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Windows 10 Creators Update is the best version of Windows 10 ever

2017-09-21 KENNETH 0

Windows 10 Creators Update is the best version of Windows 10 ever {$inline_image} What makes Windows 10 Creators Update the best version of Windows 10 ever? Quality. Our dedicated focus on customer obsession – listening and responding to user and partner feedback – are key to the quality improvements in Windows 10. The top areas we consistently hear about through our feedback channels are around power, performance, and reliability. These fundamentals are key elements that users look for in a device and value because they impact their everyday use, like longer battery life, faster web browsing, streaming videos longer and device stability. Knowing these elements are important to a great user experience, we’ve continued to invest in these key areas to deliver an even better user experience with the Creators Update. As a result, the Creators Update is the most [ more… ]

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The Better Together Update for Minecraft is here

2017-09-21 KENNETH 0

The Better Together Update for Minecraft is here Say goodbye to “Minecraft: Xbox One Edition” or “Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition” and hello to a universal “Minecraft!” This update introduces cross-platform play, essentially creating a version of Minecraft that’s consistent no matter what device you’re playing on. In the Better Together Update, we’ll also have three community server partners that will be accessible from within the game, bringing dozens of new minigames for people to play with millions of other players. Players on consoles will be able to access tons of player-made content on Marketplace for the first time – and anything unlocked from the Minecraft Store on one device will be available on all the other devices linked to that person’s Xbox LIVE account. Totally new items will also be hitting the Marketplace tomorrow, complete with community made adventure maps, [ more… ]

Dynamic IP Blacklisting with NGINX Plus and fail2ban

2017-09-20 KENNETH 0

Dynamic IP Blacklisting with NGINX Plus and fail2ban You may not realize it, but your website is under constant threat. If it’s running WordPress, there will be bots trying to spam you. If it has a login page, there will be password brute-force attacks. You may also consider search engine spiders as unwanted visitors. Defending your site from unwanted, suspicious, and malicious activity is no easy task. Web Application Firewalls, such as ModSecurity and Wallarm, are an effective tool and should be considered as part of your security stack. For most environments, there’s no such thing as too much security, and a multi-layered approach is invariably the most effective. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the use of fail2ban as another layer of the web security stack. Fail2ban is an intrusion detection system (IDS) which continually monitors log files for [ more… ]

[도서] 씽크 파이썬 Think Python

2017-09-20 KENNETH 0

[도서] 씽크 파이썬 Think Python 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]씽크 파이썬 Think Python 앨런 다우니 저조현태 역 | 길벗 | 2017년 10월 판매가 19,800원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,100원(5%지급) 이벤트 : 주목 IT 신간&예약판매 사은품 이벤트 프로그래밍 포기자를 위해 고안한 독특한 강의 교재! 문법 No! 프로그래밍 Yes! 대학에서 신입생에게 프로그래밍을 가르쳤지만, 문법 중심의 교재가 학생들을 좌절로 이끈다는 사실을 알게 되었다. 우수한 학점 Source: [도서] 씽크 파이썬 Think Python

[도서] 스마트스쿨 한글 Neo

2017-09-20 KENNETH 0

[도서] 스마트스쿨 한글 Neo 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]스마트스쿨 한글 Neo 렉스기획팀 저 | REXmedia(렉스미디어) | 2017년 10월 판매가 9,000원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 500원(5%지급) 한글Neo의 주요 기능을 따라하기로 자연스럽게 익힐 수 있으며, 응용력을 높일 수 있도록 ‘TIP’과 ‘알아두면 실력튼튼’을 마련하였습니다. 지루하지 않고 재미있게 혼자서 배운 내용을 풀어보며 복습할 수 있도록 ‘ Source: [도서] 스마트스쿨 한글 Neo