NGINX Unit: A Modern App Server for Modern Apps
NGINX Unit: A Modern App Server for Modern Apps As personal computers became ubiquitous in the early 1990s, there was a growing appetite to consume applications. At the time, it took on average three years to develop an app from initial conception to deployment in production. This has changed dramatically – Amazon deploys a new or updated application every 11.7 seconds and Nordstrom, a 120-year-old American luxury retailer, has increased its deployment frequency from twice per year to monthly. Bringing apps to market faster enables enterprises to stay ahead of the competition, achieve scale quickly, and increase revenues through digital channels. Developers take center stage in this new world but they are under pressure to develop and deploy new apps at a frightening velocity. That, in turn, puts pressure on infrastructure and operations (I&O) teams to provide a flexible, multi‑language environment in support [ more… ]