Contributor Weekend: Global WordPress Translation Day

Contributor Weekend: Global WordPress Translation Day

Global WordPress Translation Day is a one-day contributor initiative organised by the WordPress project’s Polyglots team that is dedicated to helping new contributors who would like to translate WordPress in one of the 160 languages WordPress is available in.

Global WordPress Translation Day will be on Sunday, April 24th, starting at 0:00 UTC and will go on for 24 hours covering all time zones.

What are we doing?

  • Live training: A 24h live streaming of tutorials about translating WordPress in different languages and making your code translatable (30min/1h sessions in different languages including a general instruction and specifics for that particular language). The internationalization sessions will be in English. The sessions will be presented by some of the most experienced WordPress translators and internationalization experts. The Schedule can be found on the website.
  • Local translation contributor days: Groups of contributors gather at different locations and work face to face.
  • Local remote translation contributor days: Current translation teams dedicate time and get involved remotely to do orientation for their potential contributors or work with their current translation teams on translating as many strings as they can.

If you organise a local meetup, why not organise a contributor day for translating in your language?

Join us! Read about the initiative and sign up as an organiser.

Can I get involved if I only speak English?

Yes! Even if you only speak English, it would be great to get involved and check out some of the English locale variants – English as spoken in the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa. English has many variants across the globe and you can learn about the differences and why it’s important that users have the option to choose a variant during some of our sessions. And if you’re in a funky mood, you can give translating the interface into Emoji a try! Yes, we have a WordPress in Emoji locale!


The polyglots team and the event organisers hang out in #Polyglots in Slack. They will gladly help you out.

Source: Contributor Weekend: Global WordPress Translation Day

About KENNETH 19694 Articles

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