Dev Center’s Year in Review: 2017

Dev Center’s Year in Review: 2017

In 2017, the Dev Center Team has been hard at work bringing new features and programs to the Windows developer community. Our goal is to deliver features that will help you, as a developer, attract new customers, engage with your current Windows 10 customers and monetize your apps and games on Windows.  Today, we want to share all the new and exciting things we’ve brought to the community within the past year. Below are just some of the improvements we’ve made:

The Dev Center experience:

Monetization opportunities:

Customer engagement:

  • Create more engaging Store listings with video trailers that could drive more acquisitions

  • Offer personalized content to specific segments of your customer using targeted offers
  • Use search terms to help optimize how your app shows up in customer searches

App & game analytics:

Microsoft Ads Platform:

We would like to thank all the Windows developers, publishers and partners for continuing to invest in the Windows 10 ecosystem. We look forward to continuing our work to help make you successful in 2018!

Source: Dev Center’s Year in Review: 2017

About KENNETH 19690 Articles

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