AWS 주간 소식 모음 – 2019년 8월 19일
안녕하세요! 여러분~ 매주 월요일 마다 지난 주에 업데이트된 국내 AWS관련 콘텐츠를 정리해 드립니다. AWS 클라우드에 대한 새로운 소식을 확인하시는데 많은 도움 되시길 바랍니다. 혹시 빠지거나 추가할 내용이 있으시면, 저에게 메일 주시면 추가 공유해 드리겠습니다.
AWS 추천 콘텐츠
- Amathon 2018에 참여하셔요! (2019-08-14)
- 학생들을 위한 300$ AWS Educate Credit 받는 법 (2019-08-13)
AWS 신규 기능(영문)
- AWS RoboMaker now supports configurable timeout in over-the-air (OTA) deployment (2019-08-17)
- AWS RoboMaker now supports log-based simulation, event driven simulation termination, and simulation event tagging (2019-08-17)
- AWS App Mesh now supports routing based on HTTP headers and specifying route priorities (2019-08-17)
- AWS Site-to-Site VPN now Supports Certificate Authentication (2019-08-16)
- Amazon Athena now supports querying data from Amazon S3 Requester Pays Buckets (2019-08-17)
- AWS Support API Now Available in AWS GovCloud (US) (2019-08-17)
- Amazon EC2 now supports Diagnostic Interrupts (2019-08-16)
- Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Changes License for its Producer Library to Apache License 2.0 (2019-08-16)
- AWS Elemental MediaTailor Server-Side Ad Insertion is Now Available in Europe (Frankfurt) Region (2019-08-16)
- Amazon RDS now supports Oracle Database 18c (2019-08-16)
- AWS Transfer for SFTP is now available in the Europe (Stockholm) and South America (Sao Paulo) Regions (2019-08-16)
- Amazon FSx for Lustre is Now Available in the AWS Europe (Stockholm) Region (2019-08-16)
- Amazon SageMaker is Now Available in 4 Additional AWS Regions in the Americas, Europe, and Asia Pacific (2019-08-16)
- Amazon FSx for Windows File Server is Now Available in the AWS Europe (Stockholm) Region (2019-08-16)
- Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose is Now Available in the Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) AWS Region (2019-08-16)
- AWS Storage Gateway is now available in Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) (2019-08-15)
- AWS CodeBuild adds Support for Amazon Linux 2 (2019-08-15)
- Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is Now Available in Asia Pacific (Mumbai), EU (Paris), and EU (Stockholm) AWS Regions (2019-08-15)
- Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth extends automated data labeling support to the semantic segmentation labeling workflow, and expands availability to six additional AWS Regions (2019-08-15)
- AWS IoT Core and AWS IoT Device Management Reduce Prices in Asia Pacific regions (2019-08-15)
- Amazon Neptune is Now Available in the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region (2019-08-15)
- PostgreSQL 11 and New PostgreSQL Minor Versions 11.4, 10.9, 9.6.14, 9.5.18, and 9.4.23 now Supported in Amazon RDS for AWS GovCloud (US) Regions (2019-08-15)
- AWS IoT Core and AWS IoT Device Management Now Available in the AWS China (Ningxia) Region operated by NWCD (2019-08-15)
- Alexa for Business customers can now manage how their data improves Amazon’s Services (2019-08-15)
- Introducing the new AWS Co-Branding Guide (2019-08-14)
AWS 제품별 블로그(영문)
- [개발도구] Setting up an Android application with AWS SDK for C++ (2019-08-13)
- [게임기술] Amazon Game Tech at the AWS Innovate Online Conference: Watch On-Demand Now (2019-08-13)
- [고객센터] Dynamically setting outbound numbers for contact centers with Amazon Connect (2019-08-13)
- [관리도구] Maximizing features and functionality in AWS CloudTrail (2019-08-16)
- [기계학습] Modernizing wound care with Spectral MD, powered by Amazon SageMaker (2019-08-16)
