Is your IT team making trade-offs to support the new world of flexible work?

2023-07-19 KENNETH 0

Is your IT team making trade-offs to support the new world of flexible work? In the last few years, we’ve witnessed a significant shift in how IT decision makers support their organizations. With the rapid acceleration of distributed workforces, companies are dealing with a matrix of vendors and point solutions born out of necessity. But the need to improve security, provide employees with flexibility in device choice while keeping them productive, and get employees up and running more quickly to accelerate time to value is driving vendor consolidation with the goal of reducing costs and complexity. Companies looking for integrated, flexible work solutions don’t need to make trade-offs: the right solution brings value to employees by giving them choice without sacrificing security and productivity. And IT teams can find value by focusing less on device management and more on strategic [ more… ]

[도서] 파이썬과 엑셀로 시작하는 딥러닝

2023-07-19 KENNETH 0

[도서] 파이썬과 엑셀로 시작하는 딥러닝 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]파이썬과 엑셀로 시작하는 딥러닝 홍재권,윤동현,이승준 저 | 정보문화사 | 2023년 07월 판매가 22,500원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 1,250원(5%지급) 실전 데이터 분석을 위한 파이썬 딥러닝 딥러닝은 데이터를 행렬로 구성하여 연산 처리한다. 그중 파이썬으로 행렬 연산을 쉽게 할 수 있도록 해주는 라이브러리인 넘파이를 활용하는 이 책은 딥러닝에 필요한 몇 Source: [도서] 파이썬과 엑셀로 시작하는 딥러닝

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Prevent API Attacks with Essential Tools and Best Practices for API Security

2023-07-19 KENNETH 0

Prevent API Attacks with Essential Tools and Best Practices for API Security In recent years, the proliferation of APIs has significantly changed the way enterprises operate. APIs enable different applications to communicate and exchange data with each other, allowing for more efficient and effective business processes and software development. However, with the increased use of APIs comes the risk of API sprawl, where APIs are created and deployed across distributed teams and architectures, often without proper oversight and management. This can create a new set of security risks for enterprises, as each API represents a potential entry point for attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data and systems. The Rise of API-First Software Development One of the main drivers of API sprawl is the proliferation of microservices. A microservices architecture breaks a larger application into smaller, individual applications that [ more… ]

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USN-6233-1: YAJL vulnerabilities

2023-07-18 KENNETH 0

USN-6233-1: YAJL vulnerabilities It was discovered that YAJL was not properly performing bounds checks when decoding a string with escape sequences. If a user or automated system using YAJL were tricked into processing specially crafted input, an attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service (application abort). (CVE-2017-16516) It was discovered that YAJL was not properly handling memory allocation when dealing with large inputs, which could lead to heap memory corruption. If a user or automated system using YAJL were tricked into running a specially crafted large input, an attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. (CVE-2022-24795) It was discovered that memory leaks existed in one of the YAJL parsing functions. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service (memory exhaustion). (CVE-2023-33460) Source: USN-6233-1: YAJL vulnerabilities

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USN-6235-1: Linux kernel (OEM) vulnerabilities

2023-07-18 KENNETH 0

USN-6235-1: Linux kernel (OEM) vulnerabilities It was discovered that the NTFS file system implementation in the Linux kernel contained a null pointer dereference in some situations. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service (system crash). (CVE-2022-4842) Jordy Zomer and Alexandra Sandulescu discovered that the Linux kernel did not properly implement speculative execution barriers in usercopy functions in certain situations. A local attacker could use this to expose sensitive information (kernel memory). (CVE-2023-0459) Seth Jenkins discovered that the CPU data to memory implementation for x86 processors in the Linux kernel did not properly perform address randomization. A local attacker could use this to expose sensitive information (kernel memory) or in conjunction with another kernel vulnerability. (CVE-2023-0597) It was discovered that the Human Interface Device (HID) support driver in the Linux kernel contained a type confusion vulnerability [ more… ]