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Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18945 available now!

Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18945 available now!

Today, we released a new Windows 10 Preview Build of the SDK to be used in conjunction with Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 18945 or greater). The Preview SDK Build 18945 contains bug fixes and under development changes to the API surface area.

The Preview SDK can be downloaded from developer section on Windows Insider.

For feedback and updates to the known issues, please see the developer forum. For new developer feature requests, head over to our Windows Platform UserVoice.

Things to note:

Tools Updates

Message Compiler (mc.exe)

Windows Trace Preprocessor (tracewpp.exe)


Signing your apps with Device Guard Signing

Breaking Changes

Removal of IRPROPS.LIB

In this release irprops.lib has been removed from the Windows SDK. Apps that were linking against irprops.lib can switch to bthprops.lib as a drop-in replacement.

API Updates, Additions and Removals

The following APIs have been added to the platform since the release of Windows 10 SDK, version 1903, build 18362.



 namespace Windows.Devices.Input {
  public sealed class PenButtonListener
  public sealed class PenDockedEventArgs
  public sealed class PenDockListener
  public sealed class PenTailButtonClickedEventArgs
  public sealed class PenTailButtonDoubleClickedEventArgs
  public sealed class PenTailButtonLongPressedEventArgs
  public sealed class PenUndockedEventArgs
namespace Windows.Devices.Sensors {
  public sealed class Accelerometer {
    AccelerometerDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
  public sealed class AccelerometerDataThreshold
  public sealed class Altimeter {
    AltimeterDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
  public sealed class AltimeterDataThreshold
  public sealed class Barometer {
    BarometerDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
  public sealed class BarometerDataThreshold
  public sealed class Compass {
    CompassDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
  public sealed class CompassDataThreshold
  public sealed class Gyrometer {
    GyrometerDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
  public sealed class GyrometerDataThreshold
  public sealed class Inclinometer {
    InclinometerDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
  public sealed class InclinometerDataThreshold
  public sealed class LightSensor {
    LightSensorDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
  public sealed class LightSensorDataThreshold
  public sealed class Magnetometer {
    MagnetometerDataThreshold ReportThreshold { get; }
  public sealed class MagnetometerDataThreshold
namespace Windows.Foundation.Metadata {
  public sealed class AttributeNameAttribute : Attribute
  public sealed class FastAbiAttribute : Attribute
  public sealed class NoExceptionAttribute : Attribute
namespace Windows.Graphics.Capture {
  public sealed class GraphicsCaptureSession : IClosable {
    bool IsCursorCaptureEnabled { get; set; }
namespace Windows.Management.Deployment {
  public sealed class AddPackageOptions
  public enum DeploymentOptions : uint {
    StageInPlace = (uint)4194304,
  public sealed class PackageManager {
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> AddPackageByUriAsync(Uri packageUri, AddPackageOptions options);
    IIterable<Package> FindProvisionedPackages();
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> RegisterPackageByUriAsync(Uri manifestUri, RegisterPackageOptions options);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> RegisterPackagesByFullNameAsync(IIterable<string> packageFullNames, DeploymentOptions deploymentOptions);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> StagePackageByUriAsync(Uri packageUri, StagePackageOptions options);
  public enum PackageTypes : uint {
   All = (uint)4294967295,
  public sealed class RegisterPackageOptions
  public enum RemovalOptions : uint {
    PreserveRoamableApplicationData = (uint)128,
  public sealed class StagePackageOptions
namespace Windows.Media.Capture {
  public sealed class MediaCapture : IClosable {
    MediaCaptureRelativePanelWatcher CreateRelativePanelWatcher(StreamingCaptureMode captureMode, DisplayRegion displayRegion);
  public sealed class MediaCaptureRelativePanelWatcher : IClosable
namespace Windows.Media.Capture.Frames {
  public sealed class MediaFrameSourceInfo {
    Panel GetRelativePanel(DisplayRegion displayRegion);
namespace Windows.Media.Devices {
  public sealed class PanelBasedOptimizationControl
namespace Windows.Media.MediaProperties {
  public static class MediaEncodingSubtypes {
    public static string Pgs { get; }
    public static string Srt { get; }
    public static string Ssa { get; }
    public static string VobSub { get; }
  public sealed class TimedMetadataEncodingProperties : IMediaEncodingProperties {
    public static TimedMetadataEncodingProperties CreatePgs();
    public static TimedMetadataEncodingProperties CreateSrt();
    public static TimedMetadataEncodingProperties CreateSsa(byte[] formatUserData);
    public static TimedMetadataEncodingProperties CreateVobSub(byte[] formatUserData);
namespace Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer {
