Boss Update coming to Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition beta and Pocket Edition
Boss Update coming to Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition beta and Pocket Edition Today, on Xbox Wire I shared what’s coming in the next major update for Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition beta and Pocket Edition, it’s called the Boss Update. This fearsome update is packed with content that is sure to thrill every type of Minecraft player, with two big new boss battles, new blocks for building and even the first set of long-awaited slash commands for those who love to tinker with the game. Ocean Monuments will be discoverable, and you can enjoy adventuring in these new, rare locations with friends beneath the sea. Survival players, creatives and builders alike are in for a real treat with the Boss Update. Ocean Monuments will be discoverable, and you can enjoy adventuring in these new, rare locations with friends beneath the sea. [ more… ]