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Announcing New Cloud Marketplace and Module Solutions for NGINX and NGINX Plus

2019-05-08 KENNETH 0

Announcing New Cloud Marketplace and Module Solutions for NGINX and NGINX Plus The companies that are successful in becoming digitally enabled and customer‑obsessed – and therefore prepared to compete as we enter the 2020s – are those best able to collaborate internally and externally. The dynamic combination of technology and partnering redefines and rewires organizations, necessitating a new collaborative leadership system to serve as the backbone that supports agile, collaborative execution. In November of 2018 I started the journey to build out the NGINX strategic alliances and partnership organization. I wanted to build an infrastructure that will enable scale as we continue to grow our ecosystem. Companies come to us ready to partner – purposefully and opportunistically, in one‑to‑one relationships, multi‑partner engagements, and in ecosystems. Partner readiness for the 2020s is not as simple as having an alliance management team that supports a center of excellence [ more… ]

[도서] 서브스턴스 페인터 시작하기

2019-05-08 KENNETH 0

[도서] 서브스턴스 페인터 시작하기 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]서브스턴스 페인터 시작하기 이경민 저 | 비엘북스 | 2019년 05월 판매가 31,500원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,750원(5%지급) 이벤트 : IT모바일 예약판매 이벤트 서브스턴스 페인터는 전 세계 3D 아티스트들이 인정한 3D 텍스처 페이팅 툴이다. 이 툴의 가장 큰 장점은 알베도(Albedo), 메탈릭(Metalic), 러프니스(Roughness) , 노멀(Normal) 등 쉐이더에 사용되는 텍스처들을 Source: [도서] 서브스턴스 페인터 시작하기

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Modernizing Windows CE systems with Windows 10 IoT

2019-05-08 KENNETH 0

Modernizing Windows CE systems with Windows 10 IoT Microsoft has provided platforms and operating systems for embedded devices for decades. As new offerings such as Windows 10 IoT have become available, our customers and partners are increasingly interested in the advanced security, platform and cloud connectivity features that these OSes provide. Customers moving from most earlier editions of Windows, like Windows XP and Windows 7, can do so with little effort because of binary-compatible applications. Other operating systems, like Windows CE, require device builders to modify source code. Porting applications like this can be challenging. To help these customers move to Windows 10 IoT and harness the full power of the intelligent edge including artificial intelligence and machine learning, Microsoft is developing technology that will allow most customers to run their existing, unmodified Windows CE applications on Windows 10 IoT [ more… ]

Microsoft Azure IoT Device Agent V2 general availability

2019-05-08 KENNETH 0

Microsoft Azure IoT Device Agent V2 general availability We are excited to announce the general availability of Microsoft Azure IoT Device Agent V2. The Microsoft Azure IoT Device Agent is an open-source, ready-to-build and package solution for Windows 10 IoT Enterprise and Windows 10 IoT Core operating systems that provides you with built-in capabilities to remotely provision, configure, monitor and manage your IoT devices. When it comes to the widespread deployment of IoT devices, one of the key challenges is around remote manageability. IoT devices are deployed out in the field or on factory floors where direct device access is not always possible or practical. As an operator, you also want to ensure that you can deploy software and security updates across all the IoT devices in the field to protect and secure the data as well as the device. [ more… ]

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Open Robotics and Microsoft release ROS on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise

2019-05-08 KENNETH 0

Open Robotics and Microsoft release ROS on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise From tiny toys on supermarket shelves to building-sized material haulers, today’s robots come in all shapes and sizes. And thanks to a range of advancements in their components and technologies, they are also becoming more capable and cost effective. Robots may be the ultimate intelligent edge device. A robot needs to observe the world using many sensors, and reason about what it has observed in order to develop a plan of action. It then needs to perform those actions quickly and safely, often with limited internet connectivity. One of the most popular frameworks for building that complex functionality is the Robot Operating System (ROS) maintained by Open Robotics, a mature, open source robotics framework used worldwide for commercial and research applications. ROS’ interoperability, body of samples, and community make [ more… ]