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Update on Gutenberg

2018-07-07 KENNETH 0

Update on Gutenberg Progress on the Gutenberg project, the new content creating experience coming to WordPress, has come a long way. Since the start of the project, there have been 30 releases and 12 of those happened after WordCamp US 2017. In total since then, there have been 1,764 issues opened and 1,115 closed as of WordCamp Europe. As the work on phase one moves into its final stretch, here is what you can expect. In Progress Freeze new features in Gutenberg (the feature list can be found here). Hosts, agencies, teachers invited to opt-in sites they have influence over. has opt-in for wp-admin users. The number of sites and posts will be tracked. Mobile app support for Gutenberg will be across iOS and Android. July 4.9.x release with an invitation to install either Gutenberg or Classic Editor plugin. [ more… ]

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MySQL 8.0: Support for BLOBs in TempTable engine

2018-07-06 KENNETH 0

MySQL 8.0: Support for BLOBs in TempTable engine In some cases, the server creates internal temporary tables while processing statements. These tables could be stored in memory or on disk – the first option is preferred but there exist some limitations. One of such restrictions was presence of TEXT or BLOB columns in the table; as in-memory storage engines (MEMORY and TempTable) did not supported these types server had to use the on-disk engine (InnoDB or MyISAM).… Source: MySQL 8.0: Support for BLOBs in TempTable engine

[도서] 정보보안 콘테스트를 위한 CTF 문제집

2018-07-06 KENNETH 0

[도서] 정보보안 콘테스트를 위한 CTF 문제집 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]정보보안 콘테스트를 위한 CTF 문제집 시미즈 유타로,타케사코 요시노리,니이보 하야토,하세가와 치히로,히로타 카즈키,호요우 타카아키,미노우 케이스케 | 위키북스 | 2018년 07월 판매가 22,500원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,250원(5%지급) 이벤트 : 주목 IT 신간&예약판매 사은품 이벤트 『CTF 정보보안 콘테스트 챌린지북』의 속편으로서 좀 더 깊고 전문적인 내용을 체감하고 학습할 수 있도록 구성했다. 각 장르(바이너리 해석, Pwn, 네트워크, 웹)의 지식을 사용하는 문제가 수록돼 있고, 이에 대한 Source: [도서] 정보보안 콘테스트를 위한 CTF 문제집

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WordPress 4.9.7 Security and Maintenance Release

2018-07-06 KENNETH 0

WordPress 4.9.7 Security and Maintenance Release WordPress 4.9.7 is now available. This is a security and maintenance release for all versions since WordPress 3.7. We strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately. WordPress versions 4.9.6 and earlier are affected by a media issue that could potentially allow a user with certain capabilities to attempt to delete files outside the uploads directory. Thank you to Slavco for reporting the original issue and Matt Barry for reporting related issues. Seventeen other bugs were fixed in WordPress 4.9.7. Particularly of note were: Taxonomy: Improve cache handling for term queries. Posts, Post Types: Clear post password cookie when logging out. Widgets: Allow basic HTML tags in sidebar descriptions on Widgets admin screen. Community Events Dashboard: Always show the nearest WordCamp if one is coming up, even if there are multiple Meetups happening first. [ more… ]

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Audit Log’s JSON format logging

2018-07-05 KENNETH 0

Audit Log’s JSON format logging Blood, sweat, tears and the JSON format logging is finally supported by the Audit Log plugin. This comes in pair with the feature that allows to read log events, which could be useful for rapid analysis of the audit log trail without the need of accessing the files directly.… Source: Audit Log’s JSON format logging