Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 16232 Released

Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 16232 Released

Today, we released a new Windows 10 Preview Build of the SDK to be used in conjunction with Windows 10 Insider Preview (Build 16232 or greater). The Preview SDK Build 16232 contains bug fixes and under development changes to the API surface area.

The Preview SDK can be downloaded from developer section on Windows Insider.

For feedback and updates to the known issues, please see the developer forum. For new feature requests, head over to our Windows Platform UserVoice.

Things to note:

  • This build works in conjunction with previously released SDKs and Visual Studio 2017. You can install this SDK and still also continue to submit your apps that target Windows 10 Creators build or earlier to the store.
  • The Windows SDK will now formally only be supported by Visual Studio 2017 and greater. You can download the Visual Studio 2017 here.

Known Issues

  • Designer fails to render: When viewing the XAML in the Designer Window in Visual Studio, the controls fail to render. This can be resolved by using Visual Studio 2017.3 Preview.
  • Compilation fails on non-Windows 10 platforms
    When building apps on previous platforms, you may get a build error:

C:program files (x86)Windows Kits10bin10.0.16232.0x86genxbf.dll:C:program files (x860Windows
Kits10bin10.0.16232.0x86genxbf.dll(0,0): Error WMC0621: Cannot resolve ‘GenXbf.dll’ under path ‘C:program files (x860Windows
Kits10bin10.0.16232.0x86genxbf.dll’. Please install the latest version of the Windows 10 Software Development Kit.
Process ‘msbuild.exe’ exited with code ‘1’.

This will occur if the minimum target platform version is set to 10.0.16225.0. To work around this, right click on your project file and choose properties or open your project file in your favorite editor, and change the version to a previous released SDK. For example:


  • WRL projects fail to compile with MIDLRT error: When building my WRL project that contains a WinRT Component, the project no longer compiles. I get the following errors:

midlrt : command line error MIDL1012: [msg]argument illegal for switch / [context]ns_prefix
midlrt : command line error MIDL1000: [msg]missing source-file name

To work around this temporarily, you will need to use the previous version of the MidlRT.exe tool. You can do this by changing your Target Platform Version to a currently installed previous SDK.


Breaking Changes

  • ecmangen.exe removal from the SDK: Ecmangen.exe will no longer ship with the Windows SDK. Developers who rely on ecmangen for event manifest creation are advised to install the Windows Creators Edition of the SDK to obtain the file. Developers may also use notepad or other XML editor of choice for manifest creation. A schema file is available on MSDN to aid in manifest creation, for tools that support it.

API Differences from Windows 10 Creators Update

When targeting new APIs, consider writing your app to be adaptive in order to run correctly on the widest number of Windows 10 devices. Please see Dynamically detecting features with API contracts (10 by 10) for more information.

