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Deploying Application Services in Kubernetes, Part 2

Deploying Application Services in Kubernetes, Part 2

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In the previous blog in this series, we looked at the rising influence of DevOps in controlling how applications are deployed, managed, and delivered. Although this may appear to invite conflict with NetOps teams, enterprises instead need to recognize that each team has different responsibilities, goals, and modes of operation. Careful choices about where to locate application services such as load balancing and web application firewall (WAF), with duplication in some cases, is the key to specialization and operational efficiency.

There are two primary criteria to consider when determining where to locate an application service:

  1. Is the service you wish to deploy (a) specific to an application or line of business, or (b) general, for all applications?
  2. Is the service configuration owned by (a) DevOps or DevSecOps, or (b) NetOps or SecOps?

When you lean towards (a), it often makes sense to deploy the service close to the applications that require it, and to give control to the DevOps team which is responsible for the operation of those applications.

When you lean more towards (b), then it’s generally best to deploy the service at the front door of the infrastructure, managed by the NetOps team which is responsible for the successful operation of the entire platform.

In addition, you need to consider the technical fit in case compromises are necessary. Can the service be deployed and operated using the ecosystem tools that either DevOps or NetOps teams are comfortable with? Do the appropriate tools deliver the necessary functionality, configuration interfaces, and monitoring APIs?

Kubernetes Introduces Additional Choices

In a Kubernetes environment, there are several locations where you might deploy application services:

Let’s take web application firewall (WAF) as an example. WAF policies implement advanced security measures to inspect and block undesirable traffic, but these policies often need to be fine‑tuned for specific applications in order to minimize the number of false positives.

Deploying WAF at the Front Door

Consider deploying a WAF device and associated policies at the front door of the infrastructure when the following criteria are true:

Deploying WAF on the Ingress Controller

Consider deploying the WAF application service on your Ingress controller when the following criteria are true:

This approach still allows for a central SecOps team to define the WAF policies. They can define the policies in a manner that can be easily imported into Kubernetes, and the DevOps team responsible for the Ingress controller can then assign the WAF policies to specific applications.

As of NGINX Plus Ingress Controller release 1.8.0, the NGINX App Protect WAF module can be deployed directly on the Ingress Controller. All WAF configuration is managed using Ingress resources, configured through the Kubernetes API.

Deploying WAF on a Per‑Service Basis

You can also deploy WAF as a proxy tier within Kubernetes, in front of one or more specific services that require WAF protection. Clearly, this requires that the WAF has a software form factor that can be easily and efficiently deployed within a container.

Consider deploying WAF as a per‑service proxy when the following criteria are true:

For example, NGINX Plus with App Protect can be easily deployed in this manner. You can make the Deployment invisible to both the protected services and the clients that call them by taking these actions:

Deploying WAF on a Per‑Pod Basis

Finally, you may also deploy a WAF in a Pod, acting as an ingress proxy for the application running in the Pod. In this case, the WAF effectively becomes part of the application.

Consider deploying a WAF in this manner when the following criteria are true:

This approach is particularly suitable when you have a legacy application that requires a specific security policy and you wish to package that application into a container form factor to make it easier to deploy and scale.

A Note on Service Meshes

The per‑Pod proxy model is different from the sidecar proxy that has been popularized by service meshes such as Istio, Aspen Mesh, Linkerd, NGINX Mesh, and others:

  Per-Pod Proxy Sidecar Proxy
Injected into Pod At build time At deployment (auto‑injection)
Traffic Coverage Ingress only Ingress and egress
Configuration Owner App developer DevOps or mesh owner
Features Very capable Generally lightweight and simple
Deployment Added to the Pods that need it Deployed everywhere by the mesh infrastructure

The need to inspect and secure east‑west traffic using a WAF is typically low, and no current service mesh implementations enable you to easily configure a full WAF within selected sidecar proxies. The Ingress controller provides a strong security perimeter and is the most effective place to secure ingress traffic from untrusted, external clients (north‑south traffic).


With greater choice as to where to deploy an application service such as a WAF, you have more opportunities to maximize the operational efficiency of your Kubernetes platform.

  At Front Door Ingress Controller Per-Service Proxy Per-Pod Proxy
Availability NGINX App Protect or other WAF solutions NGINX Plus Ingress Controller 1.8.0 NGINX App Protect or similar software WAFs NGINX App Protect or similar software WAFs
Audience SecOps SecOps/DevSecOps DevSecOps App owner
Scope Global Per service/URI Per service Per endpoint
Cost/Efficiency Good/excellent (consolidation with other services, for example ADC) Excellent (consolidation with Ingress Controller) Good Low (dedicated WAF per Pod)
Configuration nginx.conf Kubernetes API nginx.conf nginx.conf

Try the NGINX Plus Ingress Controller for yourself during a free 30-day trial of NGINX Plus and NGINX App Protect, or contact us to discuss your use cases.

The post Deploying Application Services in Kubernetes, Part 2 appeared first on NGINX.

Source: Deploying Application Services in Kubernetes, Part 2

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