you covered this professional football season from basic player info to schedules and more. The Bing team created a unique professional football experience powered by Bing Predicts for all types of football fans looking to get the edge, including:

Search your team on Bing and get all the latest info.

Celebrate with Surface NFL Type Covers

For the past four years, Surface devices have been used on the sidelines, in the coaches’ booth, and by many teams as a playbook. In early August, we announced that we are bringing the excitement of Surface on the sidelines to fans everywhere with the addition of new Special Edition Surface NFL Type Cover, available for all 32 teams. To learn more about the special edition Surface NFL Type Covers, visit a blog by Panos Panay, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Devices.

Track your favorite teams with Cortana

Cortana lets you track your favorite sports teams’ right in your notebook. Select your favorite football team and Cortana will provide score updates, show upcoming games and matches and can even notify you with the final score. Give it a try today!

Follow the games with the Touchdown! Collection in the Windows Store

It isn’t just back-to-school time, it’s back-to-football time, too, with the NCAA kickoff last week and pro football this week. The Touchdown! Collection in the Windows Store is ready with great ways to watch the game your way on Windows or Xbox, letting you follow favorite teams, stream games, view schedules and stats, listen on-the-go, plan tailgates and more!

Keep track of your football games schedule with Outlook

Following professional and college football game schedules just got easier thanks to a new Interesting Calendars feature for and Outlook on the web. The new feature allows fans to add their team’s schedule directly to their or Outlook on the web calendar. Once added, the calendar is synced across devices and automatically updates if there is a change to the schedule, so you never miss a game. For more information on the feature, please visit the Office Blog.

Source: Get ready for the football season with Microsoft

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