Maya(마야) 이남국의 FX 강좌 Fluid편 동영상 강좌 (2016 이상) – DVD 1장/이남국 지음/와일드큐브

2016-08-10 KENNETH 0

Maya(마야) 이남국의 FX 강좌 Fluid편 동영상 강좌 (2016 이상) – DVD 1장/이남국 지음/와일드큐브 Maya(마야) 이남국의 FX 강좌 Fluid편 동영상 강좌 (2016 이상) – DVD 1장 이남국 지음 / 와일드큐브 / 2016년 08월 / ISBN:9791195607877정가: 38,000원 / 판매가: 34,200원 / 마일리지: 1,900원이벤트: 원피스 굿즈 & 미니 북 틴케이스 증정! 큰 틀에서 기본적인 Fluid의 개념과 기능을 설명하고 설정 값 하나하나를 예시를 들면서 설명하고, Fluid의 기본적 기능을 이용한 예시로서 바닥에 깔린 안개와 캐릭터와의 상호 작용 씬을 제작하고 이러한 과정에서 Fluid의 여러 실무적 기능들을 학습한다. 또한 Fluid Effect의 Density와 Temperature, Fuel 모두를 사용하여 극 사실적 불을 만들고 그 특성에 맞는 Shader 를 설정 극 사실적 불을 만들어 내는 과정을 진행한다. 01 Fluid의 이해 02_Fluid_Container 03_Fluid_효과를 이용한 무거운 안개 제작 04_Fluid_무거운 안개 와 반응하는 씬 연출 05 Fluid Motion Field 06 폭파_nParticle Emitter 설치 07 폭파 Emitter 설정 08_Explosion_Fluid_ Container_기본 설정 09_폭파를 위한 Container의 구체적 [ more… ]

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nginx.conf 2016 Preview 2 – Customer and Partner Speakers

2016-08-10 KENNETH 0

nginx.conf 2016 Preview 2 – Customer and Partner Speakers nginx.conf 2016 is happening September 7–9, less than a month away. Sign up today via this link for a $400 discount plus another 25% off! The first two days – Wednesday, September 7 and Thursday, September 8 – are the regular conference, with sessions and exhibitor booths. We will also have two of the most popular attractions at every NGINX conference: an NGINX booth staffed by NGINX developers from our Moscow team and the infamous NGINX swag store. Friday, September 9 is our all‑NGINX optional training day with two tracks. NGINX Fundamentals in the morning, and NGINX Advanced Training in the afternoon, make up one track. The second track is a full day on microservices – which is filling up fast! NGINX continues to be a bedrock tool for all the most exciting things happening in application development, such as replacement [ more… ]

Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Adds New UWP Exporter

2016-08-10 KENNETH 0

Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Adds New UWP Exporter New developers – bring your app to various devices on Windows 10 with a simple mouse click. Clickteam has joined the Universal Windows Platform revolution with the release of its new UWP Exporter for Clickteam Fusion 2.5, a game and software creation tool used to write 2D games and apps across different platforms. With this integration, game and app makers can bring their creations to Windows 10 with a simple mouse click. For those unfamiliar with Clickteam Fusion 2.5, it allows anyone to create 2D games – no programming knowledge necessary. Once they’ve learned the basics (which takes about an hour), aspiring game makers can build side-scrollers, puzzle games, action games and more. Instead of requiring users learn a programming language, Clickteam Fusion 2.5 uses visual programming, allowing developers to drag and drop [ more… ]

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RHSA-2016:1586-1: Moderate: qemu-kvm-rhev security update

2016-08-10 KENNETH 0

RHSA-2016:1586-1: Moderate: qemu-kvm-rhev security update Red Hat Enterprise Linux: An update for qemu-kvm-rhev is now available for RHEV-H and Agents for RHEL-6. Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Moderate. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE link(s) in the References section. CVE-2016-5403 Source: RHSA-2016:1586-1: Moderate: qemu-kvm-rhev security update

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RHSA-2016:1585-1: Moderate: qemu-kvm security update

2016-08-10 KENNETH 0

RHSA-2016:1585-1: Moderate: qemu-kvm security update Red Hat Enterprise Linux: An update for qemu-kvm is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6. Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Moderate. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE link(s) in the References section. CVE-2016-5403 Source: RHSA-2016:1585-1: Moderate: qemu-kvm security update