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MySQL Shell 8.0 – What’s New?

2018-05-04 KENNETH 0

MySQL Shell 8.0 – What’s New? MySQL Document Store In MySQL 8.0 a new stack of components is introduced, turning MySQL to a competitive Document Store solution. The MySQL Document Store takes advantage of existing capabilities including: Efficient and safe data management from the InnoDB storage engine ACID compliance and Transactional Operations High Availability with Group Replication and InnoDB cluster One of the most attractive components introduced in MySQL 8.0 is a development API (DevAPI) that enables you to create JSON document based applications through a fluent API.… Source: MySQL Shell 8.0 – What’s New?

[도서] 초보자 만화 교실

2018-05-04 KENNETH 0

[도서] 초보자 만화 교실 분야별 신상품 – 국내도서 – 컴퓨터와 인터넷 [도서]초보자 만화 교실 일리야(ilya) 저/홍주연 역 | 비즈앤비즈 | 2018년 05월 판매가 17,100원 (10%할인) | YES포인트 950원(5%지급) 초보자를 위한 만화로 배우는 만화 그리기 남녀노소 누구든 만화 그리기를 꿈꾸는 사람들을 위한 책. 만화 그리기를 시작하는 초보자를 위해 구체적이고 실용적인 방법을 다룬다. 이 책을 통해 스토리텔링, 말 Source: [도서] 초보자 만화 교실

Axis Order in Spatial Reference Systems

2018-05-03 KENNETH 0

Axis Order in Spatial Reference Systems MySQL 8.0 has many new GIS features, including a catalog of spatial reference systems (SRSs) and support for geographic (latitude-longitude) computations. In a Cartesian SRS, it doesn’t really matter which coordinate is on which axis. The axes are orthogonal and the units are the same on both axes, so if a user consistently puts the X value in the Y coordinate and the Y value in the X coordinate, it doesn’t affect computations (in the functions MySQL currently supports).… Source: Axis Order in Spatial Reference Systems

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RHBA-2018:1291-1: devtoolset-7-dwz update

2018-05-03 KENNETH 0

RHBA-2018:1291-1: devtoolset-7-dwz update Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Updated devtoolset-7-dwz packages are now available as a part of Red Hat Developer Toolset 7.1 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Source: RHBA-2018:1291-1: devtoolset-7-dwz update