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Make back to school easier with Windows 11 laptops

2023-08-23 KENNETH 0

Make back to school easier with Windows 11 laptops It’s hard to believe summer is almost over, but for some, the school year has already begun. PCs are important resources for students. If you’re still looking for the right one, you can find many choices with Microsoft’s partners. These laptops come with Windows 11, making every task easier, helping pupils from kindergarten to grad school. Right out of the box, they’re easy to set up, with a clean design that puts the taskbar front and center. There, you’ll find handy features such as an AI-powered Bing in the Windows search box and Windows Studio Effects with AI-enhanced video call enhancements. Multi-taskers will also appreciate snap layouts with touch controls, voice access and built-in creator tools. But what if your work/study style is concentrating on one thing at a time? No problem, Focus [ more… ]

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USN-6304-1: Inetutils vulnerabilities

2023-08-23 KENNETH 0

USN-6304-1: Inetutils vulnerabilities It was discovered that telnetd in GNU Inetutils incorrectly handled certain inputs. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a crash. This issue only affected Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (CVE-2022-39028) It was discovered that Inetutils incorrectly handled certain inputs. An attacker could possibly use this issue to expose sensitive information, or execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2023-40303) Source: USN-6304-1: Inetutils vulnerabilities

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Our top smart browser features can give you an edge this back-to-school season

2023-08-23 KENNETH 0

Our top smart browser features can give you an edge this back-to-school season Summer is coming to an end, and with that the start of a brand-new school year. Though summer will always host great memories, the start of a new school year brings that crisp morning air, brand-new, freshly sharpened pencils, sweaters and pumpkin spice everything. It’s the time of year that is filled with possibilities as we embark on new opportunities and challenges. Microsoft Edge is here to help make this new school year your best yet. Whether you’re a parent with kids headed back to school, or a student going into a brand-new year, today we’re excited to share how our smart browser features can power your creativity, productivity, organization and learning. All designed to give you the edge you need this new school year and help [ more… ]

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Automate TCP Load Balancing to On-Premises Kubernetes Services with NGINX

2023-08-23 KENNETH 0

Automate TCP Load Balancing to On-Premises Kubernetes Services with NGINX You are a modern app developer. You use a collection of open source and maybe some commercial tools to write, test, deploy, and manage new apps and containers. You’ve chosen Kubernetes to run these containers and pods in development, test, staging, and production environments. You’ve bought into the architectures and concepts of microservices, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, and other modern industry standards. On this journey, you’ve discovered that Kubernetes is indeed powerful. But you’ve probably also been surprised at how difficult, inflexible, and frustrating it can be. Implementing and coordinating changes and updates to routers, firewalls, load balancers and other network devices can become overwhelming – especially in your own data center! It’s enough to bring a developer to tears. How you handle these challenges has a lot to [ more… ]

[도서] 파이썬 생활 프로젝트 코딩

2023-08-23 KENNETH 0

[도서] 파이썬 생활 프로젝트 코딩 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]파이썬 생활 프로젝트 코딩 서승희 저 | 길벗 | 2023년 08월 판매가 16,200원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 900원(5%지급) 12개의 실용적인 프로젝트 만들면서 재미있게 배우는 파이썬 코딩 이 책은 파이썬 기초를 넘어 다음 단계로 향하는 독자를 위한 실용적인 책이다. 파이참 편집기 설치부터 변수, 반복문, 조건문, 함수, 라이브러 Source: [도서] 파이썬 생활 프로젝트 코딩