Minecraft Marketplace Summer Celebration sale runs through July 12

Minecraft Marketplace Summer Celebration sale runs through July 12

Between June 29 – July 12, the Minecraft Marketplace Summer Celebration delivers a sale filled with items up to 33% off and two free maps, the first of which is available now.

Rasa Studios created the first map, which includes four headliner games, seven mini-games, six custom skins and lots of gifts. Oreville Studios made the second map, a customized adventure that will launch July 9. It’ll have challenges and mini-games, more than 100 unique models, custom music and animated cutscenes.

Head over to Minecraft.net to get more details and install the Minecraft for Windows 10 Starter Collection if you don’t have it already.

Source: Minecraft Marketplace Summer Celebration sale runs through July 12

About KENNETH 19694 Articles

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