Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17025 for PC

2017-10-26 KENNETH 0

Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17025 for PC Hello Windows Insiders! Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17025 for PC to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring and for those who opted in to Skip Ahead. REMINDER: Going forward, we plan to release new builds for RS4 from the RS_PRERELEASE branch to Insiders in the Fast ring and those who opted in to Skip Ahead at the same time. What’s new in Build 17025 Revamped Ease of Access Settings: This build adds new Ease of Access settings to make your device easier to use and fit your needs. We also grouped related settings together which help you see, hear or interact with your computer to assist in discovering settings more quickly. Additionally, we heard your feedback and improved setting descriptions to help you more easily understand [ more… ]

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Windows Application Driver is no longer in Beta!

2017-10-26 KENNETH 0

Windows Application Driver is no longer in Beta! We’re excited to announce the release of Windows Application Driver (WinAppDriver) version 1.0. This 1.0 release is the first WinAppDriver release without the Beta label. This release is a big milestone for the project which was first introduced during Build 2016 and has been growing in adoption. What is WinAppDriver Today, it’s easier than ever to build software for multiple platforms and devices. Microsoft supports any developer working on any platform to build software for any device. We’re showing this support in many tooling investments including .Net, UWP with .Net Standard, Rome, VS Code, Xamarin and WSL. In alignment with this vision we need a test tooling strategy that is equally cross platform and cross device, and that is where WinAppDriver fits in. WinAppDriver is an open standards based tool for UI Test [ more… ]

sonar: Linting the web forward

2017-10-26 KENNETH 0

sonar: Linting the web forward In addition to building a great browser and dependable web platform for Windows, we’re passionate about empowering developers to build great websites. With that goal in mind, we launched modern.IE in 2013 featuring a static scan tool to detect optimizations for old versions of IE, outdated libraries, missing prefixes, and more. The web has moved on since then, and it’s time to update our tools accordingly! Introducing sonar Today, we are excited to announce the next evolution of the static scan tool: sonar, a new linting tool and site scanner for the modern web. sonar brings many improvements compared to previous scanners: execution of website code instead of static analysis, a more flexible and modernized set of rules, parallel test execution, integration with other services, a completely open source code base from day one, and [ more… ]

[도서] IT 트렌드 스페셜 리포트 2018

2017-10-26 KENNETH 0

[도서] IT 트렌드 스페셜 리포트 2018 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]IT 트렌드 스페셜 리포트 2018 김석기,김승열,정도희 공저 | 한빛미디어 | 2017년 11월 판매가 12,600원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 700원(5%지급) 이벤트 : 한빛미디어_한빛미디어 단독 브랜드전 이벤트 : 주목 IT 신간&예약판매 사은품 이벤트 인공지능 시대의 비즈니스 성패를 가르는 기로에 선 모두를 위한 메시지! IT 트렌드를 입체적으로 분석해 비즈니스 기회로 활용하라! 이 책은 ① AR?VR?MR, ② 스마트자동차, ③ 인공지능 비서(지능형 앱), ④ Source: [도서] IT 트렌드 스페셜 리포트 2018