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Announcing NGINX Plus R13

Announcing NGINX Plus R13

We’re pleased to announce that NGINX Plus Release 13 (R13) is now available as a free upgrade to all NGINX Plus subscribers. NGINX Plus is a combined web server, load balancer, and content cache built on top of the open source NGINX software. NGINX Plus R13 includes new features focused on dynamic deployments, enhanced debugging capabilities, and improved security and performance.

A new API enables users to more easily perform common configuration tasks, such as dynamically changing upstream configuration to support the release of new application versions. The same API can also be used to pull the 40-plus exclusive metrics available in NGINX Plus. NGINX Plus R13 also introduces a new key-value store that can be managed by the API. This new API enables NGINX Plus to integrate seamlessly with external systems that drive upstream configurations and key-value stores.

NGINX Plus R13 also supports:

Further enhancements include improvements to the cookie learn method for session persistence, HTTP trailers support, and a new dynamic module: HTTP substitutions filter.

Changes in Behavior

  • Deprecated modules  – The previous on-the-fly reconfiguration and extended status APIs are now deprecated. The deprecated APIs will continue to be shipped with NGINX Plus for a minimum of 6 months, alongside the new NGINX Plus API. After this period, the old APIs will be removed in a subsequent release of NGINX Plus.
  • Removed directive  – The sticky_cookie_insert directive has been removed in NGINX Plus R13, having been deprecated with NGINX Plus R2.
  • Third-party dynamic modules  – Dynamic modules installed from the NGINX repository will be automatically upgraded. Any third-party modules  – that is, modules not included in the official NGINX repo  – must be recompiled against open source NGINX version 1.13.4 to continue working with NGINX Plus R13. Please refer to the NGINX Plus Admin Guide for more information.
  • ModSecurity module directive  – The SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit directive for ModSecurity is no longer supported. Customers may safely remove this directive, because the ModSecurity module will obey the request body handling defined by the NGINX configuration.
  • Removed support for end-of-life OS versions  – NGINX Plus is no longer supported on CentOS 5, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5, Oracle Linux 5, Ubuntu 12.04, or Ubuntu 16.10.
  • NGINX R13 Features in Detail

    NGINX Plus API

    NGINX Plus R13 includes a new API that is unified under one single endpoint. Previous versions of NGINX Plus included separate upstream_conf and extended status APIs. The new API combines the functionality of both, and also includes a new Key-Value Store module which brings a variety of use cases for on-the-fly reconfiguration (discussed in the next section).

    To enable the NGINX Plus API, use the new api directive within a location block:

    server {
    listen 80;

    location /api {
    api write=on;

    By default, the NGINX Plus API provides read-only access to data. The write-on parameter enables read/write access so that changes can be made to upstream servers and the new Key-Value Store module. Access to the API should be restricted to authorized users, especially when enabled in read/write mode.

    You can then see all the options available from the API endpoint by entering:

    $ curl http://localhost:80/api/1/

    From there, the API can be explored by appending the corresponding item to the request URI:

    Extended Status Monitoring

    NGINX Plus has more than 40 exclusive metrics on top of what’s available in the open source NGINX. You can now access these metrics using the NGINX Plus API. Use the API to access the metrics important to you.

    Append connections to the request URI endpoint to output a snapshot of your connection status which includes the number of accepted, active, dropped, and idle client connections.

    $ curl http://localhost:80/api/1/connections

    Append ssl to the request URI endpoint to output a snapshot of SSL client statistics in real time.

    $ curl http://localhost:80/api/1/ssl

    You can also append http/server_zones to get information on virtual servers and http/upstreams to get information on upstream groups.

    On-the-Fly Reconfiguration for Upstreams

    With the upstream_conf module in NGINX Plus R12 and earlier, you could dynamically reconfigure existing upstream server groups on the fly without reloading NGINX Plus. This functionality has now been incorporated into the NGINX Plus API.

    Consider NGINX Plus running the following configuration:

    upstream backends {
    zone backends 64k;

    server {
    listen 80;

    location /api {
    api write=on;

    There are two servers inside the backend upstream server group. With the NGINX Plus API, we can add a server to this existing upstream server group (backend) with a standard POST request using JSON text to “/api/1/http/upstreams/{upstream_server_group_name}/servers”.

    $ curl -id '{"server":"",}' http://localhost/api/1/http/upstreams/backend/servers
    HTTP/1.1 201 Created

    Now we have reconfigured the backend upstream group, adding a server with IP address listening on port 80.

    See the documentation on the ngx_http_api_module for all information on HTTP upstream configuration options.

    Key-Value Store

    NGINX Plus R13 introduces a new Key-Value Store module. Key-value pairs can be created, modified, and removed using the NGINX Plus API to manage one or more “keyval” shared memory zones on the fly. The value of each key-value pair can then be evaluated as a variable for use by other NGINX features.

    Use the POST, PATCH, GET, and DELETE HTTP methods to write, modify, read, and delete, respectively, key-value entries in the key-value store. The key-value store provides a wealth of on-the-fly configuration solutions to enable real-time integration with external systems.

    Some example use cases include:

    The following configuration snippet uses the Key-Value Store module to manage Vanity URLs of a website.

    keyval_zone zone=redirects:1M state=state/redirects.json; # Save keyvals to file
    keyval $uri $target zone=redirects; # URI is the key, $target is the value

    server {
    listen 80;

    location /api {
    api write=on; # Enable the NGINX Plus API (secure this in production)

    if ($target) { # True when $uri exists in the redirects keyval zone
    return 301 $target; # Redirect client to the matching value for the $uri

    proxy_pass http://backend;

    The key is set to the URI from the remote machine issuing the HTTP request. If $request_uri is a key in the key-value store, the value associated with the key will be assigned to $target. If $target exists, then NGINX will redirect the client to the matching value of $uri.

