Supporting Open Web Docs to deliver web developer documentation

Supporting Open Web Docs to deliver web developer documentation

Today, we’re happy to share our support for Open Web Docs, a new collective launching today which is dedicated to sustainably supporting high-quality, browser-agnostic, community-driven web developer documentation. Open Web Docs employs full-time writing staff to support the development and maintenance of web developer documentation, independent of any one vendor or organization.

This announcement builds on our ongoing commitment to contribute to the health and sustainability of critical web developer documentation, particularly MDN Web Docs. Microsoft joins Coil and Google as a founding sponsor alongside additional support from Mozilla, Samsung, and the W3C, and generous contributions from a community of individual and organizational backers.

Open Web Docs launches today, with further roadmap details coming soon. The collective’s initial goals are focused on supporting MDN’s recent infrastructure transition and contributing to core web technology documentation, browser compatibility data, and JavaScript documentation on MDN Web Docs. You can learn more at the Open Web Docs collective page, on GitHub, or by following @OpenWebDocs for updates.

Kyle Pflug, Principal PM Lead, Microsoft Edge Developer Experience
Source: Supporting Open Web Docs to deliver web developer documentation

About KENNETH 19694 Articles

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