Update on Gutenberg
Update on Gutenberg Progress on the Gutenberg project, the new content creating experience coming to WordPress, has come a long way. Since the start of the project, there have been 30 releases and 12 of those happened after WordCamp US 2017. In total since then, there have been 1,764 issues opened and 1,115 closed as of WordCamp Europe. As the work on phase one moves into its final stretch, here is what you can expect. In Progress Freeze new features in Gutenberg (the feature list can be found here). Hosts, agencies, teachers invited to opt-in sites they have influence over. WordPress.com has opt-in for wp-admin users. The number of sites and posts will be tracked. Mobile app support for Gutenberg will be across iOS and Android. July 4.9.x release with an invitation to install either Gutenberg or Classic Editor plugin. [ more… ]