Serving our customers more effectively with new release cycles for Microsoft Edge

Serving our customers more effectively with new release cycles for Microsoft Edge

Innovation has been part of Microsoft Edge since day one, whether you’re seamlessly accessing corporate apps online for work or saving money shopping with built-in coupons. As contributors to the Chromium project, we look forward to the new 4-week major release cycle cadence that Google announced, to help deliver that innovation to our customers even faster.

For many, innovation can’t come fast enough!

But that is not the case for all customers, particularly our enterprise customers who manage complex environments and must balance delivering new innovations against rigorous planning and testing.

To help our enterprise customers looking for an extended timeline to manage updates, Microsoft Edge will offer an Extended Stable option aligned to a longer, 8-week major release cycle; if this option is not selected, the 4-week cadence will be the default experience. Enterprise customers opting for the Extended Stable option will still get all the great innovation and security from the 4-week cycles, just delivered at a more manageable pace. In between major releases, customers choosing the Extended Stable option can expect a biweekly security update with the most important fixes; everything else will be delivered on the extended schedule every eight weeks.

This change in release cycles is expected to start with Edge 94—for more information on the 2021 release schedule, check out our updated Microsoft Edge Release Schedule page. This change will also be reflected on the Microsoft 365 Roadmap.

With changes like this, we strive to provide clarity and transparency for our customers. Over the coming months, please refer to the Microsoft Edge Blog for additional details and updates to prepare for the release cycle that best fits your needs.
Source: Serving our customers more effectively with new release cycles for Microsoft Edge

About KENNETH 19694 Articles

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