[도서] 실용 SQL

2023-01-09 KENNETH 0

[도서] 실용 SQL 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]실용 SQL 앤서니 드바로스 저/임소정,강민혁 공역 | 영진닷컴 | 2023년 01월 판매가 27,000원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,500원(5%지급) PostgreSQL로 시작하는 데이터 스토리텔링 입문 가이드북(PostgreSQL 15.0 지원) 기초부터 실무까지, 현직 데이터 분석 전문가의 SQL 활용 노하우 수록 데이터 분석 초보자를 위한 친절한 SQL 학습서이다. 프로 Source: [도서] 실용 SQL

[도서] 나 혼자 한다 포토샵 & 일러스트레이터 CC 2023

2023-01-09 KENNETH 0

[도서] 나 혼자 한다 포토샵 & 일러스트레이터 CC 2023 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]나 혼자 한다 포토샵 & 일러스트레이터 CC 2023 김두한,황진도,이상호 공저 | 성안당 | 2023년 01월 판매가 25,200원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,400원(5%지급) 혼자서도 쉽게 배우는 포토샵 & 일러스트레이터 기초 테크닉 이 책은 포토샵 및 일러스트레이터를 처음 접하는 초보자를 위해 프로그램 설치와 파일 저장 등의 기본적인 기능부터 이미지를 다루는 주요 기능을 함 Source: [도서] 나 혼자 한다 포토샵 & 일러스트레이터 CC 2023

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USN-5794-1: Linux kernel (AWS) vulnerabilities

2023-01-07 KENNETH 0

USN-5794-1: Linux kernel (AWS) vulnerabilities It was discovered that the NFSD implementation in the Linux kernel did not properly handle some RPC messages, leading to a buffer overflow. A remote attacker could use this to cause a denial of service (system crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2022-43945) Tamás Koczka discovered that the Bluetooth L2CAP handshake implementation in the Linux kernel contained multiple use-after-free vulnerabilities. A physically proximate attacker could use this to cause a denial of service (system crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2022-42896) It was discovered that the Xen netback driver in the Linux kernel did not properly handle packets structured in certain ways. An attacker in a guest VM could possibly use this to cause a denial of service (host NIC availability). (CVE-2022-3643) It was discovered that an integer overflow vulnerability existed in the Bluetooth subsystem [ more… ]

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USN-5793-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities

2023-01-07 KENNETH 0

USN-5793-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities It was discovered that the io_uring subsystem in the Linux kernel did not properly perform reference counting in some situations, leading to a use- after-free vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service (system crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2022-3910) It was discovered that a race condition existed in the Android Binder IPC subsystem in the Linux kernel, leading to a use-after-free vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service (system crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2022-20421) David Leadbeater discovered that the netfilter IRC protocol tracking implementation in the Linux Kernel incorrectly handled certain message payloads in some situations. A remote attacker could possibly use this to cause a denial of service or bypass firewall filtering. (CVE-2022-2663) It was discovered that the sound subsystem [ more… ]

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USN-5792-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities

2023-01-07 KENNETH 0

USN-5792-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities Mingwei Zhang discovered that the KVM implementation for AMD processors in the Linux kernel did not properly handle cache coherency with Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV). A local attacker could possibly use this to cause a denial of service (host system crash). (CVE-2022-0171) It was discovered that a race condition existed in the Android Binder IPC subsystem in the Linux kernel, leading to a use-after-free vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service (system crash) or possibly execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2022-20421) David Leadbeater discovered that the netfilter IRC protocol tracking implementation in the Linux Kernel incorrectly handled certain message payloads in some situations. A remote attacker could possibly use this to cause a denial of service or bypass firewall filtering. (CVE-2022-2663) It was discovered that the Intel 740 frame buffer driver in [ more… ]