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Announcing General Availability of NGINX Amplify

Announcing General Availability of NGINX Amplify

Have you been using NGINX, but still don’t have real insights into its performance? Ever wonder whether a configuration snippet copied from somewhere is a valid one? Did you ever have issues with SSL configuration in NGINX? Do you want to make NGINX run even better? Or maybe you’ve just been looking around for the simplest and quickest way to set up cloud monitoring for your LEMP stack? (Where the “E” in “LEMP” stems from “eNGINe‑X” ?)

A little over a year ago, we announced the public beta of NGINX Amplify – our own specialized, free monitoring tool for NGINX and NGINX Plus.

Today, we’re super excited to be removing the beta status for Amplify – it’s now generally available (GA) for NGINX and NGINX Plus users. Amplify is production‑ready, supported, and has a free‑tier monitoring plan. Existing beta users – anyone who signed up prior to today – will have no interruption, and all data will be preserved. Existing features in the free‑tier plan will continue to be provided at no charge. New users will have up to five free hosts to monitor with Amplify.

It’s 2017, and there are plenty of monitoring options out there, ranging from general‑purpose APM product suites to the most esoteric infrastructure monitoring tools. Some of these solutions are free, open source, and do‑it‑yourself. Some are paid, and a lot of them are heavyweight – and some are expensive. Surprisingly, setting up monitoring for a Linux server running NGINX and PHP‑FPM can still be a tedious task, especially for someone who’s just starting with web development and NGINX.

NGINX gained its popularity by being a lightweight and versatile solution for accelerating and securing modern web stacks. A similarly lightweight and versatile monitoring tool for NGINX seemed to be a good idea, and that’s why we’ve created Amplify.

In fact, Amplify has started with the user community for the open source NGINX software as the focus. We’re committed to making our open source products useful and powerful at all levels. Our experience with Amplify so far has demonstrated great success in adding to the power of NGINX.

Analyze and take control of your apps with NGINX Amplify

Amplify is all about “NGINX monitoring made easy” and monitoring NGINX everywhere, whether your deployment is on-prem or in the cloud. Amplify is also an unprecedentedly low‑barrier approach to NGINX monitoring. Start with three simple steps, and in under ten minutes you get all the key NGINX graphs, more than 100 NGINX metrics, plus automated configuration file analysis and recommendations. And it’s all based on many years of first‑hand experience, coming directly from the NGINX core and support teams.

Amplify is a tool made by NGINX for NGINX users that provides near‑real‑time monitoring. It collects hundreds of metrics from NGINX or NGINX Plus, log files, and the operating system, and provides a highly customizable interface to visualize them. The metrics can be aggregated over a cluster of NGINX instances for a high‑level overview, or fine‑tuned to track the performance of individual services, APIs, or applications.

Feature‑wise, here’s what Amplify is today:

During the beta phase, we had thousands of users sign up for Amplify. We’ve been collecting close to a billion updates per day, and we’re extremely grateful to everyone who has tried it out and provided feedback. A lot of what we’ve added or changed in the past 12 months has been based on user feedback.

Here’s some of what Amplify users have said:

In the future, we’ll be adding even more to Amplify. A few ideas we’ve been working on recently include more plugins for monitoring, extensions to the static analyzer, improved alerting algorithms, availability testing, and more. If you have any ideas, feel free to share them with us!

Amplify is available for all major Linux distributions, with experimental support for other OSs. For more detailed information on supported operating systems, please refer to the Amplify documentation.

Signing up for Amplify is easy – just visit, provide a few basic details about yourself, and hit the Create button.

For more information on Amplify, please refer to the official documentation and GitHub repo.

The post Announcing General Availability of NGINX Amplify appeared first on NGINX.

Source: Announcing General Availability of NGINX Amplify

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