데이터 기반 의사 결정을 위한 AWS 온라인 세미나

2018-10-12 KENNETH 0

데이터 기반 의사 결정을 위한 AWS 온라인 세미나 AWS 데이터 기반 의사 결정 온라인 세미나는 최신 데이터 아키텍처를 사용하여 빅 데이터 및 분석 프로젝트를 시작하고 비즈니스 성과를 달성하는 방법을 소개합니다. 본대용량의 정보를 보호하고, 수집하고, 저장하고, 분석하고, 활용하는 방법과 관련 고객 사례를 통해 시스템을 실시간 및 예측 분석으로 통합하는 방법을 확인할 수 있습니다. 온라인 세미나 일정 데이터 기반 의사결정을 통한 비지니스 혁신 일시 : 2018년 10월 10일(수) 10:00-11:00 강연자 : 윤석찬 (AWS 테크에반젤리스트) 참석 대상 : 기업 비지니스 기획 및 전략 담당, 마케팅 및 IT 부서 임원. 클라우드 기반 데이터 분석에 관심 있는 모든 분 강연 내용 : 최근 데이터의 폭증과 이를 기반한 빅데이터 분석이 기업 비지니스 성패에 큰 영향을 끼치고 있습니다. 다양한 기업의 데이터 기반 의사 결정을 위한 요구를 수용하는 분석 플랫폼과 인공 지능 기술의 도입은 큰 화두입니다. 본 세션에서는 기업의 비지니스 전략 및 기획을 담당하시는 분들을 위해 클라우드 기반 [ more… ]

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NGINX Conf 2018, Day 1: Five Takeaways as Companies Journey To Microservices

2018-10-11 KENNETH 0

NGINX Conf 2018, Day 1: Five Takeaways as Companies Journey To Microservices NGINX Conf 2018 kicked off in Atlanta yesterday, with hundreds of developers, operators and architects in attendance to explore how the web, cloud, and microservices are intersecting. Thousands of people also tuned in to the livestream from around the world, making it the biggest NGINX conference yet (videos of the keynotes from both days are now available on demand). As NGINX CMO and event emcee Rob Whiteley outlined, this year’s theme is the Journey to Microservices. We looked at how everyone from traditional enterprises to digital pioneers to cloud‑native companies are undergoing modernization initiatives. The goal? Mastering digital disruption. This was my fifth Conf and I think it was the best lineup of speakers and content we’ve had yet. Looking back at Day 1, I took away these five things. [ more… ]

Fluent XAML Theme Editor Preview released!

2018-10-11 KENNETH 0

Fluent XAML Theme Editor Preview released! We’re excited to announce the preview release of the Fluent XAML Theme Editor application! As some of you may remember from our Build 2018 session this year, we previewed a tool using our new ColorPaletteResources API that allows you to set the color theme of your app through some simple color selections. This tool is now publicly available to insiders and those running on pre-release builds (Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 17723 or newer) to test out on our GitHub repository! How to use the Fluent XAML Theme Editor With the preview build, you can select three major colors for both the Light and Dark themes in the right-hand properties view labeled “Color Dictionary”: Region – The background that all the controls sit on, which is a separate resource that does not exist in our framework. Base – Represents all our controls’ backplates and their temporary state visuals like hover or press. In general, Base [ more… ]

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The MySQL 8.0.13 Maintenance Release is Generally Available

2018-10-10 KENNETH 0

The MySQL 8.0.13 Maintenance Release is Generally Available The MySQL Development team is very happy to announce that MySQL 8.0.13, the second 8.0 Maintenance Release, is now available for download at dev.mysql.com. In addition to bug fixes there are a few new features added in this release.  Please download 8.0.13 from dev.mysql.com or from the MySQL  Yum,  APT, or SUSE repositories.… Source: The MySQL 8.0.13 Maintenance Release is Generally Available

Announcing the NGINX Partner Network: Our Unique, Ecosystem Approach to Partnering

2018-10-10 KENNETH 0

Announcing the NGINX Partner Network: Our Unique, Ecosystem Approach to Partnering A few months ago NGINX’s fearless leader, Gus Robertson, wrote a blog about our Series C funding round and some of the key elements that have driven our success: our technology, culture, and customers. I think there’s another crucial element to that success that we haven’t talked much about, and that is the ecosystem of partners that extend the reach of our technology, ensure interoperability with a wide range of environments and technologies, and offer purchasing support and skilled services to deliver world‑class customer experiences. That’s why I’m really excited about today’s unveiling of the NGINX Partner Network, our first official global partner program. Why an Ecosystem Approach Is Key for Partnering Over the course of my career in technology I’ve had the opportunity to experience firsthand the enormous benefits of [ more… ]