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Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18282 available now!

Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18282 available now!

Today, we released a new Windows 10 Preview Build of the SDK to be used in conjunction with Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 18282 or greater). The Preview SDK Build 18282 contains bug fixes and under development changes to the API surface area.

The Preview SDK can be downloaded from developer section on Windows Insider.

For feedback and updates to the known issues, please see the developer forum. For new developer feature requests, head over to our Windows Platform UserVoice.

Things to note:

Breaking Changes

In this Preview SDK we’ll be adding a blend mode to the effect graph of the AcrylicBrush called Luminosity. This blend mode will ensure that shadows don’t appear behind acrylic surfaces without a cutout. We will also be exposing a LuminosityBlendOpacity API available for tweaking that allows for more AcrylicBrush customization.

By default, for those that have not specified any LuminosityBlendOpacity on their AcrylicBrushes, we have implemented some logic to ensure that the Acrylic will look as similar as it can to current 1809 acrylics. Please note that we will be updating our default brushes to account for this recipe change.

API Updates and Additions


namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService {
  public sealed class AppServiceConnection : IClosable {
    public static IAsyncOperation<StatelessAppServiceResponse> SendStatelessMessageAsync(AppServiceConnection connection, RemoteSystemConnectionRequest connectionRequest, ValueSet message);
  public sealed class StatelessAppServiceResponse
  public enum StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls {
  public sealed class PhoneLine {
    PhoneLineBluetoothDetails BluetoothDetails { get; }
    void EnableTextReply(bool value);
  public sealed class PhoneLineBluetoothDetails
  public enum PhoneLineTransport {
    Bluetooth = 2,
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background {
  public enum PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason
  public sealed class PhoneIncomingCallDismissedTriggerDetails
  public enum PhoneLineProperties : uint {
    BluetoothDetails = (uint)512,
  public enum PhoneTriggerType {
    IncomingCallDismissed = 6,
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Provider {
  public static class PhoneCallOriginManager {
    public static bool IsSupported { get; }
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core {
  public sealed class ResourceCandidate {
    ResourceCandidateKind Kind { get; }
  public enum ResourceCandidateKind
namespace Windows.Devices.PointOfService {
  public sealed class JournalPrinterCapabilities : ICommonPosPrintStationCapabilities {
    bool IsReversePaperFeedByLineSupported { get; }
    bool IsReversePaperFeedByMapModeUnitSupported { get; }
    bool IsReverseVideoSupported { get; }
    bool IsStrikethroughSupported { get; }
    bool IsSubscriptSupported { get; }
    bool IsSuperscriptSupported { get; }
  public sealed class JournalPrintJob : IPosPrinterJob {
    void FeedPaperByLine(int lineCount);
    void FeedPaperByMapModeUnit(int distance);
    void Print(string data, PosPrinterPrintOptions printOptions);
  public sealed class PaymentDevice : IClosable
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceCapabilities
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceConfiguration
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceGetConfigurationResult
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceOperationResult
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceTransactionRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceTransactionResult
  public sealed class PaymentMethod
  public enum PaymentMethodKind
  public enum PaymentOperationStatus
  public enum PaymentUserResponse
  public sealed class PosPrinter : IClosable {
    IVectorView<uint> SupportedBarcodeSymbologies { get; }
    PosPrinterFontProperty GetFontProperty(string typeface);
  public sealed class PosPrinterFontProperty
  public sealed class PosPrinterPrintOptions
  public sealed class ReceiptPrinterCapabilities : ICommonPosPrintStationCapabilities, ICommonReceiptSlipCapabilities {
    bool IsReversePaperFeedByLineSupported { get; }
    bool IsReversePaperFeedByMapModeUnitSupported { get; }
    bool IsReverseVideoSupported { get; }
    bool IsStrikethroughSupported { get; }
    bool IsSubscriptSupported { get; }
    bool IsSuperscriptSupported { get; }
  public sealed class ReceiptPrintJob : IPosPrinterJob, IReceiptOrSlipJob {
    void FeedPaperByLine(int lineCount);
    void FeedPaperByMapModeUnit(int distance);
    void Print(string data, PosPrinterPrintOptions printOptions);
    void StampPaper();
  public struct SizeUInt32
  public sealed class SlipPrinterCapabilities : ICommonPosPrintStationCapabilities, ICommonReceiptSlipCapabilities {
    bool IsReversePaperFeedByLineSupported { get; }
    bool IsReversePaperFeedByMapModeUnitSupported { get; }
    bool IsReverseVideoSupported { get; }
    bool IsStrikethroughSupported { get; }
    bool IsSubscriptSupported { get; }
    bool IsSuperscriptSupported { get; }
  public sealed class SlipPrintJob : IPosPrinterJob, IReceiptOrSlipJob {
    void FeedPaperByLine(int lineCount);
    void FeedPaperByMapModeUnit(int distance);
    void Print(string data, PosPrinterPrintOptions printOptions);
namespace Windows.Devices.PointOfService.Provider {
