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Participate in the 2018 Windows Developer Community Pulse

Participate in the 2018 Windows Developer Community Pulse

Every year, we ask for just a few minutes of your time so that we can better understand how the developer community uses the Windows platform and tooling. The survey is a collaboration between Windows engineering, Visual Studio engineering, Microsoft Store engineering, and Windows Developer marketing team. Your answers here will directly impact feature prioritization and developer support. Click here to take the survey now.

Is this survey for me?

The survey is for all developers building code that runs on Windows. We’d love you to take the survey and share your feedback as a developer (.NET, UWP, web, game, mixed reality, Windows IoT, whatever).

What questions am I likely to be asked?

We’re trying to understand the current state of the Windows Developer ecosystem. Things like what people are using, how they’re feeling about what they have, and what they wish they had. So some questions you might see are:

  1. What kinds of projects are you working on now?
  2. What kinds of projects do you think you’ll be working on in the future?
  3. What is working (or not working) for you in Windows 10 development?
  4. Are the capabilities we’re building in Windows 10 relevant to you?

How long will it take?

We’ve tried to keep the survey as short as possible while still being interesting. So, if you zip through it, you’ll probably be done in about 10-12 minutes. Of course, if you want to give us some more detailed, deep feedback, it may take a tad longer. We will say – we’d love you to take that extra time because there are a lot of people who want to hear what’s happening with you and your development life.

What’s in it for me?

Without trying to be glib, the knowledge that your honest feedback will help us build a platform that you enjoy working on. There are no amazing prizes up for grabs. If we do our job right with the information you provide, we’ll deliver an ecosystem where you can be most successful.

As always, thank you so much (in advance) for your time and your feedback; it’s a precious gift that we are very thankful for.

Of course, your survey feedback will not be shared outside of Microsoft. Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement.

Ready to go?

The survey is open until May 5th, 2018.

Take the survey today!

Source: Participate in the 2018 Windows Developer Community Pulse

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