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Sea of Thieves now available worldwide on Windows 10 and Xbox One

2018-03-20 KENNETH 0

Sea of Thieves now available worldwide on Windows 10 and Xbox One The week of launch is basically one long celebration of Sea of Thieves, with an array of cool activities across the world. We have our launch events across all Microsoft Store locations in the U.S., with special events at the flagship Microsoft Store in New York and Sydney. The Quest for the Golden Bananas offers crafty crews riddles to solve for a chance to win four 18-carat gold bananas, while which The Voyage live stream in the UK presents an opportunity for the community to engage with their favorite content creators. The game is available to buy now for $59.99/£49.99/€69.99, and you have the ability to purchase it for your personal library or become a member of Xbox Game Pass and play for $9.99 a month. As a [ more… ]

[도서] 디지털콘텐츠 스토리텔링

2018-03-20 KENNETH 0

[도서] 디지털콘텐츠 스토리텔링 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]디지털콘텐츠 스토리텔링 이재홍 저 | 홍릉과학출판사 | 2018년 03월 판매가 23,000원 (0%할인) | YES포인트 0원(0%지급) Source: [도서] 디지털콘텐츠 스토리텔링