Monitoring NGINX
Monitoring NGINX Setting up a monitoring tool for NGINX is an important part of maintaining website operations. Proper NGINX monitoring can reveal a lot of useful information about the underlying application performance. There are quite a few monitoring systems out there suitable for the task; the first step, however, is to enable metric collection in NGINX. Using the stub_status Module There’s a module for NGINX called ngx_http_stub_status_module (or simply stub_status) that exposes a few important metrics about NGINX activity. To check if your NGINX build has the stub_status module, use nginx -V: nginx -V 2>&1 | grep –color — –with-http_stub_status_module Our NGINX builds already include the stub_status module. Check this page for the available Linux packages. Otherwise, you have to rebuild nginx from source, adding the parameter –with-http_stub_status_module to the configure script. As the next step, enable the stub_status module [ more… ]