#ifdef WINDOWS – LottieUWP – Native Adobe After Effects animations in UWP apps

#ifdef WINDOWS – LottieUWP – Native Adobe After Effects animations in UWP apps

Lottie is a client library that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json and renders them natively on the client. Alexandre maintains the UWP port of the library (LottieUWP), and stopped by to discuss why developers should use Lottie over other formats (such as gifs) and the benefits of a natively rendered and accelerated animations.

Check out the full video above where I learned how to get started with LottieUWP, and more importantly, where to discover existing animations that can make your apps more beautiful and responsive. And feel free to reach out on  Twitter or in the comments below.

Happy coding!

Source: #ifdef WINDOWS – LottieUWP – Native Adobe After Effects animations in UWP apps

About KENNETH 19694 Articles

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