Setting Up App Security as-a-Service for NGINX in Under 5 Minutes with F5 Essential App Protect

2020-09-01 KENNETH 0

Setting Up App Security as-a-Service for NGINX in Under 5 Minutes with F5 Essential App Protect Modern applications require modern app security solutions. With the ever‑increasing pace of framework‑based app development, the growth of microservices topologies, and the ever‑changing security landscape, app security is becoming increasingly challenging for developer teams. This is where modern web application firewall (WAF) solutions step in. F5 Essential App Protect, launched earlier this year, and NGINX App Protect both provide WAF capabilities for NGINX and NGINX Plus by focusing on signature‑based app protection and are built with DevOps and CI/CD in mind. However, they are architected, configured, and deployed in different ways, and serve different purposes depending on your organization’s needs: NGINX App Protect runs on NGINX Plus and is deployed as a lightweight software package within your app infrastructure to provide advanced security protection for your [ more… ]

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USN-4478-1: Python-RSA vulnerability

2020-09-01 KENNETH 0

USN-4478-1: Python-RSA vulnerability It was discovered that Python-RSA incorrectly handled certain ciphertexts. An attacker could possibly use this issue to obtain sensitive information. Source: USN-4478-1: Python-RSA vulnerability

[도서] 프로크리에이트 작법서

2020-09-01 KENNETH 0

[도서] 프로크리에이트 작법서 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]프로크리에이트 작법서 김채훈 저 | 디지털북스 | 2020년 09월 판매가 16,200원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 900원(5%지급) 직관적인 사용 방식과 응용툴, 공유 브러시를 통해 아이패드 최고의 드로잉 애플리케이션으로 자리 잡은 프로크리에이트Procreate. 이 책은 원화 디자이너인 저자가 프로크리에이트를 이용해 작업하며 알게 된 다양 Source: [도서] 프로크리에이트 작법서