API Additions

namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls {
  public sealed class VoipCallCoordinator {
    VoipPhoneCall SetupNewAcceptedCall(string context, string contactName, string contactNumber, string serviceName, VoipPhoneCallMedia media);
  public sealed class VoipPhoneCall {
    void TryShowAppUI();
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel {
  public enum StartupTaskState {
    DisabledByPolicy = 3,
namespace Windows.Devices.SmartCards {
  public sealed class SmartCardCryptogramGenerator {
    public static bool IsSupported();
  public enum SmartCardCryptogramGeneratorOperationStatus {
    NotSupported = 13,
  public sealed class SmartCardEmulator {
    public static bool IsSupported();
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel {
  public static class DesignMode {
    public static bool DesignMode2Enabled { get; }
  public sealed class PackageCatalog {
    IAsyncOperation<PackageCatalogRemoveOptionalPackagesResult> RemoveOptionalPackagesAsync(IIterable<string> optionalPackageFamilyNames);
  public sealed class PackageCatalogRemoveOptionalPackagesResult
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation {
  public enum ActivationKind {
    CommandLineLaunch = 1021,
    GameUIProvider = 1019,
    PrintWorkflowForegroundTask = 1018,
    StartupTask = 1020,
  public sealed class CommandLineActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, ICommandLineActivatedEventArgs
  public sealed class CommandLineActivationOperation
  public interface ICommandLineActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs
  public interface IStartupTaskActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs
  public sealed class StartupTaskActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IStartupTaskActivatedEventArgs
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments {
  public sealed class AppointmentStore {
    AppointmentStoreChangeTracker GetChangeTracker(string identity);
  public sealed class AppointmentStoreChangeTracker {
    bool IsTracking { get; }
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService {
  public sealed class AppServiceTriggerDetails {
    IAsyncOperation<bool> CheckCallerForCapabilityAsync(string capabilityName);
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Background {
  public sealed class GeovisitTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger
  public sealed class PaymentAppCanMakePaymentTrigger : IBackgroundTrigger
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts {
  public sealed class ContactChangeTracker {
    bool IsTracking { get; }
  public sealed class ContactList {
    ContactListLimitedWriteOperations LimitedWriteOperations { get; }
    ContactChangeTracker GetChangeTracker(string identity);
  public sealed class ContactListLimitedWriteOperations
  public enum ContactListOtherAppWriteAccess {
    Limited = 2,
  public sealed class ContactStore {
    ContactChangeTracker GetChangeTracker(string identity);
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.DataProvider {
  public sealed class ContactDataProviderConnection {
    event TypedEventHandler<ContactDataProviderConnection, ContactListCreateOrUpdateContactRequestEventArgs> CreateOrUpdateContactRequested;
    event TypedEventHandler<ContactDataProviderConnection, ContactListDeleteContactRequestEventArgs> DeleteContactRequested;
  public sealed class ContactListCreateOrUpdateContactRequest
  public sealed class ContactListCreateOrUpdateContactRequestEventArgs
  public sealed class ContactListDeleteContactRequest
  public sealed class ContactListDeleteContactRequestEventArgs
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Core {
  public sealed class AppListEntry {
    string AppUserModelId { get; }
  public enum AppRestartFailureReason
  public static class CoreApplication {
    public static IAsyncOperation<AppRestartFailureReason> RequestRestartAsync(string launchArguments);
    public static IAsyncOperation<AppRestartFailureReason> RequestRestartForUserAsync(User user, string launchArguments);
  public sealed class CoreApplicationView {
    DispatcherQueue DispatcherQueue { get; }
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer {
  public sealed class DataTransferManager {
    public static void ShowShareUI(ShareUIOptions options);
  public sealed class ShareUIOptions
  public enum ShareUITheme
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.ShareTarget {
  public sealed class ShareOperation {
    IVectorView<Contact> Contacts { get; }
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Email {
  public sealed class EmailMailbox {
    EmailMailboxChangeTracker GetChangeTracker(string identity);
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Payments {
  public sealed class PaymentCanMakePaymentResult
  public enum PaymentCanMakePaymentResultStatus
  public sealed class PaymentMediator {
    IAsyncOperation<PaymentCanMakePaymentResult> CanMakePaymentAsync(PaymentRequest paymentRequest);
  public sealed class PaymentRequest {
    public PaymentRequest(PaymentDetails details, IIterable<PaymentMethodData> methodData, PaymentMerchantInfo merchantInfo, PaymentOptions options, string id);
    string Id { get; }
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.Payments.Provider {
  public sealed class PaymentAppCanMakePaymentTriggerDetails
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.UserActivities {
  public interface IUserActivityContentInfo
  public sealed class UserActivity
  public sealed class UserActivityAttribution
  public sealed class UserActivityChannel
  public sealed class UserActivityContentInfo : IUserActivityContentInfo
  public sealed class UserActivitySession : IClosable
  public enum UserActivityState
  public sealed class UserActivityVisualElements
namespace Windows.ApplicationModel.UserActivities.Core {
  public static class CoreUserActivityManager
namespace Windows.Devices.Bluetooth {
  public sealed class BluetoothDevice : IClosable {
    BluetoothDeviceId BluetoothDeviceId { get; }
  public sealed class BluetoothDeviceId {
    public static BluetoothDeviceId FromId(string deviceId);
  public sealed class BluetoothLEDevice : IClosable {
    BluetoothDeviceId BluetoothDeviceId { get; }
namespace Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile {
  public sealed class GattClientNotificationResult {
    ushort BytesSent { get; }
namespace Windows.Devices.Geolocation {
  public sealed class Geovisit
  public sealed class GeovisitMonitor
  public sealed class GeovisitStateChangedEventArgs
  public sealed class GeovisitTriggerDetails
  public enum VisitMonitoringScope
  public enum VisitStateChange
namespace Windows.Devices.PointOfService {
  public sealed class ClaimedLineDisplay : IClosable {
    LineDisplayCustomGlyphs CustomGlyphs { get; }
    Size MaxBitmapSizeInPixels { get; }
    IVectorView<int> SupportedCharacterSets { get; }
    IVectorView<Size> SupportedScreenSizesInCharacters { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<ClaimedLineDisplay, LineDisplayStatusUpdatedEventArgs> StatusUpdated;
    IAsyncOperation<string> CheckHealthAsync(UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel level);
    IAsyncOperation<LineDisplayPowerStatus> CheckPowerStatusAsync();
    LineDisplayAttributes GetAttributes();
    IAsyncOperation<string> GetStatisticsAsync(IIterable<string> statisticsCategories);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TryClearDescriptorsAsync();
    IAsyncOperation<LineDisplayWindow> TryCreateWindowAsync(Rect viewport, Size windowSize);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TrySetDescriptorAsync(uint descriptor, LineDisplayDescriptorState descriptorState);
    IAsyncOperation<LineDisplayStoredBitmap> TryStoreStorageFileBitmapAsync(StorageFile bitmap);
    IAsyncOperation<LineDisplayStoredBitmap> TryStoreStorageFileBitmapAsync(StorageFile bitmap, LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, LineDisplayVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment);
    IAsyncOperation<LineDisplayStoredBitmap> TryStoreStorageFileBitmapAsync(StorageFile bitmap, LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, LineDisplayVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, int widthInPixels);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TryUpdateAttributesAsync(LineDisplayAttributes attributes);
  public sealed class LineDisplay : IClosable {
    public static LineDisplayStatisticsCategorySelector StatisticsCategorySelector { get; }
    IAsyncOperation<LineDisplayPowerStatus> CheckPowerStatusAsync();
  public sealed class LineDisplayAttributes
  public sealed class LineDisplayCursor
  public sealed class LineDisplayCursorAttributes
  public enum LineDisplayCursorType
  public sealed class LineDisplayCustomGlyphs
  public enum LineDisplayDescriptorState
  public enum LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment
  public sealed class LineDisplayMarquee
  public enum LineDisplayMarqueeFormat
  public enum LineDisplayPowerStatus
  public sealed class LineDisplayStatisticsCategorySelector
  public sealed class LineDisplayStatusUpdatedEventArgs
  public sealed class LineDisplayStoredBitmap
  public enum LineDisplayVerticalAlignment
  public sealed class LineDisplayWindow : IClosable {
    LineDisplayCursor Cursor { get; }
