Celebrate Star Wars Day today with deals in the Windows Store
Celebrate Star Wars Day today with deals in the Windows Store MOVIES* Are the original Star Wars films already in your collection? If not, get the Digital Six Film Collection, on sale now for $74.99 (that’s 17% off), and go from the beginning to the end as many times as you want. Or build your collection film by film, with first 6 films on sale for $13.99 each (30% off), from Star Wars: A New Hope to Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Don’t forget the latest Star Wars installments, also available to buy in the Windows Store – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Star Wars: The Force Awakens. MUSIC** A lot of what gets your heart pounding in a Star Wars film is the music, and we’ve brought together the hit soundtracks, too. Star Wars: The Force [ more… ]