AWS 주간 소식 모음 – 2017년 7월 3일

2017-07-03 KENNETH 0

AWS 주간 소식 모음 – 2017년 7월 3일 안녕하세요! 여러분~ 매주 월요일 마다 지난 주에 업데이트된 국내 AWS관련 콘텐츠를 정리해 드리고 있습니다. AWS 클라우드에 대한 새로운 소식을 확인하시는데 많은 도움 되시길 바랍니다. 혹시 빠지거나 추가할 내용이 있으시면, 저에게 메일 주시면 추가 공유해 드리겠습니다. AWS코리아 블로그 AWS DirectConnect, LG Uplus와 신규 연결 지점(Location) 오픈 (2017-06-28) 떠오르는 스타트업 소개 – 원티드, 뱅크샐러드 및 아자르 (2017-06-28) AWS Innovate 2017 온라인 콘퍼런스에 참여하세요! (2017-06-27) AWS 주간 소식 모음 – 2017년 6월 26일 (2017-06-26) AWS코리아 발표 자료 AWS 클라우드 기반 서버리스 컴퓨팅 패턴과 사례 ::: KRNET 2017 – 윤석찬, 테크에반젤리스트 (2017-06-30) AWS Finance Symposium_한국 금융권을 위한 AWS Cloud 도입 전략 제언 (2017-06-29) AWS Finance Symposium_Fintech을 넘어서서 AI/Machine Learning 금융으로 (2017-06-29) AWS Finance Symposium_금융권을 위한 hybrid 클라우드 도입 첫걸음 (2017-06-29) AWS Finance Symposium_천만 고객을 위한 AWS 클라우드 아키텍쳐 확장하기 (2017-06-29) AWS Finance Symposium_국내 메이저 증권사의 클라우드 [ more… ]

[도서] 왕초보를 위한 파이썬 프로그래밍 입문서

2017-07-02 KENNETH 0

[도서] 왕초보를 위한 파이썬 프로그래밍 입문서 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]왕초보를 위한 파이썬 프로그래밍 입문서 Dave Lee 저 | 아티오 | 2017년 07월 판매가 10,800원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 600원(5%지급) 문과를 졸업한 IT 비전공자였던 필자가 소프트웨어에 매력을 느껴 계란으로 바위 치듯이 좌충우돌 하면서 프로그래밍의 세계로 뛰어들어 온몸으로 터득한 체험을 바탕으로, IT 세계로 진입하기 위한 독자들을 위해 Source: [도서] 왕초보를 위한 파이썬 프로그래밍 입문서

Web Application Security

2017-07-01 KENNETH 0

Web Application Security td { padding-right: 10px; } This post is adapted from a presentation at nginx.conf in September 2016. You can view a recording of the presentation on YouTube. Table of Contents 0:00 Introduction 0:17 Acronym Soup A 1:00 Acronym Soup WAF 1:07 Acronym Soup SAST 1:17 Acronym Soup DAST 1:23 Acronym Soup IAST 1:37 Acronym Soup RASP 1:48 Annual Pedants Conference 2:13 Definition of Terms 3:14 Definition of Terms, continued 3:53 Definition of Terms, continued 4:35 Does The Difference Even Matter… 4:56 What You Really Want From A Solution 4:59 What You Really Want From A Solution, continued 5:25 What You Really Want From A Solution, continued 5:58 What You Really Want From A Solution, continued 6:24 Why Does App Sec Have to Change? 6:39 Traditional Application Development 6:56 Traditional Application Security 7:27 Modern Application Development 8:38 Modern [ more… ]

Ensuring Windows 10 devices are up to date has never been more important

2017-07-01 KENNETH 0

Ensuring Windows 10 devices are up to date has never been more important The most secure Windows device today is an updated one: running both the most recent feature update – the Windows 10 Creators Update – and the most recent monthly quality update. In each Windows feature update we build the latest security technology deep into the operating system, providing defense-in-depth features that prevent entire classes of malware from impacting your device.  In each monthly quality update, we add another layer of security, one that tracks emerging and changing trends in malware to make up-to-date systems safer in the face of changing and evolving threats. Taking extra steps to keep systems updated and secure Given the Windows 10 Creators Update provides the latest security protections to help keep you safe, we want to help update your device as soon as possible. [ more… ]

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Windows App Studio being sunset

2017-07-01 KENNETH 0

Windows App Studio being sunset We want to directly thank each of the users of Windows App Studio and we want to be sure you have a smooth transition off when Windows App Studio service ends on December 1, 2017. What will happen to App Studio afterwards? Windows Template Studio is the evolution of Windows App Studio. We took our learnings from the code generation engine and the existing wizard to provide a strong foundation for our code generation and developer experience in Windows Template Studio. Best of all, it is open source over at Details on the transition Windows App Studio has been a free, online app creation tool that allowed enthusiasts and developers to quickly build complete Windows Universal Apps. Applications using Windows App Studio then could also be downloaded, extended and compiled with Visual Studio and submitted to [ more… ]