    To populate the key-value store with an initial vanity URL, we send the data as a JSON body to the NGINX Plus API as a POST request.

    curl -id '{"/conf":"/conf2017"}' http://localhost/api/1/http/keyvals/redirects
    HTTP/1.1 201 Created

    Now clients that request /conf will be redirected to /conf2017.

    To see the in action, we issue a curl request to a simple app that returns the URI being requested.

    $ curl -i http://localhost/conf
    HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Temporarily
    Location: http://localhost/conf2017

    More vanity URL redirects can be added to the key-value store, and existing entries can be modified on the fly.

    $ curl -iX PATCH -d '{"/conf":"/conf2018"}' http://localhost/api/1/http/keyvals/redirects
    HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

    You can have multiple key-value stores defined by separate shared memory zones. See the ngx_http_keyval_module documentation for more information.

    Swagger Documentation

    The new NGINX Plus API is provided with a Swagger specification that can be used to explore the API and understand the capabilities of each resource. The Swagger documentation is bundled with NGINX Plus and can be accessed by visiting http://nginxhost/swagger-ui/

    The interactive part of the Swagger UI requires the NGINX Plus API to be enabled, which can be achieved by uncommenting the /api/ location block in the conf.d/default.conf file.

    # enable /api/ location with appropriate access control in order
    # to make use of NGINX Plus API
    #location /api/ {
    # api write=on;
    # allow;
    # deny all;

    You can also explore the NGINX Plus API documentation at

    Note: The entire NGINX Plus API, including the extended status metrics, upstream configuration, and the new Key-Value Store module, is exclusive to NGINX Plus.

    Request Mirroring

    With NGINX Plus R13, you can enable HTTP request mirroring. This feature allows you to clone HTTP requests that are proxied to an upstream group and send the cloned requests to a different destination. The original request is processed as usual, but any responses from the cloned request are ignored. There are many use cases for request mirroring, including:

    Enabling request mirroring has negligible impact on overall system throughput and performance. The following configuration snippet shows how the new mirror directive can be used to clone a request and pass it to a separate upstream server.

    location / {
    mirror /mirror;
    proxy_pass http://backend;

    location /mirror {
    proxy_pass http://test_backend$request_uri;

    The original requests are proxied to the backend upstream group. Original requests are also cloned and proxied to a separate upstream group named test_backed, with the same URI as the original request.

    Note: Request mirroring was initially released in open source NGINX 1.13.4.

    nginScript Enhancements

    Following general availability status with NGINX Plus R12, nginScript continues to be extended with core JavaScript language support. With this release, we include support for hexadecimal numbers (such as 0x7b) and scientific notations (such as 512e10). Primitive methods for the Object class have also been implemented.

    nginScript now also benefits from an interactive shell to assist with the development of nginScript code.

    The following shell snippet shows entry into the nginScript interactive shell and an expression to produce a random date up to 30 seconds in the future.

    $ njs
    interactive njscript
    >> + Math.round(Math.random()*30*1000);
    >> 0x7b + 512e10;

    Visit the intro to nginScript blog to learn more about njs.

    Note: nginScript is available for both open source NGINX and NGINX Plus.

    Build Tool for Dynamic Modules

    NGINX 1.11.5 and NGINX Plus R11 introduced support for compiling dynamic modules independently of NGINX itself. This allows users of NGINX and NGINX Plus to use the official builds from NGINX repositories and load in the dynamic modules they need.

    With NGINX Plus R13, we provide a build tool that allows dynamic modules to be compiled and packaged as an installable module that preserves and honors the dependency between it and the base NGINX version that it is linked to.

    You can read about the build tool and how to package dynamic modules for production in this blog post.

    Note: The build tool is available for both open source NGINX and NGINX Plus.

    Sticky Learn After Headers

    Session persistence is a very useful load balancing feature of NGINX Plus that lets you stick a client to a particular server. There are multiple ways to do session persistence: with sticky learn, NGINX Plus will look for the presence of a specific cookie and pin the client to the same server whenever that cookie is present.

    With NGINX Plus R13 you can now establish a sticky session as soon as the upstream has sent its headers, and before the response payload, using the header directive. This allows NGINX Plus to send the sticky session to the client at the earliest opportunity.

    upstream backends {
    zone backends 64k;

    sticky learn create=$upstream_cookie_sessionid

    The header parameter is useful if the upstream server is prone to errors and you want the client to resend the request to the same upstream server.

    Note: Sticky learn session persistence is exclusive to NGINX Plus.

    Additional Features:

    Upgrade or Try NGINX Plus

    If you’re running NGINX Plus, we strongly encourage you to upgrade to Release 13 as soon as possible. You’ll pick up a number of fixes and improvements, and it will help us to help you if you need to raise a support ticket. Installation and upgrade instructions can be found at the customer portal.

    Please refer to the changes in behavior described above before proceeding with the upgrade.

    If you’ve not tried NGINX Plus, we encourage you to try it out for web acceleration, load balancing, and application delivery, or as a fully supported web server with enhanced monitoring and management APIs. You can get started for free today with a 30‑day evaluation and see for yourself how NGINX Plus can help you deliver and scale out your applications.


    HTTP trailers; NGINX Plus R13 includes the add_trailer directive which allows arbitrary trailers to be added to the end of HTTP responses.

    The post Announcing NGINX Plus R13 appeared first on NGINX.

    Source: Announcing NGINX Plus R13

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