    LineDisplayMarquee Marquee { get; }
    IAsyncOperation<uint> ReadCharacterAtCursorAsync();
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TryDisplayStorageFileBitmapAtCursorAsync(StorageFile bitmap);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TryDisplayStorageFileBitmapAtCursorAsync(StorageFile bitmap, LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, LineDisplayVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TryDisplayStorageFileBitmapAtCursorAsync(StorageFile bitmap, LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, LineDisplayVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment, int widthInPixels);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TryDisplayStorageFileBitmapAtPointAsync(StorageFile bitmap, Point offsetInPixels);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TryDisplayStorageFileBitmapAtPointAsync(StorageFile bitmap, Point offsetInPixels, int widthInPixels);
    IAsyncOperation<bool> TryDisplayStoredBitmapAtCursorAsync(LineDisplayStoredBitmap bitmap);
namespace Windows.Devices.Sensors {
  public sealed class Accelerometer {
    public static IAsyncOperation<Accelerometer> FromIdAsync(string deviceId);
    public static string GetDeviceSelector(AccelerometerReadingType readingType);
  public sealed class AccelerometerReading {
    IReference<TimeSpan> PerformanceCount { get; }
    IMapView<string, object> Properties { get; }
  public sealed class Altimeter {
    uint MaxBatchSize { get; }
    uint ReportLatency { get; set; }
  public sealed class AltimeterReading {
    IReference<TimeSpan> PerformanceCount { get; }
    IMapView<string, object> Properties { get; }
  public sealed class Barometer {
    uint MaxBatchSize { get; }
    uint ReportLatency { get; set; }
    public static IAsyncOperation<Barometer> FromIdAsync(string deviceId);
    public static string GetDeviceSelector();
  public sealed class BarometerReading {
    IReference<TimeSpan> PerformanceCount { get; }
    IMapView<string, object> Properties { get; }
  public sealed class Compass {
    uint MaxBatchSize { get; }
    uint ReportLatency { get; set; }
    public static IAsyncOperation<Compass> FromIdAsync(string deviceId);
    public static string GetDeviceSelector();
  public sealed class CompassReading {
    IReference<TimeSpan> PerformanceCount { get; }
    IMapView<string, object> Properties { get; }
  public sealed class Gyrometer {
    uint MaxBatchSize { get; }
    uint ReportLatency { get; set; }
    public static IAsyncOperation<Gyrometer> FromIdAsync(string deviceId);
    public static string GetDeviceSelector();
  public sealed class GyrometerReading {
    IReference<TimeSpan> PerformanceCount { get; }
    IMapView<string, object> Properties { get; }
  public sealed class Inclinometer {
    uint MaxBatchSize { get; }
    uint ReportLatency { get; set; }
    public static IAsyncOperation<Inclinometer> FromIdAsync(string deviceId);
    public static string GetDeviceSelector(SensorReadingType readingType);
  public sealed class InclinometerReading {
    IReference<TimeSpan> PerformanceCount { get; }
    IMapView<string, object> Properties { get; }
  public sealed class LightSensor {
    uint MaxBatchSize { get; }
    uint ReportLatency { get; set; }
    public static IAsyncOperation<LightSensor> FromIdAsync(string deviceId);
    public static string GetDeviceSelector();
  public sealed class LightSensorReading {
    IReference<TimeSpan> PerformanceCount { get; }
    IMapView<string, object> Properties { get; }
  public sealed class Magnetometer {
    uint MaxBatchSize { get; }
    uint ReportLatency { get; set; }
    public static IAsyncOperation<Magnetometer> FromIdAsync(string deviceId);
    public static string GetDeviceSelector();
  public sealed class MagnetometerReading {
    IReference<TimeSpan> PerformanceCount { get; }
    IMapView<string, object> Properties { get; }
  public sealed class OrientationSensor {
    uint MaxBatchSize { get; }
    uint ReportLatency { get; set; }
    public static IAsyncOperation<OrientationSensor> FromIdAsync(string deviceId);
    public static string GetDeviceSelector(SensorReadingType readingType);
    public static string GetDeviceSelector(SensorReadingType readingType, SensorOptimizationGoal optimizationGoal);
  public sealed class OrientationSensorReading {
    IReference<TimeSpan> PerformanceCount { get; }
    IMapView<string, object> Properties { get; }
namespace Windows.Devices.Sensors.Custom {
  public sealed class CustomSensor {
    uint MaxBatchSize { get; }
    uint ReportLatency { get; set; }
  public sealed class CustomSensorReading {
    IReference<TimeSpan> PerformanceCount { get; }
namespace Windows.Devices.WiFi {
  public sealed class WiFiAdapter {
    IAsyncOperation<WiFiConnectionResult> ConnectAsync(WiFiAvailableNetwork availableNetwork, WiFiReconnectionKind reconnectionKind, PasswordCredential passwordCredential, string ssid, WiFiConnectionMethod connectionMethod);
    IAsyncOperation<WiFiWpsConfigurationResult> GetWpsConfigurationAsync(WiFiAvailableNetwork availableNetwork);
  public enum WiFiConnectionMethod
  public sealed class WiFiWpsConfigurationResult
  public enum WiFiWpsConfigurationStatus
  public enum WiFiWpsKind
namespace Windows.Gaming.Input {
  public sealed class RawGameController : IGameController, IGameControllerBatteryInfo {
    string DisplayName { get; }
    string NonRoamableId { get; }
    IVectorView<SimpleHapticsController> SimpleHapticsControllers { get; }
namespace Windows.Gaming.UI {
  public sealed class GameMonitor
  public enum GameMonitoringPermission
namespace Windows.Graphics.Holographic {
  public sealed class HolographicCamera {
    bool IsPrimaryLayerEnabled { get; set; }
    uint MaxQuadLayerCount { get; }
    IVector<HolographicQuadLayer> QuadLayers { get; }
  public sealed class HolographicCameraRenderingParameters {
    bool IsContentProtectionEnabled { get; set; }
  public sealed class HolographicDisplay {
    double RefreshRate { get; }
  public sealed class HolographicFrame {
    HolographicQuadLayerUpdateParameters GetQuadLayerUpdateParameters(HolographicQuadLayer layer);
  public sealed class HolographicQuadLayer : IClosable
  public sealed class HolographicQuadLayerUpdateParameters
  public sealed class HolographicSpace {
    public static bool IsConfigured { get; }
namespace Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintTicket {
  public sealed class PrintTicketCapabilities
  public sealed class PrintTicketFeature
  public enum PrintTicketFeatureSelectionType
  public sealed class PrintTicketOption
  public enum PrintTicketParameterDataType
  public sealed class PrintTicketParameterDefinition
  public sealed class PrintTicketParameterInitializer
  public sealed class PrintTicketValue
  public enum PrintTicketValueType
  public sealed class WorkflowPrintTicket
  public sealed class WorkflowPrintTicketValidationResult
namespace Windows.Graphics.Printing.Workflow {
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowBackgroundSession
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowBackgroundSetupRequestedEventArgs
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowConfiguration
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowForegroundSession
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowForegroundSetupRequestedEventArgs
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowObjectModelSourceFileContent
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowObjectModelTargetPackage
  public enum PrintWorkflowSessionStatus
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowSourceContent
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowSpoolStreamContent
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowStreamTarget
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowSubmittedEventArgs
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowSubmittedOperation
  public enum PrintWorkflowSubmittedStatus
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowTarget
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowTriggerDetails
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowUIActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser
  public sealed class PrintWorkflowXpsDataAvailableEventArgs
namespace Windows.Management.Deployment {
  public enum AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions : uint
  public sealed class PackageManager {
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> AddPackageAsync(Uri packageUri, IIterable<Uri> dependencyPackageUris, DeploymentOptions options, PackageVolume targetVolume, IIterable<string> optionalPackageFamilyNames, IIterable<Uri> packageUrisToInstall, IIterable<Uri> relatedPackageUris);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> AddPackageByAppInstallerFileAsync(Uri appInstallerFileUri, AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions options, PackageVolume targetVolume);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> ProvisionPackageForAllUsersAsync(string packageFamilyName);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> RequestAddPackageAsync(Uri packageUri, IIterable<Uri> dependencyPackageUris, DeploymentOptions deploymentOptions, PackageVolume targetVolume, IIterable<string> optionalPackageFamilyNames, IIterable<Uri> relatedPackageUris);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> RequestAddPackageByAppInstallerFileAsync(Uri appInstallerFileUri, AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions options, PackageVolume targetVolume);
