Getting Started with NGINX Ingress Operator on Red Hat OpenShift

2020-05-01 KENNETH 0

Getting Started with NGINX Ingress Operator on Red Hat OpenShift In our partnership with Red Hat, we continue to focus on supporting enterprise users who require a high‑performance, scalable, long‑term solution for DevOps‑compatible service delivery in OpenShift. The NGINX Ingress Operator for OpenShift is a supported and certified mechanism for deploying the NGINX Plus Ingress Controller for Kubernetes alongside the default router in an OpenShift environment, with point-and-click installation and automatic upgrades. You can leverage the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to perform installation, upgrade, and configuration of the NGINX Ingress Operator. Wondering why you would want to use the NGINX Plus Ingress Controller in addition to the default router? Learn how our partnership enables secure, scalable, and supported application delivery in our The Value of Red Hat + NGINX blog. This step-by-step guide provides everything you need to get started with the NGINX [ more… ]

Announcing NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Release 1.7.0

2020-05-01 KENNETH 0

Announcing NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes Release 1.7.0 We are happy to announce release 1.7.0 of the NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes. This release builds upon the development of our supported solution for Ingress load balancing on Kubernetes platforms, including Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS), the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Red Hat OpenShift, IBM Cloud Private, Diamanti, and others. With release 1.7.0, we continue our commitment to providing a flexible, powerful and easy-to-use Ingress Controller, which you can configure with both Kubernetes Ingress resources and NGINX Ingress resources: Kubernetes Ingress resources provide maximum compatibility across Ingress controller implementations, and can be extended using annotations and custom templates to generate sophisticated configuration. NGINX Ingress resources provide an NGINX‑specific configuration schema, which is richer and safer than customizing the generic Kubernetes Ingress resources. Release 1.7.0 introduces the following major improvements: [ more… ]

Rust/WinRT Public Preview

2020-05-01 KENNETH 0

Rust/WinRT Public Preview We are excited to announce that the Rust/WinRT project finally has a permanent and public home on GitHub: Rust/WinRT follows in the tradition established by C++/WinRT of building language projections for the Windows Runtime using standard languages and compilers, providing a natural and idiomatic way for Rust developers to call Windows APIs. Rust/WinRT lets you call any WinRT API past, present, and future using code generated on the fly directly from the metadata describing the API and right into your Rust package where you can call them as if they were just another Rust module. The Windows Runtime is based on Component Object Model (COM) APIs under the hood and is designed to be accessed through language projections like C++/WinRT and Rust/WinRT. Those language projections take the metadata describing various APIs and provide natural bindings for [ more… ]

Using multiple profiles at work and at home is now easier with Microsoft Edge

2020-05-01 KENNETH 0

Using multiple profiles at work and at home is now easier with Microsoft Edge Our customers tell us that they like to keep their browsing data separate as they take on various roles in their lives. For people at home working from their own devices, this is particularly important. Microsoft Edge’s “Profiles” feature is a great way to do this, whether you’re switching between work and personal browsing, juggling your job and freelancing business, or managing your tasks as an admin alongside other responsibilities. In this post, we’ll share some improvements coming to browsing with multiple profiles in Microsoft Edge, and walk you through how to get started with this feature. Setting up multiple profiles To get started with multiple profiles, click the profile icon to the right of your address bar and click “Add a profile”. Then, on the [ more… ]

Amazon Keyspaces for Apache Cassandra 정식 출시 (서울 리전 포함)

2020-05-01 KENNETH 0

Amazon Keyspaces for Apache Cassandra 정식 출시 (서울 리전 포함) AWS는 작년 re:Invent에서 Amazon Managed Apache Cassandra Service(MCS)를 소개했습니다. 이후 몇 달 동안 이 서비스에는 새로운 기능이 많이 추가되었고 현재 Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra)라는 이름으로 정식 출시되었습니다. Amazon Keyspaces는 Apache Cassandra를 기반으로 한, 완전관리형 서버리스 데이터베이스로 사용할 수 있습니다. 애플리케이션은 거의 변경하지 않거나 전혀 변경하지 않고 기존 CQL(Cassandra Query Language) 코드를 사용하여 Amazon Keyspaces에서 데이터를 읽고 쓸 수 있습니다. 사용 사례에 따라 각 테이블에 가장 적합한 구성을 선택할 수 있습니다. 온디맨드로 이용하는 경우 실제로 수행한 읽기 및 쓰기 작업량을 기준으로 요금을 지불합니다. 따라서 예측할 수 없는 워크로드에 가장 적합한 옵션입니다. 프로비저닝된 용량을 사용하는 경우 사전에 용량 설정을 구성하여 예측 가능한 워크로드의 비용을 절감할 수 있습니다. 또한 하루 중 트래픽의 변화에 따라 프로비저닝된 용량 설정을 자동으로 업데이트하는 Auto Scaling을 활성화하여 비용을 더욱 최적화할 수 있습니다. Amazon Keyspaces 사용 제가 어렸을 때 처음으로 [ more… ]