Halo 2: Anniversary now available for PC as part of Master Chief Collection

Halo 2: Anniversary now available for PC as part of Master Chief Collection

Halo: The Master Chief Collection title art

Gaming fun on the PC continues with the addition of Halo 2: Anniversary as the next installment in Halo: The Master Chief Collection with Xbox Game Pass, in the Microsoft Store and on Steam.

Halo 2: Anniversary is the game that changed online multiplayer forever, a remastered edition of the original Halo 2 game released alongside Halo: The Master Chief Collection on console in 2014. The new PC version includes new features, optimizations and customizations built for the Windows platform.

Visit the Xbox Wire post to check out your choices for experiencing Halo 2: Anniversary on PC and get more details on the new release.

The post Halo 2: Anniversary now available for PC as part of Master Chief Collection appeared first on Windows Blog.

Source: Halo 2: Anniversary now available for PC as part of Master Chief Collection

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