    IAsyncOperationWithProgress<DeploymentResult, DeploymentProgress> StagePackageAsync(Uri packageUri, IIterable<Uri> dependencyPackageUris, DeploymentOptions options, PackageVolume targetVolume, IIterable<string> optionalPackageFamilyNames, IIterable<Uri> packageUrisToInstall, IIterable<Uri> relatedPackageUris);
namespace Windows.Media.Capture {
  public sealed class AppCapture {
    public static IAsyncAction SetAllowedAsync(bool allowed);
namespace Windows.Media.Capture.Frames {
  public sealed class MediaFrameReader : IClosable {
    MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode AcquisitionMode { get; set; }
  public enum MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode
  public sealed class MultiSourceMediaFrameReader : IClosable {
    MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode AcquisitionMode { get; set; }
namespace Windows.Media.Core {
  public sealed class AudioStreamDescriptor : IMediaStreamDescriptor, IMediaStreamDescriptor2 {
    string Label { get; set; }
  public interface IMediaStreamDescriptor2 : IMediaStreamDescriptor
  public sealed class InitializeMediaStreamSourceRequestedEventArgs
  public static class LowLightFusion
  public sealed class LowLightFusionResult : IClosable
  public sealed class MediaSource : IClosable, IMediaPlaybackSource {
    public static MediaSource CreateFromMediaFrameSource(MediaFrameSource frameSource);
  public sealed class MediaSourceAppServiceConnection
  public sealed class MediaStreamSource : IMediaSource {
    bool IsLive { get; set; }
  public sealed class MseStreamSource : IMediaSource {
    IReference<MseTimeRange> LiveSeekableRange { get; set; }
  public sealed class SceneAnalysisEffectFrame : IClosable, IMediaFrame {
    SceneAnalysisRecommendation AnalysisRecommendation { get; }
  public enum SceneAnalysisRecommendation
  public sealed class VideoStreamDescriptor : IMediaStreamDescriptor, IMediaStreamDescriptor2 {
    string Label { get; set; }
namespace Windows.Media.DialProtocol {
  public sealed class DialReceiverApp
namespace Windows.Media.MediaProperties {
  public sealed class MediaEncodingProfile {
    IVector<AudioStreamDescriptor> GetAudioTracks();
    IVector<VideoStreamDescriptor> GetVideoTracks();
    void SetAudioTracks(IIterable<AudioStreamDescriptor> value);
    void SetVideoTracks(IIterable<VideoStreamDescriptor> value);
namespace Windows.Media.Playback {
  public sealed class MediaPlaybackSessionBufferingStartedEventArgs
  public sealed class MediaPlayer : IClosable {
    event TypedEventHandler<MediaPlayer, object> SubtitleFrameChanged;
    bool RenderSubtitlesToSurface(IDirect3DSurface destination);
    bool RenderSubtitlesToSurface(IDirect3DSurface destination, Rect targetRectangle);
namespace Windows.Media.Protection.PlayReady {
  public enum PlayReadyEncryptionAlgorithm {
    Aes128Cbc = 5,
    Unspecified = 65535,
  public enum PlayReadyHardwareDRMFeatures {
    Aes128Cbc = 3,
namespace Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition {
  public sealed class SpeechRecognizer : IClosable {
    public static IAsyncOperation<bool> TrySetSystemSpeechLanguageAsync(Language speechLanguage);
namespace Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis {
  public sealed class SpeechSynthesizer : IClosable {
    public static IAsyncOperation<bool> TrySetDefaultVoiceAsync(VoiceInformation voice);
  public sealed class SpeechSynthesizerOptions {
    double AudioPitch { get; set; }
    double AudioVolume { get; set; }
    double SpeakingRate { get; set; }
namespace Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive {
  public sealed class AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticAvailableEventArgs {
    HResult ExtendedError { get; }
  public enum AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticType {
    FatalMediaSourceError = 8,
namespace Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer {
  public struct BackgroundTransferFileRange
  public sealed class BackgroundTransferRangesDownloadedEventArgs
  public enum BackgroundTransferStatus {
    PausedRecoverableWebErrorStatus = 8,
  public sealed class DownloadOperation : IBackgroundTransferOperation, IBackgroundTransferOperationPriority {
    IReference<WebErrorStatus> CurrentWebErrorStatus { get; }
    bool IsRandomAccessRequired { get; set; }
    IVector<WebErrorStatus> RecoverableWebErrorStatuses { get; }
    Uri RequestedUri { get; set; }
    event TypedEventHandler<DownloadOperation, BackgroundTransferRangesDownloadedEventArgs> RangesDownloaded;
    IVector<BackgroundTransferFileRange> GetDownloadedRanges();
    IRandomAccessStreamReference GetResultRandomAccessStreamReference();
namespace Windows.Networking.Connectivity {
  public sealed class ConnectionProfile {
    IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<ProviderNetworkUsage>> GetProviderNetworkUsageAsync(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, NetworkUsageStates states);
  public sealed class ProviderNetworkUsage
namespace Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators {
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandAntennaSar
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandCellCdma
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandCellGsm
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandCellLte
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandCellsInfo
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandCellTdscdma
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandCellUmts
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandModem {
    IAsyncOperation<bool> GetIsPassthroughEnabledAsync();
    IAsyncOperation<MobileBroadbandModemStatus> SetIsPassthroughEnabledAsync(bool value);
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandModemConfiguration {
    MobileBroadbandSarManager SarManager { get; }
  public enum MobileBroadbandModemStatus
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandNetwork {
    IAsyncOperation<MobileBroadbandCellsInfo> GetCellsInfoAsync();
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandSarManager
  public sealed class MobileBroadbandTransmissionStateChangedEventArgs
namespace Windows.Networking.Sockets {
  public sealed class MessageWebSocketControl : IWebSocketControl, IWebSocketControl2 {
    TimeSpan ActualUnsolicitedPongInterval { get; }
    Certificate ClientCertificate { get; set; }
    TimeSpan DesiredUnsolicitedPongInterval { get; set; }
    MessageWebSocketReceiveMode ReceiveMode { get; set; }
  public sealed class MessageWebSocketMessageReceivedEventArgs {
    bool IsMessageComplete { get; }
  public enum MessageWebSocketReceiveMode
  public enum SocketProtectionLevel {
    Unspecified = 9,
  public sealed class StreamSocketControl {
    SocketProtectionLevel MinProtectionLevel { get; set; }
  public sealed class StreamWebSocketControl : IWebSocketControl, IWebSocketControl2 {
    TimeSpan ActualUnsolicitedPongInterval { get; }
    Certificate ClientCertificate { get; set; }
    TimeSpan DesiredUnsolicitedPongInterval { get; set; }
namespace Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider {
  public static class WebAccountManager {
    public static IAsyncAction InvalidateAppCacheForAccountAsync(WebAccount webAccount);
    public static IAsyncAction InvalidateAppCacheForAllAccountsAsync();
namespace Windows.Services.Maps {
  public sealed class MapRoute {
    bool IsScenic { get; }
  public enum MapRouteOptimization {
    Scenic = 3,
  public sealed class PlaceInfo
  public sealed class PlaceInfoCreateOptions
namespace Windows.Storage {
  public sealed class StorageLibrary {
    IAsyncOperation<bool> AreFolderSuggestionsAvailableAsync();
  public sealed class StorageProvider {
    IAsyncOperation<bool> IsPropertySupportedForPartialFileAsync(string propertyCanonicalName);
namespace Windows.Storage.Search {
  public enum IndexerOption {
    OnlyUseIndexerAndOptimizeForIndexedProperties = 3,
namespace Windows.Storage.Streams {
  public enum FileOpenDisposition
  public sealed class FileRandomAccessStream : IClosable, IInputStream, IOutputStream, IRandomAccessStream {
    public static IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> OpenAsync(string filePath, FileAccessMode accessMode);
    public static IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> OpenAsync(string filePath, FileAccessMode accessMode, StorageOpenOptions sharingOptions, FileOpenDisposition openDisposition);
    public static IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> OpenForUserAsync(User user, string filePath, FileAccessMode accessMode);
    public static IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStream> OpenForUserAsync(User user, string filePath, FileAccessMode accessMode, StorageOpenOptions sharingOptions, FileOpenDisposition openDisposition);
    public static IAsyncOperation<StorageStreamTransaction> OpenTransactedWriteAsync(string filePath);
    public static IAsyncOperation<StorageStreamTransaction> OpenTransactedWriteAsync(string filePath, StorageOpenOptions openOptions, FileOpenDisposition openDisposition);
    public static IAsyncOperation<StorageStreamTransaction> OpenTransactedWriteForUserAsync(User user, string filePath);
