Scalable Live Video Streaming with NGINX Plus and BITMOVIN

2016-03-17 KENNETH 1

Scalable Live Video Streaming with NGINX Plus and BITMOVIN [Editor: This is a guest post by Christopher Mueller of BITMOVIN.] There’s nothing more frustrating than being in the middle of watching a live speech when it gets stuck. Even if it’s for only a few seconds, the experience has been severely degraded. Users have no tolerance for video that skips, glitches, or doesn’t play back flawlessly every time. NGINX Plus and BITMOVIN work together to deliver a powerful solution for scaling and delivering live video streaming and on-demand media to your users on any device, anywhere. BITMOVIN provides an intuitive video player that when combined with the famous performance and reliability of the NGINX Plus can stream high-quality video to hundreds of thousands of concurrent users. (Both NGINX and NGINX Plus support the features we’re discussing, but for ease of reading we refer [ more… ]

AWS 데이터베이스 마이그레이션 서비스(DMS) 오픈!

2016-03-16 KENNETH 0

AWS 데이터베이스 마이그레이션 서비스(DMS) 오픈! 여러분이 기존 환경에서 오라클, SQL서버, MySQL, MariaDB 및  PostgreSQL 데이터베이스를 운영하고 계시다면, AWS 클라우드로 이전하셔서 확장성이 높은 운영 효율적인 다양한 대용량 데이터 스토리지 옵션의 혜택을 누리실 수 있습니다. 그러면 어떻게 다운타임 없이 이전을 할 수 있을까요? 오늘 출시된 AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) 서비스가 바로 그 해답입니다. 작년 가을 AWS re:Invent 행사에서 미리 보기로 발표된 이후로 이미 우리 고객들의 1,000여개가 넘는 데이터베이스가 AWS로 이전하였습니다. 여러분도 바로 테라 바이트급 데이터베이스를 운영하는 도중이나 (신규 요구사항에 맞춤) 새로운 버전으로 업그레이드 하면서 라이브로 옮겨 보실 수 있습니다. 만약 클라우드로 옮기려고 하는 데이터베이스가 완전히 다른 엔진이라면 AWS Schema Conversion Tool 을 통해 스키마와 저장 프로시저를 새로운 환경으로 옮길 수 있습니다 AWS Database Migration Service는 AWS 상의 리플리케이션 인스턴스를 설정하여 동작하게 됩니다. 이 인스턴스는 기존 소스 데이터베이스에서 데이터를 업로드하고, 이전 대상 데이터베이스에 전송을 합니다. 이를 통해 최소한의 다운타임을 지원하는 리플리케이션 방식을 [ more… ]

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Upgrading JSON data stored in TEXT columns

2016-03-15 KENNETH 0

Upgrading JSON data stored in TEXT columns One of the more frequently asked questions with MySQL 5.7 is “How can I upgrade my JSON data from using TEXT in an earlier version of MySQL to use the native JSON data type?”. Today I wanted to show an example of how to do so, using sample data from SF OpenData.… Source: Upgrading JSON data stored in TEXT columns

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Announcing UDP Load Balancing in NGINX and NGINX Plus

2016-03-15 KENNETH 0

Announcing UDP Load Balancing in NGINX and NGINX Plus We are proud to announce the addition of an exciting new capability to open source NGINX and our application delivery platform, NGINX Plus – UDP load balancing. The new capability builds on our existing TCP and HTTP capabilities, making NGINX a powerful, easy-to-use, and consistent frontend for an even wider range of Internet applications and devices. We’re excited to extend the load balancing capabilities that power more than half of the world’s busiest applications to a new set of users building the Internet of Things (IoT). Why Add Support for UDP Load Balancing? Most Internet applications depend on HTTP for network communication. Advanced protocols like SOAP and REST are built on the foundation of HTTP, which can take advantage of a number of rich extensions – security using TLS, compression using Gzip, and most recently, performance [ more… ]

Dynamic Modules Development

2016-03-15 KENNETH 0

Dynamic Modules Development The following is adapted from a presentation given by Ruslan Ermilov at nginx.conf 2015, held in San Francisco in September. You can view the video of the talk on YouTube. Table of Contents 0:00 Introduction 2:39 Module Growth 3:22 Core Modules 4:30 Event Modules 4:58 HTTP, Stream and Mail Modules 5:47 More Modules 7:11 Static Modules 8:05 Fears and Excuses 9:57 The Demand for Dynamic Loading 11:12 Benefits of Dynamic Loading 12:12 Working Prototype 12:45 Building Dynamic Modules 13:15 Building Dynamic Modules – Example 14:04 Building Third Party Modules Dynamically 14:22 Loading Modules 15:36 Gory Details 17:29 More Gory Details 19:44 For Module Developers 21:05 Who is Involved 22:50 Questions and Answers 0:00 Introduction My name is Ruslan, but I don’t mind if you call me Ruslam. I’m a developer for NGINX. I’ve been with the company [ more… ]