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USN-4897-1: Pygments vulnerability

2021-03-31 KENNETH 0

USN-4897-1: Pygments vulnerability Ben Caller discovered that Pygments incorrectly handled parsing certain files. If a user or automated system were tricked into parsing a specially crafted file, a remote attacker could cause Pygments to hang or consume resources, resulting in a denial of service. Source: USN-4897-1: Pygments vulnerability

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USN-4896-1: lxml vulnerability

2021-03-31 KENNETH 0

USN-4896-1: lxml vulnerability It was discovered that lxml incorrectly handled certain HTML attributes. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to perform cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. Source: USN-4896-1: lxml vulnerability

How to Improve Resilience in Kubernetes with Advanced Traffic Management

2021-03-30 KENNETH 0

How to Improve Resilience in Kubernetes with Advanced Traffic Management There’s a very easy way to tell that a company isn’t successfully using modern app development technologies – its customers are quick to complain on social media. They complain when they can’t stream the latest bingeworthy release. Or access online banking. Or make a purchase, because the cart is timing out. Even if customers don’t complain publicly, that doesn’t mean their bad experience doesn’t have consequences. One of our customers – a large insurance company – told us that they lose customers when their homepage doesn’t load within 3 seconds. All of those user complaints of poor performance or outages point to a common culprit: resiliency…or the lack of it. The beauty of microservices technologies – including containers and Kubernetes – is that they can significantly improve the customer experience by improving the resiliency of [ more… ]

[도서] 웹소설 써서 먹고삽니다

2021-03-30 KENNETH 0

[도서] 웹소설 써서 먹고삽니다 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]웹소설 써서 먹고삽니다 정무늬 저 | 길벗 | 2021년 04월 판매가 15,300원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 850원(5%지급) 이벤트 : YES24 창립22주년, 문학과 함께 봄 나들이! : 캠핑의자/북트롤리/복조리백/명화엽서SET/키링 글 써서 먹고사는 가장 확실한 방법! 정답은 ‘웹소설’이다! ‘팔리는 글’ 쓰는 실전 스킬부터 실패하지 않는 계약 · 정산 꿀팁, 아무도 알려주지 않는 전업 작가 생활기까지! 1화만 썼다 지웠다 반복 Source: [도서] 웹소설 써서 먹고삽니다

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Announcing Project Reunion 0.5!

2021-03-30 KENNETH 0

Announcing Project Reunion 0.5! Today is an exciting day – the release of Project Reunion 0.5 is the starting point for your ability to build and ship Windows apps at a much faster pace without waiting for the Windows OS to update with new features. In 0.5, our focus is very much on what we’ve heard from our developer community around making Desktop apps easy to build again. That’s why you’ll find down–level support to Windows 10 version 1809, the ability to use Project Reunion with a .NET 5 app, as well as WinUI 3 and WebView2 for modern, compatible UI development – all with production level support when using packaged apps! Project Reunion 0.5 is one of many important steps we’ll have on our journey to 1.0 this year and we can’t wait to work with all of you.   What does it mean to ship with Project Reunion?  When you build an app that uses Project Reunion, you get access to modern Windows technologies and new features, plus the best of [ more… ]