    public static IAsyncOperation<StorageStreamTransaction> OpenTransactedWriteForUserAsync(User user, string filePath, StorageOpenOptions openOptions, FileOpenDisposition openDisposition);
namespace Windows.System {
  public sealed class AppDiagnosticInfo {
    AppResourceGroupInfoWatcher CreateResourceGroupWatcher();
    public static AppDiagnosticInfoWatcher CreateWatcher();
    IVector<AppResourceGroupInfo> GetResourceGroups();
    public static IAsyncOperation<DiagnosticAccessStatus> RequestAccessAsync();
    public static IAsyncOperation<IVector<AppDiagnosticInfo>> RequestInfoForAppAsync();
    public static IAsyncOperation<IVector<AppDiagnosticInfo>> RequestInfoForAppAsync(string appUserModelId);
    public static IAsyncOperation<IVector<AppDiagnosticInfo>> RequestInfoForPackageAsync(string packageFamilyName);
  public sealed class AppDiagnosticInfoWatcher
  public sealed class AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherEventArgs
  public enum AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherStatus
  public sealed class AppMemoryReport {
    ulong ExpectedTotalCommitLimit { get; }
  public sealed class AppResourceGroupBackgroundTaskReport
  public enum AppResourceGroupEnergyQuotaState
  public enum AppResourceGroupExecutionState
  public sealed class AppResourceGroupInfo
  public sealed class AppResourceGroupInfoWatcher
  public sealed class AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherEventArgs
  public sealed class AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherExecutionStateChangedEventArgs
  public enum AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherStatus
  public sealed class AppResourceGroupMemoryReport
  public sealed class AppResourceGroupStateReport
  public enum DiagnosticAccessStatus
  public sealed class DispatcherQueue
  public sealed class DispatcherQueueController
  public delegate void DispatcherQueueHandler();
  public enum DispatcherQueuePriority
  public sealed class DispatcherQueueShutdownStartingEventArgs
  public sealed class DispatcherQueueTimer
  public static class MemoryManager {
    public static ulong ExpectedAppMemoryUsageLimit { get; }
namespace Windows.System.Diagnostics {
  public sealed class DiagnosticActionResult
  public enum DiagnosticActionState
  public sealed class DiagnosticInvoker
  public sealed class ProcessDiagnosticInfo {
    bool IsPackaged { get; }
    IVector<AppDiagnosticInfo> GetAppDiagnosticInfos();
    public static ProcessDiagnosticInfo TryGetForProcessId(uint processId);
namespace Windows.System.Profile {
  public enum SystemIdentificationSource {
    Registry = 3,
namespace Windows.System.RemoteSystems {
  public sealed class RemoteSystem {
    string ManufacturerDisplayName { get; }
    string ModelDisplayName { get; }
  public static class RemoteSystemKinds {
    public static string Iot { get; }
    public static string Laptop { get; }
    public static string Tablet { get; }
namespace Windows.System.UserProfile {
  public static class GlobalizationPreferences {
    public static bool TrySetHomeGeographicRegion(string region);
    public static bool TrySetLanguages(IIterable<string> languageTags);
namespace Windows.UI.Composition {
  public sealed class AmbientLight : CompositionLight {
    float Intensity { get; set; }
  public class CompositionAnimation : CompositionObject, ICompositionAnimationBase {
    InitialValueExpressionCollection InitialValueExpressions { get; }
  public sealed class CompositionColorGradientStop : CompositionObject
  public sealed class CompositionColorGradientStopCollection : IIterable<CompositionColorGradientStop>, IVector<CompositionColorGradientStop>
  public enum CompositionColorSpace {
    HslLinear = 3,
    RgbLinear = 4,
  public enum CompositionDropShadowSourcePolicy
  public class CompositionGradientBrush : CompositionBrush
  public enum CompositionGradientExtendMode
  public class CompositionLight : CompositionObject {
    VisualUnorderedCollection ExclusionsFromTargets { get; }
  public sealed class CompositionLinearGradientBrush : CompositionGradientBrush
  public class CompositionObject : IClosable {
    DispatcherQueue DispatcherQueue { get; }
  public class CompositionTarget : CompositionObject {
  public sealed class Compositor : IClosable {
    CompositionColorGradientStop CreateColorGradientStop();
    CompositionColorGradientStop CreateColorGradientStop(float offset, Color color);
    CompositionLinearGradientBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush();
    SpringScalarNaturalMotionAnimation CreateSpringScalarAnimation();
    SpringVector2NaturalMotionAnimation CreateSpringVector2Animation();
    SpringVector3NaturalMotionAnimation CreateSpringVector3Animation();
  public sealed class DistantLight : CompositionLight {
    float Intensity { get; set; }
  public sealed class DropShadow : CompositionShadow {
    CompositionDropShadowSourcePolicy SourcePolicy { get; set; }
  public sealed class InitialValueExpressionCollection : CompositionObject, IIterable<IKeyValuePair<string, string>>, IMap<string, string>
  public sealed class LayerVisual : ContainerVisual {
    CompositionShadow Shadow { get; set; }
  public class NaturalMotionAnimation : CompositionAnimation
  public sealed class PointLight : CompositionLight {
    float Intensity { get; set; }
  public class ScalarNaturalMotionAnimation : NaturalMotionAnimation
  public sealed class SpotLight : CompositionLight {
    float InnerConeIntensity { get; set; }
    float OuterConeIntensity { get; set; }
  public sealed class SpringScalarNaturalMotionAnimation : ScalarNaturalMotionAnimation
  public sealed class SpringVector2NaturalMotionAnimation : Vector2NaturalMotionAnimation
  public sealed class SpringVector3NaturalMotionAnimation : Vector3NaturalMotionAnimation
  public class Vector2NaturalMotionAnimation : NaturalMotionAnimation
  public class Vector3NaturalMotionAnimation : NaturalMotionAnimation
namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Effects {
  public sealed class SceneLightingEffect : IGraphicsEffect, IGraphicsEffectSource {
    SceneLightingEffectReflectanceModel ReflectanceModel { get; set; }
  public enum SceneLightingEffectReflectanceModel
namespace Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions {
  public sealed class InteractionTracker : CompositionObject {
    void ConfigureVector2PositionInertiaModifiers(IIterable<InteractionTrackerVector2InertiaModifier> modifiers);
  public sealed class InteractionTrackerInertiaNaturalMotion : InteractionTrackerInertiaModifier
  public class InteractionTrackerVector2InertiaModifier : CompositionObject
  public sealed class InteractionTrackerVector2InertiaNaturalMotion : InteractionTrackerVector2InertiaModifier
namespace Windows.UI.Core {
  public enum CoreCursorType {
    Person = 15,
    Pin = 14,
  public sealed class CoreWindow : ICorePointerRedirector, ICoreWindow {
    CoreWindowActivationMode ActivationMode { get; }
    DispatcherQueue DispatcherQueue { get; }
  public enum CoreWindowActivationMode
namespace Windows.UI.Input {
  public sealed class RadialControllerConfiguration {
    public static RadialController AppController { get; set; }
    public static bool IsAppControllerEnabled { get; set; }
namespace Windows.UI.Input.Inking.Core {
  public sealed class CoreIncrementalInkStroke
  public sealed class CoreInkPresenterHost
namespace Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection {
  public sealed class InjectedInputGamepadInfo
  public sealed class InputInjector {
    void InitializeGamepadInjection();
    void InjectGamepadInput(InjectedInputGamepadInfo input);
    public static InputInjector TryCreateForAppBroadcastOnly();
    void UninitializeGamepadInjection();
namespace Windows.UI.Input.Spatial {
  public sealed class SpatialInteractionController {
    IAsyncOperation<IRandomAccessStreamWithContentType> TryGetRenderableModelAsync();
  public sealed class SpatialInteractionSource {
    SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness Handedness { get; }
  public enum SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness
  public sealed class SpatialInteractionSourceLocation {
    IReference<Vector3> AngularVelocity { get; }
    SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy PositionAccuracy { get; }
    SpatialPointerInteractionSourcePose SourcePointerPose { get; }
  public enum SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy
  public sealed class SpatialPointerInteractionSourcePose {
    Quaternion Orientation { get; }
    SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy PositionAccuracy { get; }
namespace Windows.UI.Shell {
  public static class AdaptiveCardBuilder
  public interface IAdaptiveCard
  public interface IAdaptiveCardBuilderStatics
  public sealed class TaskbarManager
namespace Windows.UI.StartScreen {
  public sealed class SecondaryTileVisualElements {
    TileMixedRealityModel MixedRealityModel { get; }
  public sealed class TileMixedRealityModel
namespace Windows.UI.Text.Core {
  public enum CoreTextInputScope {
    Digits = 28,
    PinAlphanumeric = 65,
    PinNumeric = 64,
namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement {
  public enum UIElementType {
    AccentColor = 1000,
    NonTextHigh = 1005,
    NonTextLow = 1009,
    NonTextMedium = 1007,
    NonTextMediumHigh = 1006,