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceCloseTerminalRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceCloseTerminalRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceConfigurationReadRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceConfigurationReadRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceConfigurationWriteRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceConfigurationWriteRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceConnection : IClosable
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceConnectionTriggerDetails
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceConnectorInfo
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceGetTerminalsRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceGetTerminalsRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceOpenTerminalRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceOpenTerminalRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class PaymentDevicePaymentAuthorizationRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDevicePaymentAuthorizationRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class PaymentDevicePaymentRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDevicePaymentRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceReadCapabilitiesRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceReadCapabilitiesRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceRefundRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceRefundRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceVoidTokenRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceVoidTokenRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceVoidTransactionRequest
  public sealed class PaymentDeviceVoidTransactionRequestEventArgs
namespace Windows.Globalization {
  public sealed class CurrencyAmount
namespace Windows.Management.Deployment {
  public enum AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions : uint {
    LimitToExistingPackages = (uint)512,
  public enum DeploymentOptions : uint {
    RetainFilesOnFailure = (uint)2097152,
namespace Windows.Media.Devices {
  public sealed class InfraredTorchControl
  public enum InfraredTorchMode
  public sealed class VideoDeviceController : IMediaDeviceController {
    InfraredTorchControl InfraredTorchControl { get; }
namespace Windows.Networking.Connectivity {
  public enum NetworkAuthenticationType {
    Wpa3 = 10,
    Wpa3Sae = 11,
namespace Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators {
  public sealed class ESim {
    ESimDiscoverResult Discover();
    ESimDiscoverResult Discover(string serverAddress, string matchingId);
    IAsyncOperation<ESimDiscoverResult> DiscoverAsync();
    IAsyncOperation<ESimDiscoverResult> DiscoverAsync(string serverAddress, string matchingId);
  public sealed class ESimDiscoverEvent
  public sealed class ESimDiscoverResult
  public enum ESimDiscoverResultKind
namespace Windows.Security.DataProtection {
  public enum UserDataAvailability
  public sealed class UserDataAvailabilityStateChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class UserDataBufferUnprotectResult
  public enum UserDataBufferUnprotectStatus
  public sealed class UserDataProtectionManager
  public sealed class UserDataStorageItemProtectionInfo
  public enum UserDataStorageItemProtectionStatus
namespace Windows.System {
  public sealed class DispatcherQueue {
    bool HasThreadAccess { get; }
  public enum ProcessorArchitecture {
    Arm64 = 12,
    X86OnArm64 = 14,
namespace Windows.UI.Composition {
  public interface IVisualElement
namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions {
  public enum InteractionBindingAxisModes : uint
  public sealed class InteractionTracker : CompositionObject {
    public static void SetBindingMode(InteractionTracker boundTracker1, InteractionTracker boundTracker2, InteractionBindingAxisModes axisMode);
  public sealed class InteractionTrackerCustomAnimationStateEnteredArgs {
    bool IsFromBinding { get; }
  public sealed class InteractionTrackerIdleStateEnteredArgs {
    bool IsFromBinding { get; }
  public sealed class InteractionTrackerInertiaStateEnteredArgs {
    bool IsFromBinding { get; }
  public sealed class InteractionTrackerInteractingStateEnteredArgs {
    bool IsFromBinding { get; }
  public class VisualInteractionSource : CompositionObject, ICompositionInteractionSource {
    public static VisualInteractionSource CreateFromIVisualElement(IVisualElement source);
namespace Windows.UI.Input {
  public class AttachableInputObject : IClosable
  public sealed class InputActivationListener : AttachableInputObject
  public sealed class InputActivationListenerActivationChangedEventArgs
  public enum InputActivationState
namespace Windows.UI.Input.Preview {
  public static class InputActivationListenerPreview
namespace Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection {
  public enum InjectedInputButtonEvent
  public sealed class InjectedInputButtonInfo
  public enum InjectedInputButtonKind
  public sealed class InputInjector {
    void InjectButtonInput(IIterable<InjectedInputButtonInfo> input);
namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement {
  public sealed class ApplicationView {
    ApplicationWindowPresenterKind AppliedPresenterKind { get; }
    string PersistedStateName { get; }
    public static IAsyncOperation<bool> ClearAllPersistedStateAsync();
    public static IAsyncOperation<bool> ClearPersistedStateAsync(string value);
    bool TrySetPersistedStateName(string value);
  public sealed class UISettings {
    bool AutoHideScrollBars { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<UISettings, UISettingsAutoHideScrollBarsChangedEventArgs> AutoHideScrollBarsChanged;
  public sealed class UISettingsAutoHideScrollBarsChangedEventArgs
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml {
  public class ContentRoot
  public sealed class ContentRootRasterizationScaleChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class ContentRootSizeChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class ContentRootVisibilityChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class ContentRootVisibleBoundsChangedEventArgs
