Why Atlantic.Net Chose NGINX
Why Atlantic.Net Chose NGINX Traditionally, web development and hosting were done primarily using the LAMP stack – LAMP being short for Linux (operating system), Apache (web server), MySQL (database), and PHP (programming language), the core components which were then used to run enterprise sites. As web stacks and load balancers become more agile, and as business needs dictate better performance and stability, it is becoming increasingly common to replace Apache HTTP Server with a lightweight and highly scalable alternative, NGINX. With NGINX, the stack becomes known as LEMP – Linux, (e)NGINX, MySQL, PHP. Atlantic.Net offers a range of solutions that includes storage, hosting, and managed services. Our Cloud Hosting platform has a one‑click LEMP option that has your stack up and running in under 30 seconds. For those who prefer to run NGINX from Docker, we have both Linux and Windows Cloud Servers [ more… ]