Amazon EC2, AMD 기반 T3a 및 대용량 스토리지용 I3en 인스턴스 타입 서울 리전 출시

2019-07-23 KENNETH 0

Amazon EC2, AMD 기반 T3a 및 대용량 스토리지용 I3en 인스턴스 타입 서울 리전 출시 오늘부터 Amazon EC2 T3a 및 I3en 인스턴스를 서울 리전에서 사용 가능합니다. T3a 인스턴스 타입은 AMD EPYC 기반으로  EC2 컴퓨팅 환경에서 10% 비용 절감을 달성하고자 하는 고객을 위한 추가적인 옵션을 제공합니다.  T3a 인스턴스는 마이크로서비스, 지연 시간이 짧은 대화식 애플리케이션, 중소형 데이터베이스, 가상 데스크톱, 개발 환경, 코드 리포지토리 및 비즈니스 크리티컬 애플리케이션을 비롯하여 다양한 범용 워크로드를 위해 컴퓨팅, 메모리 및 네트워크 리소스를 균형 있게 제공합니다. T3a 이외에도 범용(M5a), 메모리(R5a) 기반 인스턴스 타입도 서울 리전에서 사용 가능하며, 인스턴스는 온디맨드, 예약 또는 스팟 인스턴스로 구매할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 AMD 인스턴스 페이지를 참조하십시오. 또한, EC2 I3en 인스턴스는 최대 60TB의 지연 시간이 짧은 NVMe SSD 인스턴스 스토리지를 제공하며 I3 인스턴스와 비교하여 GB당 비용을 최대 50% 절감할 수 있습니다. 본 인스턴스는 인스턴스 스토리지에 상주하는 대량의 데이터에 대한 고속 임의 I/O 액세스가 필요한 [ more… ]

Windows 10 Tip: Sticky Notes synced

2019-07-23 KENNETH 0

Windows 10 Tip: Sticky Notes synced Editor’s note: We’re back with the summer batch of weekly Windows 10 tips posts, which highlight some of the many helpful features that come with the Windows 10 May 2019 Update. We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make your daily life easier with a streamlined update process, as well as clean and simple experiences for your desktop. Thanks to the Windows 10 May 2019 Update, you’ll be able to take full advantage of the newest version of the Sticky Notes app. With this most recent version, you can sync and backup notes across your phone, laptop and desktop — all your devices. Now, you can also jot down a note on your PC and look it up on your phone, using applications such as Microsoft Launcher, Microsoft OneNote for Android and Microsoft [ more… ]

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – What’s new in Shell AdminAPI 8.0.17 release

2019-07-22 KENNETH 0

MySQL InnoDB Cluster – What’s new in Shell AdminAPI 8.0.17 release The MySQL Development Team is very excited and proud to announce a new 8.0 Maintenance Release of InnoDB Cluster – 8.0.17! In addition to important bug fixes and improvements, 8.0.17 brings a game-changer feature! This blog post will cover MySQL Shell and the AdminAPI, for detailed information of what’s new in MySQL Router stay tuned for an upcoming blog post!… Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Source: MySQL InnoDB Cluster – What’s new in Shell AdminAPI 8.0.17 release

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MySQL Shell 8.0.17 – What’s New?

2019-07-22 KENNETH 0

MySQL Shell 8.0.17 – What’s New? The MySQL Development team is proud to announce a new version of the MySQL Shell in which the following new features can be highlighted: MySQL Shell Plugins Parallel table import In InnoDB Cluster: Automatic instance provisioning through cloning Automatic server version compatibility handling Simplification of internal recovery accounts The following enhancements were also introduced: On the X DevAPI area: Support for array indexes in collections Support for overlaps operator in expressions Uniform SQL execution API in classic and X protocol Support for connection attributes New utility functions: shell.unparseUri(…) shell.dumpRows(…) Support for –verbose output Upgrade Checker: Addition of checks for variables on the configuration files MySQL Shell Plugins The MySQL Shell now supports user extensions through MySQL Shell Plugins, which includes User Defined Reports (Introduced in 8.0.16) as well as the new Extension Objects introduced [ more… ]

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The MySQL 8.0.17 Maintenance Release is Generally Available

2019-07-22 KENNETH 0

The MySQL 8.0.17 Maintenance Release is Generally Available The MySQL Development team is very happy to announce that MySQL 8.0.17 is now available for download at In addition to bug fixes there are a few new features added in this release.  Please download 8.0.17 from or from the MySQL  Yum,  APT, or SUSE repositories.… Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Source: The MySQL 8.0.17 Maintenance Release is Generally Available