  public sealed class DownloadOperation : IBackgroundTransferOperation, IBackgroundTransferOperationPriority {
    void RemoveRequestHeader(string headerName);
    void SetRequestHeader(string headerName, string headerValue);
  public sealed class UploadOperation : IBackgroundTransferOperation, IBackgroundTransferOperationPriority {
    void RemoveRequestHeader(string headerName);
    void SetRequestHeader(string headerName, string headerValue);
namespace Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators {
  public interface INetworkOperatorTetheringAccessPointConfiguration2
  public interface INetworkOperatorTetheringManagerStatics4
  public sealed class NetworkOperatorTetheringAccessPointConfiguration : INetworkOperatorTetheringAccessPointConfiguration2 {
    TetheringWiFiBand Band { get; set; }
    bool IsBandSupported(TetheringWiFiBand band);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> IsBandSupportedAsync(TetheringWiFiBand band);
  public sealed class NetworkOperatorTetheringManager {
    public static void DisableTimeout(TetheringTimeoutKind timeoutKind);
    public static IAsyncAction DisableTimeoutAsync(TetheringTimeoutKind timeoutKind);
    public static void EnableTimeout(TetheringTimeoutKind timeoutKind);
    public static IAsyncAction EnableTimeoutAsync(TetheringTimeoutKind timeoutKind);
    public static bool IsTimeoutEnabled(TetheringTimeoutKind timeoutKind);
    public static IAsyncOperation<bool> IsTimeoutEnabledAsync(TetheringTimeoutKind timeoutKind);
  public enum TetheringTimeoutKind
  public enum TetheringWiFiBand
namespace Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core {
  public sealed class WebAccountMonitor {
    event TypedEventHandler<WebAccountMonitor, WebAccountEventArgs> AccountPictureUpdated;
namespace Windows.Storage {
  public sealed class StorageFile : IInputStreamReference, IRandomAccessStreamReference, IStorageFile, IStorageFile2, IStorageFilePropertiesWithAvailability, IStorageItem, IStorageItem2, IStorageItemProperties, IStorageItemProperties2, IStorageItemPropertiesWithProvider {
    public static IAsyncOperation<StorageFile> GetFileFromPathForUserAsync(User user, string path);
  public sealed class StorageFolder : IStorageFolder, IStorageFolder2, IStorageFolderQueryOperations, IStorageItem, IStorageItem2, IStorageItemProperties, IStorageItemProperties2, IStorageItemPropertiesWithProvider {
    public static IAsyncOperation<StorageFolder> GetFolderFromPathForUserAsync(User user, string path);
namespace Windows.Storage.Provider {
  public static class StorageProviderSyncRootManager {
    public static bool IsSupported();
namespace Windows.System {
  public sealed class UserChangedEventArgs {
    IVectorView<UserWatcherUpdateKind> ChangedPropertyKinds { get; }
  public enum UserWatcherUpdateKind
namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions {
  public sealed class InteractionTracker : CompositionObject {
    int TryUpdatePosition(Vector3 value, InteractionTrackerClampingOption option, InteractionTrackerPositionUpdateOption posUpdateOption);
  public enum InteractionTrackerPositionUpdateOption
namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Particles {
  public sealed class ParticleAttractor : CompositionObject
  public sealed class ParticleAttractorCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable<ParticleAttractor>, IVector<ParticleAttractor>
  public class ParticleBaseBehavior : CompositionObject
  public sealed class ParticleBehaviors : CompositionObject
  public sealed class ParticleColorBehavior : ParticleBaseBehavior
  public struct ParticleColorBinding
  public sealed class ParticleColorBindingCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<float, ParticleColorBinding>>, IMap<float, ParticleColorBinding>
  public enum ParticleEmitFrom
  public sealed class ParticleEmitterVisual : ContainerVisual
  public sealed class ParticleGenerator : CompositionObject
  public enum ParticleInputSource
  public enum ParticleReferenceFrame
  public sealed class ParticleScalarBehavior : ParticleBaseBehavior
  public struct ParticleScalarBinding
  public sealed class ParticleScalarBindingCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<float, ParticleScalarBinding>>, IMap<float, ParticleScalarBinding>
  public enum ParticleSortMode
  public sealed class ParticleVector2Behavior : ParticleBaseBehavior
  public struct ParticleVector2Binding
  public sealed class ParticleVector2BindingCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<float, ParticleVector2Binding>>, IMap<float, ParticleVector2Binding>
  public sealed class ParticleVector3Behavior : ParticleBaseBehavior
  public struct ParticleVector3Binding
  public sealed class ParticleVector3BindingCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<float, ParticleVector3Binding>>, IMap<float, ParticleVector3Binding>
  public sealed class ParticleVector4Behavior : ParticleBaseBehavior
  public struct ParticleVector4Binding
  public sealed class ParticleVector4BindingCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<float, ParticleVector4Binding>>, IMap<float, ParticleVector4Binding>
namespace Windows.UI.Input {
  public sealed class CrossSlidingEventArgs {
    uint ContactCount { get; }
  public sealed class DraggingEventArgs {
    uint ContactCount { get; }
  public sealed class GestureRecognizer {
