[도서] HTML5 & CSS3

2022-02-13 KENNETH 0

[도서] HTML5 & CSS3 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]HTML5 & CSS3 이태동,박종범 저 | 북스홀릭퍼블리싱 | 2022년 03월 판매가 22,500원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,250원(5%지급) 본 교재는 웹 프로그래밍 개발 입문서로서 HTML5와 CSS3에 대한 기능을 웹 기초부터 반응형 웹 만들기까지 체계적으로 내용을 수록하였으며, 화면과 그림을 본문에 삽입하여 독자들이 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 하였다. Source: [도서] HTML5 & CSS3

[도서] Build Up JAVA

2022-02-13 KENNETH 0

[도서] Build Up JAVA 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]Build Up JAVA 임정목,김점구,이태동 저 | 북스홀릭퍼블리싱 | 2022년 03월 판매가 34,200원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,900원(5%지급) 이 책은 자바를 처음 접하는 입문 부분과 객체 지향 개념과 제네릭 도구들 그리고 AWT와 스윙 컴포넌트를 이용한 GUI 프로그래밍, JDBC를 이용하여 다양한 데이터베이스를 검색하는 프로그래밍 등의 다양한 기술을 Source: [도서] Build Up JAVA

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Window App SDK Ecosystem Update

2022-02-12 KENNETH 0

Window App SDK Ecosystem Update On November 16th the Windows App SDK team released version 1.0! It’s the starting point for your ability to build and ship Windows desktop apps with Windows 10 and Windows 11. It includes the ability to use Windows App SDK with a .NET 5+ app, as well as WinUI 3 and WebView2 for modern UI development. Windows App SDK 1.0 is one of many important improvements you can use to create great Windows apps and we can’t wait to keep moving forward with even more features! What is the Windows App SDK? When building an app with Windows App SDK you have access to both modern Windows technologies and new features, while also having access to the power of Desktop Win32. These technologies are decoupled from the OS and ship through NuGet so they can [ more… ]

Secure Your gRPC Apps Against Severe DoS Attacks with NGINX App Protect DoS

2022-02-11 KENNETH 0

Secure Your gRPC Apps Against Severe DoS Attacks with NGINX App Protect DoS Customer demand for goods and services over the past two years has underlined how crucial it is for organizations to scale easily and innovate faster, leading many of them to accelerate the move from a monolithic to a cloud‑native architecture. According to the recent F5 report, The State of Application Strategy 2021, the number of organizations modernizing applications increased 133% in the last year alone. Cloud‑enabled applications are designed to be modular, distributed, deployed, and managed in an automated way. While it’s possible simply to lift-and-shift an existing monolithic application, doing so provides no advantage in terms of costs or flexibility. The best way to benefit from the distributed model that cloud computing services afford is to think modular – enter microservices. Microservices is an architectural approach that enables developers [ more… ]

Secure Your gRPC Apps Against Crippling DoS Attacks with NGINX App Protect DoS

2022-02-11 KENNETH 0

Secure Your gRPC Apps Against Crippling DoS Attacks with NGINX App Protect DoS Customer demand for goods and services over the past two years has underlined how crucial it is for organizations to scale easily and innovate faster, leading many of them to accelerate the move from a monolithic to a cloud‑native architecture. According to the recent F5 report, The State of Application Strategy 2021, the number of organizations modernizing applications increased 133% in the last year alone. Cloud‑enabled applications are designed to be modular, distributed, deployed, and managed in an automated way. While it’s possible simply to lift-and-shift an existing monolithic application, doing so provides no advantage in terms of costs or flexibility. The best way to benefit from the distributed model that cloud computing services afford is to think modular – enter microservices. Microservices is an architectural approach that enables developers [ more… ]