    NonTextMediumLow = 1008,
    OverlayOutsidePopup = 1012,
    PageBackground = 1010,
    PopupBackground = 1011,
    TextContrastWithHigh = 1004,
    TextHigh = 1001,
    TextLow = 1003,
    TextMedium = 1002,
namespace Windows.UI.ViewManagement.Core {
  public sealed class CoreInputView
  public sealed class CoreInputViewOcclusion
  public enum CoreInputViewOcclusionKind
  public sealed class CoreInputViewOcclusionsChangedEventArgs
namespace Windows.UI.WebUI {
  public static class WebUIApplication {
    public static IAsyncOperation<AppRestartFailureReason> RequestRestartAsync(string launchArguments);
    public static IAsyncOperation<AppRestartFailureReason> RequestRestartForUserAsync(User user, string launchArguments);
  public sealed class WebUICommandLineActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsDeferral, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, ICommandLineActivatedEventArgs
  public sealed class WebUIStartupTaskActivatedEventArgs : IActivatedEventArgs, IActivatedEventArgsWithUser, IStartupTaskActivatedEventArgs
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml {
  public class FrameworkElement : UIElement {
    ElementTheme ActualTheme { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty ActualThemeProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<FrameworkElement, object> ActualThemeChanged;
  public enum TextAlignment {
    End = 2,
    Start = 1,
  public class UIElement : DependencyObject {
    public static RoutedEvent CharacterReceivedEvent { get; }
    IVector<KeyboardAccelerator> KeyboardAccelerators { get; }
    public static RoutedEvent PreviewKeyDownEvent { get; }
    public static RoutedEvent PreviewKeyUpEvent { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<UIElement, CharacterReceivedRoutedEventArgs> CharacterReceived;
    event KeyEventHandler PreviewKeyDown;
    event KeyEventHandler PreviewKeyUp;
    event TypedEventHandler<UIElement, ProcessKeyboardAcceleratorEventArgs> ProcessKeyboardAccelerators;
    virtual IIterable<DependencyObject> GetChildrenInTabFocusOrder();
    virtual void OnProcessKeyboardAccelerators(ProcessKeyboardAcceleratorEventArgs args);
    void TryInvokeKeyboardAccelerator(ProcessKeyboardAcceleratorEventArgs args);
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Automation.Peers {
  public enum AutomationNotificationKind
  public enum AutomationNotificationProcessing
  public class AutomationPeer : DependencyObject {
    void RaiseNotificationEvent(AutomationNotificationKind notificationKind, AutomationNotificationProcessing notificationProcessing, string displayString, string activityId);
  public class ColorPickerSliderAutomationPeer : SliderAutomationPeer
  public class ColorSpectrumAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer
  public class NavigationViewItemAutomationPeer : ListViewItemAutomationPeer
  public class PersonPictureAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer
  public class RatingControlAutomationPeer : FrameworkElementAutomationPeer
  public class TreeViewItemAutomationPeer : ListViewItemAutomationPeer
  public class TreeViewListAutomationPeer : SelectorAutomationPeer
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls {
  public class BitmapIconSource : IconSource
  public enum CharacterCasing
  public sealed class ColorChangedEventArgs
  public class ColorPicker : Control
  public enum ColorPickerHsvChannel
  public enum ColorSpectrumComponents
  public enum ColorSpectrumShape
  public class ComboBox : Selector {
    Brush PlaceholderForeground { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty PlaceholderForegroundProperty { get; }
  public class ContentDialog : ContentControl {
    IAsyncOperation<ContentDialogResult> ShowAsync(ContentDialogPlacement placement);
  public enum ContentDialogPlacement
  public class Control : FrameworkElement {
    virtual void OnCharacterReceived(CharacterReceivedRoutedEventArgs e);
    virtual void OnPreviewKeyDown(KeyRoutedEventArgs e);
    virtual void OnPreviewKeyUp(KeyRoutedEventArgs e);
  public enum DisabledFormattingAccelerators : uint
  public class FontIconSource : IconSource
  public class Grid : Panel {
    double ColumnSpacing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ColumnSpacingProperty { get; }
    double RowSpacing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty RowSpacingProperty { get; }
  public class IconSource : DependencyObject
  public sealed class IsTextTrimmedChangedEventArgs
  public class MediaTransportControls : Control {
    bool IsRepeatButtonVisible { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsRepeatButtonVisibleProperty { get; }
    bool IsRepeatEnabled { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsRepeatEnabledProperty { get; }
    bool ShowAndHideAutomatically { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty ShowAndHideAutomaticallyProperty { get; }
    void Hide();
    void Show();
  public class NavigationView : ContentControl
  public enum NavigationViewDisplayMode
  public sealed class NavigationViewDisplayModeChangedEventArgs
  public class NavigationViewItem : NavigationViewItemBase
  public class NavigationViewItemBase : ListViewItem
  public class NavigationViewItemHeader : NavigationViewItemBase
  public sealed class NavigationViewItemInvokedEventArgs
  public class NavigationViewItemSeparator : NavigationViewItemBase
  public class NavigationViewList : ListView
  public sealed class NavigationViewSelectionChangedEventArgs
  public enum ParallaxSourceOffsetKind
  public class ParallaxView : FrameworkElement
  public sealed class PasswordBox : Control {
    event TypedEventHandler<PasswordBox, PasswordBoxPasswordChangingEventArgs> PasswordChanging;
  public sealed class PasswordBoxPasswordChangingEventArgs
  public class PathIconSource : IconSource
  public class PersonPicture : Control
  public class RatingControl : Control
  public class RatingItemFontInfo : RatingItemInfo
  public class RatingItemImageInfo : RatingItemInfo
  public class RatingItemInfo : DependencyObject
  public class RichEditBox : Control {
    CharacterCasing CharacterCasing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty CharacterCasingProperty { get; }
    DisabledFormattingAccelerators DisabledFormattingAccelerators { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty DisabledFormattingAcceleratorsProperty { get; }
    TextAlignment HorizontalTextAlignment { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty HorizontalTextAlignmentProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<RichEditBox, TextControlCopyingToClipboardEventArgs> CopyingToClipboard;
    event TypedEventHandler<RichEditBox, TextControlCuttingToClipboardEventArgs> CuttingToClipboard;
  public sealed class RichTextBlock : FrameworkElement {
    TextAlignment HorizontalTextAlignment { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty HorizontalTextAlignmentProperty { get; }
    bool IsTextTrimmed { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsTextTrimmedProperty { get; }
    IVector<TextHighlighter> TextHighlighters { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<RichTextBlock, IsTextTrimmedChangedEventArgs> IsTextTrimmedChanged;
  public sealed class RichTextBlockOverflow : FrameworkElement {
    bool IsTextTrimmed { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsTextTrimmedProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<RichTextBlockOverflow, IsTextTrimmedChangedEventArgs> IsTextTrimmedChanged;
  public class SplitView : Control {
    event TypedEventHandler<SplitView, object> PaneOpened;
    event TypedEventHandler<SplitView, object> PaneOpening;
  public class StackPanel : Panel, IInsertionPanel, IScrollSnapPointsInfo {
    double Spacing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty SpacingProperty { get; }
  public enum SwipeBehaviorOnInvoked
  public class SwipeControl : ContentControl
  public class SwipeItem : DependencyObject
  public sealed class SwipeItemInvokedEventArgs
  public class SwipeItems : DependencyObject, IIterable<SwipeItem>, IVector<SwipeItem>
  public enum SwipeMode
  public enum Symbol {
    GlobalNavigationButton = 59136,
    Print = 59209,
    Share = 59181,
    XboxOneConsole = 59792,
  public class SymbolIconSource : IconSource
  public sealed class TextBlock : FrameworkElement {
    TextAlignment HorizontalTextAlignment { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty HorizontalTextAlignmentProperty { get; }
    bool IsTextTrimmed { get; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsTextTrimmedProperty { get; }
    IVector<TextHighlighter> TextHighlighters { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<TextBlock, IsTextTrimmedChangedEventArgs> IsTextTrimmedChanged;
  public class TextBox : Control {
    CharacterCasing CharacterCasing { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty CharacterCasingProperty { get; }
    TextAlignment HorizontalTextAlignment { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty HorizontalTextAlignmentProperty { get; }
    Brush PlaceholderForeground { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty PlaceholderForegroundProperty { get; }
    event TypedEventHandler<TextBox, TextBoxBeforeTextChangingEventArgs> BeforeTextChanging;
    event TypedEventHandler<TextBox, TextControlCopyingToClipboardEventArgs> CopyingToClipboard;