    uint HoldMaxContactCount { get; set; }
    uint HoldMinContactCount { get; set; }
    float HoldRadius { get; set; }
    TimeSpan HoldStartDelay { get; set; }
    uint TapMaxContactCount { get; set; }
    uint TapMinContactCount { get; set; }
    uint TranslationMaxContactCount { get; set; }
    uint TranslationMinContactCount { get; set; }
  public sealed class HoldingEventArgs {
    uint ContactCount { get; }
    uint CurrentContactCount { get; }
  public sealed class ManipulationCompletedEventArgs {
    uint ContactCount { get; }
    uint CurrentContactCount { get; }
  public sealed class ManipulationInertiaStartingEventArgs {
    uint ContactCount { get; }
  public sealed class ManipulationStartedEventArgs {
    uint ContactCount { get; }
  public sealed class ManipulationUpdatedEventArgs {
    uint ContactCount { get; }
    uint CurrentContactCount { get; }
  public sealed class RightTappedEventArgs {
    uint ContactCount { get; }
  public sealed class SystemButtonEventController : AttachableInputObject
  public sealed class SystemFunctionButtonEventArgs
  public sealed class SystemFunctionLockChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class SystemFunctionLockIndicatorChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class TappedEventArgs {
    uint ContactCount { get; }
namespace Windows.UI.Input.Inking {
  public sealed class InkModelerAttributes {
    bool UseVelocityBasedPressure { get; set; }
namespace Windows.UI.Text.Core {
  public sealed class CoreTextServicesManager {
    public static TextCompositionKind TextCompositionKind { get; }
  public enum TextCompositionKind
namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement {
  public sealed class ApplicationView {
    ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior { get; set; }
  public enum ApplicationViewMode {
    Spanning = 2,
  public enum ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior
  public sealed class UISettings {
    event TypedEventHandler<UISettings, UISettingsAnimationsEnabledChangedEventArgs> AnimationsEnabledChanged;
    event TypedEventHandler<UISettings, UISettingsMessageDurationChangedEventArgs> MessageDurationChanged;
  public sealed class UISettingsAnimationsEnabledChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class UISettingsMessageDurationChangedEventArgs
namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement.Core {
  public sealed class CoreInputView {
    event TypedEventHandler<CoreInputView, CoreInputViewHidingEventArgs> PrimaryViewHiding;
    event TypedEventHandler<CoreInputView, CoreInputViewShowingEventArgs> PrimaryViewShowing;
  public sealed class CoreInputViewHidingEventArgs
  public enum CoreInputViewKind {
    Symbols = 4,
  public sealed class CoreInputViewShowingEventArgs
  public sealed class UISettingsController
namespace Windows.UI.WindowManagement {
  public sealed class AppWindow {
    void SetPreferredTopMost();
    void SetRelativeZOrderBeneath(AppWindow appWindow);
  public sealed class AppWindowChangedEventArgs {
    bool DidOffsetChange { get; }
  public enum AppWindowPresentationKind {
    Snapped = 5,
    Spanning = 4,
  public sealed class SnappedPresentationConfiguration : AppWindowPresentationConfiguration
  public sealed class SpanningPresentationConfiguration : AppWindowPresentationConfiguration
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls {
  public class HandwritingView : Control {
    UIElement HostUIElement { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty HostUIElementProperty { get; }
    CoreInputDeviceTypes InputDeviceTypes { get; set; }
    bool IsSwitchToKeyboardButtonVisible { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsSwitchToKeyboardButtonVisibleProperty { get; }
    double MinimumColorDifference { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty MinimumColorDifferenceProperty { get; }
    bool PreventAutomaticDismissal { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty PreventAutomaticDismissalProperty { get; }
    bool ShouldInjectEnterKey { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ShouldInjectEnterKeyProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<HandwritingView, HandwritingViewCandidatesChangedEventArgs> CandidatesChanged;
    event TypedEventHandler<HandwritingView, HandwritingViewContentSizeChangingEventArgs> ContentSizeChanging;
    void SelectCandidate(uint index);
    void SetTrayDisplayMode(HandwritingViewTrayDisplayMode displayMode);
  public sealed class HandwritingViewCandidatesChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class HandwritingViewContentSizeChangingEventArgs
  public enum HandwritingViewTrayDisplayMode
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Core.Direct {
  public enum XamlEventIndex {
    HandwritingView_ContentSizeChanging = 321,
  public enum XamlPropertyIndex {
    HandwritingView_HostUIElement = 2395,
    HandwritingView_IsSwitchToKeyboardButtonVisible = 2393,
    HandwritingView_MinimumColorDifference = 2396,
    HandwritingView_PreventAutomaticDismissal = 2397,
    HandwritingView_ShouldInjectEnterKey = 2398,

The post Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18945 available now! appeared first on Windows Blog.

Source: Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 18945 available now!

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