Creating Beautiful Effects for UWP The Composition APIs allow you to enhance the appeal of your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app with a wide range of beautiful and interesting visual effects. Because they are applied at a low level, these effects are highly efficient. They run at 60 frames per second, providing smooth visuals whether your app is running on an IoT device, a smartphone, or a high-end gaming PC. Many visual effects implemented through the Composition APIs, such as blur, use the CompositionEffectBrush class in order to apply effects. Additional examples of Composition effects include 2D affine transforms, arithmetic composites, blends, color source, composite, contrast, exposure, grayscale, gamma transfer, hue rotate, invert, saturate, sepia, temperature and tint. A few very special effects go beyond the core capabilities of the effect brush and use a slightly different programming model. In [ more… ]