    event TypedEventHandler<TextBox, TextControlCuttingToClipboardEventArgs> CuttingToClipboard;
  public sealed class TextBoxBeforeTextChangingEventArgs
  public sealed class TextControlCopyingToClipboardEventArgs
  public sealed class TextControlCuttingToClipboardEventArgs
  public class TreeView : Control
  public sealed class TreeViewExpandingEventArgs
  public class TreeViewItem : ListViewItem
  public sealed class TreeViewItemClickEventArgs
  public class TreeViewList : ListView
  public class TreeViewNode : DependencyObject, IBindableIterable, IBindableObservableVector, IBindableVector
  public enum TreeViewSelectionMode
  public sealed class XamlBooleanToVisibilityConverter : IValueConverter
  public sealed class XamlIntegerToIndentationConverter : IValueConverter
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps {
  public sealed class MapControl : Control {
    IVector<MapLayer> Layers { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty LayersProperty { get; }
    bool TryGetLocationFromOffset(Point offset, AltitudeReferenceSystem desiredReferenceSystem, out Geopoint location);
    bool TryGetLocationFromOffset(Point offset, out Geopoint location);
  public class MapElement : DependencyObject {
    string MapStyleSheetEntry { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty MapStyleSheetEntryProperty { get; }
    string MapStyleSheetEntryState { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty MapStyleSheetEntryStateProperty { get; }
    object Tag { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty TagProperty { get; }
  public sealed class MapElement3D : MapElement
  public sealed class MapElementsLayer : MapLayer
  public sealed class MapElementsLayerClickEventArgs
  public sealed class MapElementsLayerContextRequestedEventArgs
  public sealed class MapElementsLayerPointerEnteredEventArgs
  public sealed class MapElementsLayerPointerExitedEventArgs
  public class MapLayer : DependencyObject
  public class MapModel3D : DependencyObject
  public enum MapModel3DShadingOption
  public static class MapStyleSheetEntries
  public static class MapStyleSheetEntryStates
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives {
  public class ColorPickerSlider : Slider
  public class ColorSpectrum : Control
  public class FlyoutBase : DependencyObject {
    virtual void OnProcessKeyboardAccelerators(ProcessKeyboardAcceleratorEventArgs args);
    void TryInvokeKeyboardAccelerator(ProcessKeyboardAcceleratorEventArgs args);
  public sealed class LayoutInformation {
    public static Size GetAvailableSize(UIElement element);
  public class ListViewItemPresenter : ContentPresenter {
    Brush RevealBackground { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty RevealBackgroundProperty { get; }
    bool RevealBackgroundShowsAboveContent { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty RevealBackgroundShowsAboveContentProperty { get; }
    Brush RevealBorderBrush { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty RevealBorderBrushProperty { get; }
    Thickness RevealBorderThickness { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty RevealBorderThicknessProperty { get; }
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Data {
  public enum UpdateSourceTrigger {
    LostFocus = 3,
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Documents {
  public class Block : TextElement {
    TextAlignment HorizontalTextAlignment { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty HorizontalTextAlignmentProperty { get; }
  public sealed class Hyperlink : Span {
    bool IsTabStop { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty IsTabStopProperty { get; }
    int TabIndex { get; set; }
    public static DependencyProperty TabIndexProperty { get; }
  public class TextHighlighter
  public class TextHighlighterBase : DependencyObject
  public struct TextRange
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Input {
  public sealed class CharacterReceivedRoutedEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs
  public class KeyboardAccelerator : DependencyObject
  public sealed class KeyboardAcceleratorInvokedEventArgs
  public sealed class PointerRoutedEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs {
    bool IsGenerated { get; }
  public sealed class ProcessKeyboardAcceleratorEventArgs
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup {
  public class MarkupExtension
  public sealed class MarkupExtensionReturnTypeAttribute : Attribute
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media {
  public enum AcrylicBackgroundSource
  public class AcrylicBrush : XamlCompositionBrushBase
  public class RevealBackgroundBrush : RevealBrush
  public class RevealBorderBrush : RevealBrush
  public class RevealBrush : XamlCompositionBrushBase
  public enum RevealBrushState
namespace Windows.Web {
  public enum WebErrorStatus {
    InsufficientRangeSupport = 22,
    MissingContentLengthSupport = 23,
namespace Windows.Gaming.Preview.GamesEnumeration {
  public static class GameList {
    public static IAsyncOperation<GameListEntry> MergeEntriesAsync(GameListEntry left, GameListEntry right);
    public static IAsyncOperation<IVectorView<GameListEntry>> UnmergeEntryAsync(GameListEntry mergedEntry);
  public sealed class GameListEntry : IGameListEntry {
    GameModeConfiguration GameModeConfiguration { get; }
    GameListEntryLaunchableState LaunchableState { get; }
    IStorageFile LauncherExecutable { get; }
    string LaunchParameters { get; }
    string TitleId { get; }
    IAsyncAction SetLauncherExecutableFileAsync(IStorageFile executableFile);
    IAsyncAction SetLauncherExecutableFileAsync(IStorageFile executableFile, string launchParams);
    IAsyncAction SetTitleIdAsync(string id);
  public enum GameListEntryLaunchableState
  public sealed class GameModeConfiguration
  public sealed class GameModeUserConfiguration
namespace Windows.Graphics.Printing3D {
  public sealed class Printing3D3MFPackage {
    Printing3DPackageCompression Compression { get; set; }
  public enum Printing3DPackageCompression
namespace Windows.Media.Capture {
  public sealed class AppBroadcastBackgroundService {
    string BroadcastChannel { get; set; }
    string BroadcastLanguage { get; set; }
    string BroadcastTitle { get; set; }
    event TypedEventHandler<AppBroadcastBackgroundService, object> BroadcastChannelChanged;
    event TypedEventHandler<AppBroadcastBackgroundService, object> BroadcastLanguageChanged;
    event TypedEventHandler<AppBroadcastBackgroundService, object> BroadcastTitleChanged;
  public sealed class AppBroadcastBackgroundServiceSignInInfo {
    event TypedEventHandler<AppBroadcastBackgroundServiceSignInInfo, object> UserNameChanged;
  public sealed class AppBroadcastBackgroundServiceStreamInfo {
    void ReportProblemWithStream();
namespace Windows.Security.EnterpriseData {
  public sealed class FileProtectionInfo {
    bool IsProtectWhileOpenSupported { get; }
namespace Windows.Services.Maps.Guidance {
  public sealed class GuidanceRoadSegment {
    bool IsScenic { get; }
namespace Windows.Services.Maps.LocalSearch {
  public static class PlaceInfoHelper
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Maps {
  public sealed class MapControlDataHelper : DependencyObject {
    public static MapControl CreateMapControl(bool rasterRenderMode);
namespace Windows.System.Profile.SystemManufacturers {
  public sealed class OemSupportInfo
  public static class SystemSupportInfo
namespace Windows.System {
  public static class DateTimeSettings
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Hosting {
  public sealed class DesignerAppExitedEventArgs
  public sealed class DesignerAppManager : IClosable
  public sealed class DesignerAppView : IClosable
  public enum DesignerAppViewState
namespace Windows.Graphics.Holographic {
  public sealed class HolographicCamera {
    bool IsPrimaryLayerEnabled { get; set; }
    uint MaxQuadLayerCount { get; }
    IVector<HolographicQuadLayer> QuadLayers { get; }
  public sealed class HolographicCameraRenderingParameters {
    bool IsContentProtectionEnabled { get; set; }
  public sealed class HolographicFrame {
    HolographicQuadLayerUpdateParameters GetQuadLayerUpdateParameters(HolographicQuadLayer layer);
  public sealed class HolographicQuadLayer : IClosable
  public sealed class HolographicQuadLayerUpdateParameters
namespace Windows.UI.Input.Spatial {
  public enum SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness {
    Unspecified = 0,
  public sealed class SpatialInteractionSourceLocation {
    SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy PositionAccuracy { get; }
  public enum SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy
  public sealed class SpatialPointerInteractionSourcePose {
    SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy PositionAccuracy { get; }
namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Hosting {
  public sealed class DesignerAppExitedEventArgs
  public sealed class DesignerAppManager : IClosable
  public sealed class DesignerAppView : IClosable
  public enum DesignerAppViewState
  public struct HostingContract
  public interface IXamlUIPresenterHost
  public interface IXamlUIPresenterHost2
  public interface IXamlUIPresenterHost3
  public sealed class XamlUIPresenter

