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Announcing a Unified Ansible Role for NGINX and NGINX Plus

Announcing a Unified Ansible Role for NGINX and NGINX Plus

NGINX, Inc. has been hard at work following the release of the original Ansible roles for the open source NGINX software and NGINX Plus. We are now releasing a new, unified NGINX Ansible role.

This new Ansible role replaces the previous separate Ansible roles, which are no longer supported. We will continue to develop the new Ansible role to support customer use cases as they change.

The new Ansible role can install either open source NGINX or NGINX Plus and has additional features, including:

The new NGINX Ansible role is hosted at Ansible Galaxy, a free site for sharing, finding, and downloading roles. Downloading Ansible roles from Ansible Galaxy is a great way to jump‑start your automation projects.

Installing the new NGINX Ansible role from Ansible Galaxy is very simple. To install the NGINX role, run:

$ ansible-galaxy install nginxinc.nginx

You can then deploy NGINX or NGINX Plus on a local machine with a simple Ansible playbook:

- hosts: localhost
remote_user: root
- ansible-role-nginx

You can also configure Ansible to deploy to a cloud provider using a dynamic inventory. For sample instructions for an AWS EC2 inventory, see the AWS blog.

For example, the following playbook deploys NGINX to a dynamic inventory containing the user_ubuntu tag:

- hosts: tag_user_ubuntu
become: true
remote_user: ubuntu
- ansible-role-nginx

Deploying NGINX Plus within a cloud provider additionally requires you to define the location of the certificate and key for your NGINX Plus subscription. The recommended pathway for the license is the files subfolder within the NGINX Ansible role. To use a different location, specify it using Ansible variables.

- hosts: tag_user_ubuntu
become: true
remote_user: ubuntu
- ansible-role-nginx
type: plus
certificate: /path/to/certificate
key: /path/to/key

For more details, including the list of variables you can specify, visit the GitHub repository for the NGINX Ansible role.

The post Announcing a Unified Ansible Role for NGINX and NGINX Plus appeared first on NGINX.

Source: Announcing a Unified Ansible Role for NGINX and NGINX Plus

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