4010323 – Deprecation of SHA-1 for SSL/TLS Certificates in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 – Version: 1.0

4010323 – Deprecation of SHA-1 for SSL/TLS Certificates in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 – Version: 1.0

Revision Note: V1.0 (May 9, 2017): Advisory published.
Summary: Beginning May 9, 2017, Microsoft released updates to Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 to block sites that are protected with a SHA-1 certificate from loading and displays an invalid certificate warning. This change will only impact SHA-1 certificates that chain to a Microsoft Trusted Root CA where the end-entity certificate or the issuing intermediate uses SHA-1. Manually-installed enterprise or self-signed SHA-1 certificates will not be impacted, although we recommend that all customers quickly migrate to SHA-2. For more information, please see Windows Enforcement of SHA1 Certificates.
Source: 4010323 – Deprecation of SHA-1 for SSL/TLS Certificates in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 – Version: 1.0

About KENNETH 19694 Articles

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