API Removals

namespace Windows.UI.Composition {
  public sealed class CompositionTarget : CompositionObject {

namespace Windows.Graphics.Holographic {
  public sealed class HolographicCamera {
    PresentationLayerDrmMode DrmMode { get; set; }
    PresentationLayerConfig CreateLayerConfig();
    PresentationLayers GetPresentationLayers();
    void SetLayerConfig(PresentationLayerConfig layerConfig);
  public sealed class HolographicCameraRenderingParameters {
    PresentationLayerRenderingParametersQuad GetPresentationLayerRenderingParameters(PresentationLayerQuad layer);
  public sealed class PresentationLayerConfig
  public enum PresentationLayerDrmMode
  public sealed class PresentationLayerQuad
  public sealed class PresentationLayerReference
  public sealed class PresentationLayerRenderingParametersQuad
  public sealed class PresentationLayers
  public sealed class PresentationLayerSettings
  public enum PresentationLayerType
namespace Windows.UI.Input.Spatial {
  public enum SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness {
    Both = 3,
    Unknown = 0,
  public sealed class SpatialInteractionSourceLocation {
    SpatialInteractionSourcePositionQuality PositionQuality { get; }
  public enum SpatialInteractionSourcePositionQuality
  public sealed class SpatialPointerInteractionSourcePose {
    SpatialInteractionSourcePositionQuality PositionQuality { get; }

Source: Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 16232 Released

About KENNETH 19694 Articles

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