  public class UIElement : DependencyObject, IAnimationObject {
    Shadow Shadow { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ShadowProperty { get; }
  public class UIElementWeakCollection : IIterable<UIElement>, IVector<UIElement>
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls {
  public class ContentDialog : ContentControl {
    ContentRoot AssociatedContentRoot { get; set; }
  public class RichEditBox : Control {
    void CopySelectionToClipboard();
    void CutSelectionToClipboard();
    void PasteFromClipboard();
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives {
  public sealed class AppBarTemplateSettings : DependencyObject {
    double NegativeCompactVerticalDelta { get; }
    double NegativeHiddenVerticalDelta { get; }
    double NegativeMinimalVerticalDelta { get; }
  public sealed class CommandBarTemplateSettings : DependencyObject {
    double OverflowContentCompactOpenUpDelta { get; }
    double OverflowContentHiddenOpenUpDelta { get; }
    double OverflowContentMinimalOpenUpDelta { get; }
  public class FlyoutBase : DependencyObject {
    ContentRoot AssociatedContentRoot { get; set; }
    bool IsConstrainedToRootBounds { get; }
    bool ShouldConstrainToRootBounds { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ShouldConstrainToRootBoundsProperty { get; }
  public sealed class Popup : FrameworkElement {
    ContentRoot AssociatedContentRoot { get; set; }
    bool IsConstrainedToRootBounds { get; }
    bool ShouldConstrainToRootBounds { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ShouldConstrainToRootBoundsProperty { get; }
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct {
  public enum XamlPropertyIndex {
    AppBarTemplateSettings_NegativeCompactVerticalDelta = 2367,
    AppBarTemplateSettings_NegativeHiddenVerticalDelta = 2368,
    AppBarTemplateSettings_NegativeMinimalVerticalDelta = 2369,
    CommandBarTemplateSettings_OverflowContentCompactOpenUpDelta = 2370,
    CommandBarTemplateSettings_OverflowContentHiddenOpenUpDelta = 2371,
    CommandBarTemplateSettings_OverflowContentMinimalOpenUpDelta = 2372,
    FlyoutBase_ShouldConstrainToRootBounds = 2378,
    Popup_ShouldConstrainToRootBounds = 2379,
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Hosting {
  public class DesktopWindowXamlSource : IClosable {
    bool ProcessKeyboardAccelerator(VirtualKey key, VirtualKeyModifiers modifiers);
  public sealed class ElementCompositionPreview {
    public static UIElement GetApplicationWindowContent(ApplicationWindow applicationWindow);
    public static void SetApplicationWindowContent(ApplicationWindow applicationWindow, UIElement xamlContent);
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Input {
  public sealed class FocusManager {
    public static UIElement FindNextFocusableElementInContentRoot(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection, ContentRoot contentRoot);
    public static UIElement FindNextFocusableElementInContentRoot(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection, ContentRoot contentRoot, Rect hintRect);
    public static object GetFocusedElement(ContentRoot contentRoot);
    public static bool TryMoveFocusInContentRoot(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection, ContentRoot contentRoot);
    public static IAsyncOperation<FocusMovementResult> TryMoveFocusInContentRootAsync(FocusNavigationDirection focusNavigationDirection, ContentRoot contentRoot);
  public class StandardUICommand : XamlUICommand {
    StandardUICommandKind Kind { get; set; }
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media {
  public class Shadow : DependencyObject
  public class ThemeShadow : Shadow
  public sealed class VisualTreeHelper {
    public static IVectorView<Popup> GetOpenPopupsWithinContentRoot(ContentRoot contentRoot);
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Animation {
  public class GravityConnectedAnimationConfiguration : ConnectedAnimationConfiguration {
    bool IsShadowEnabled { get; set; }
namespace Windows.Web.Http {
  public sealed class HttpClient : IClosable, IStringable {
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TryDeleteAsync(Uri uri);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TryGetAsync(Uri uri);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TryGetAsync(Uri uri, HttpCompletionOption completionOption);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpGetBufferResult, HttpProgress> TryGetBufferAsync(Uri uri);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpGetInputStreamResult, HttpProgress> TryGetInputStreamAsync(Uri uri);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpGetStringResult, HttpProgress> TryGetStringAsync(Uri uri);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TryPostAsync(Uri uri, IHttpContent content);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TryPutAsync(Uri uri, IHttpContent content);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TrySendRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<HttpRequestResult, HttpProgress> TrySendRequestAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpCompletionOption completionOption);
  public sealed class HttpGetBufferResult : IClosable, IStringable
  public sealed class HttpGetInputStreamResult : IClosable, IStringable
  public sealed class HttpGetStringResult : IClosable, IStringable
  public sealed class HttpRequestResult : IClosable, IStringable

The post Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18282 available now! appeared first on Windows Blog.

Source: Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18282 available now!

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