- [기계학습] Authenticate users with one-time passwords in Amazon Lex chatbots (2019-08-15)
- [기계학습] AWS DeepRacer League weekly challenges – compete in the AWS DeepRacer League virtual circuit to win cash prizes and a trip to re:Invent 2019! (2019-08-15)
- [네트워크] Authorization@Edge using cookies: Protect your Amazon CloudFront content from being downloaded by unauthenticated users (2019-08-16)
- [데스크톱] Building a multi-region disaster recovery environment for Amazon WorkSpaces (2019-08-14)
- [데이터베이스] Deploying Always On availability groups between Amazon EC2 Windows and Amazon Linux 2 instances (2019-08-17)
- [데이터베이스] Running AWS Lambda-based applications with Amazon DocumentDB (2019-08-17)
- [메시징] Creating custom Pinpoint dashboards using Amazon QuickSight, part 1 (2019-08-17)
- [미디어] Pac-12: Campus Cloud Touchdown (2019-08-16)
- [미디어] WIND Hellas: “The New Way of Watching TV” (2019-08-15)
- [미디어] Updates for Media2Cloud: Increased control, SageMaker Ground Truth integration, and more partner support (2019-08-14)
- [빅데이터] Discover metadata with AWS Lake Formation: Part 2 (2019-08-17)
- [빅데이터] Discovering metadata with AWS Lake Formation: Part 1 (2019-08-16)
- [빅데이터] Getting started with AWS Lake Formation (2019-08-13)
- [스타트업] Scale or Fail: How to Build Processes and Mechanisms the Amazon Way (2019-08-17)
- [스타트업] Hospitality, Innovation, and Alexa: A Chat with Volara’s David Berger (2019-08-16)
- [스타트업] How to Make Your First Technical Hire (If You’re A Non-Technical CEO) (2019-08-15)
- [스타트업] How OAG Analytics Leverages AI and Machine Learning to Optimize the Profitability of Oil and Gas Wells (2019-08-13)
- [아키텍처] Things to Consider When You Build REST APIs with Amazon API Gateway (2019-08-14)
- [오픈소스] Add Single Sign-On (SSO) to Open Distro for Elasticsearch Kibana Using SAML and Okta (2019-08-17)
- [오픈소스] Demystifying Elasticsearch Shard Allocation (2019-08-14)
- [컴퓨팅] Introducing the capacity-optimized allocation strategy for Amazon EC2 Spot Instances (2019-08-13)
- [컴퓨팅] ICYMI: Serverless Q2 2019 (2019-08-13)
- [파트너] Achieving APN Tier Compliance by Meeting the Requirement for Public References (2019-08-15)
- [파트너] AWS re/Start Creates New Career Paths in Cloud Computing for Non-Traditional Job Candidates (2019-08-14)
- [파트너] Best Practices for Managing Your APN Partner Solutions Finder Listing to Connect with Customers (2019-08-14)
- [파트너] New APN Navigate Tracks Help Partners Build Successful Cloud-Based Businesses (2019-08-14)
- [파트너] Know Before You Go: VMware Cloud on AWS at VMworld 2019 (2019-08-14)
- [파트너] New AWS Co-Branding Guide Provides Best Practices for Joint Marketing with AWS (2019-08-14)
- AWSKRUG 구로디지털 #gudi 소모임 – 29회차 (8월 20일)
- AWSKRUG 컨테이너 소모임
– 8월 21일(수) - AWSKRUG 보안 #security 소모임 – 2회차 (8월 27일)
- AWSKRUG #architecture 소모임 – 25번째 모임 (8월 29일)
- AWSKRUG CLI모임 (9월 3일)
- AWSKRUG 데이터사이언스모임 (9월 5일)
- AWSKRUG 데이터베이스모임 (9월 24일)
AWS 주요 파트너사 블로그
- [메가존] Amazon Polly를 사용하여 개발된 Volley와 음성으로 플레이 해보세요. (2019-08-19)
- [메가존] AWS Glue와 Amazon Athena을 사용한 데이터 추출 및 분석 방법 (2019-08-16)
- [메가존] Amazon Aurora Serverlss – PostgreSQL 호환 기능 정식 출시 (2019-08-14)
- [메가존] AWS Budgets Reports의 신규 서비스.. 정기 보고서 이메일 공유 (2019-08-13)
AWS 코리아의 주요 이벤트 일정과 지난 행사 모음은 3개월 일정 안내에서 확인하실 수 있으며, AWS 공인 교육 일정은 슈퍼트랙, 멀티캠퍼스, 메가존클라우드 등을 통해 확인하시면 됩니다.
AWS 관련 새 소식을 확인하고 싶으시다면, 매주 업데이트 되는 AWS 주간 소식 모음을 살펴 보시기 바랍니다! 좀 더 빠르게 새소식을 접하시고 싶다면, 이메일 구독 신청을 하시거나, 트위터나 페이스북을 팔로우 하세요!
이번 한주도 즐겁게 보내시고, 다음주에 다시 만나요!.
– AWS코리아 마케팅팀;
Source: AWS 주간 소식 모음 – 2019년 8월 19일