New Bluetooth features in Windows 10 Creators Update (a.k.a. GATT Server and friends)

2017-01-14 KENNETH 0

New Bluetooth features in Windows 10 Creators Update (a.k.a. GATT Server and friends) This release is big on Bluetooth. If you’re familiar with Windows Bluetooth APIs, have been meaning to try them out, or if you’re just starting to dabble in IoT and wearables, this is a great time to take a fresh look at all things Bluetooth. To ensure the APIs we built out are functional and performant, we are working directly with Fitbit, Garmin and other device manufacturers and we would love your feedback as well. There are three main features in this month’s Insider preview: GATT Server Bluetooth LE Peripheral Unpaired Bluetooth LE device connectivity A lot of the improvements are focused on Bluetooth LE, but we have improved Bluetooth audio functionality as well. While we made a lot of changes under the hood to ensure that [ more… ]

Why gaming benchmarker Josh Heslop loves Surface

2017-01-14 KENNETH 0

Why gaming benchmarker Josh Heslop loves Surface When I first spoke to Josh Heslop, he painted a picture of the night of Surface Pro 4’s release: he was the first customer in line at the Microsoft Store at Baybrook Mall in Friendswood, TX, eager to get his hands on the new device and see what kind of gaming muscle lay underneath the magnesium case. And it didn’t take him long to find out – after collecting his Surface Pro 4 and swag bag, he headed home and posted his first Surface benchmarking video showing DOTA 2 running smoothly on the same day the device was released. Since then, Josh has fallen in love with Surface and with the Surface gaming community. After uploading a few more benchmarking videos to his YouTube channel, Josh decided to take his involvement to the [ more… ]

ChakraCore’s first anniversary

2017-01-14 KENNETH 0

ChakraCore’s first anniversary Today marks the one year anniversary of open-sourcing ChakraCore – the core of the Chakra JavaScript engine that powers Microsoft Edge – under the MIT license. We wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone in the community who has contributed, helped and partnered with us! Your contributions and feedback help us improve and create a better product for the community. During this period, we’ve had over 70 contributors, both internal and external, directly contribute to the ChakraCore codebase and several other members of the JavaScript community engaged with us, both in individual capacity and as organizations. New products and services such as TypeScript, Open Translators to Things, and HoloJS are now using ChakraCore. And it’s been great to see work outside of the core engine proving valuable to the community with things like ChakraCore’s [ more… ]

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New Year, New Devs: Sharpen your C# Skills

2017-01-14 KENNETH 0

New Year, New Devs: Sharpen your C# Skills At the beginning of each new year, many people take on a challenge to learn something new or commit to reinforcing existing skills. Over the next two blog posts, we will guide you through two amazing, free, developer training video series: C# fundamentals and UWP Development. Both series require no prior programming experience, so they’re perfect for someone who wants to learn something new. However, since the videos span a wide array of topics, they’re also great to brush up on your existing skills. The series are presented by Bob Tabor from Developer University (formerly Bob is known for his easy-to- follow teaching style, keeping you engaged and entertained while learning the topic. To get started, we’ll take a look at the first series: C# Fundamentals for the Absolute Beginner. In [ more… ]

오라클 레벨업 – 한빛미디어

2017-01-14 KENNETH 0

오라클 레벨업 저자 : 스즈키 겐고, 다마오키 다케히로, 시오바라 고타, 고바야시 오사무, 오모리 신지, 우치무라 도모아키 역자 : 윤인성 (오오…) 출판사 : 한빛미디어 책정보 :   개요 대상 독자 오라클 숙련자 기본적으로 오라클에 대한 지식이 있고 운영을 해본 경험자 출판사의 정보도 ”중고급” 이고 역자의 소개 또한 난이도가 높다고 되어 있다. 실제로 읽어보니 어려운 내용이 많이 있다. 오라클을 처음 배우는 사람에게는 맞지 않다.   특징 번역자와 관련하여 윤인성 이란 분의 번역서 중 SQL레벨업 – 한빛미디어 를 읽어봤다. 일전에 역자에 대한 인터뷰 비슷한 자리에서 처음 보고 인상 깊었던 터라 한빛미디어의 오라클 관련 서적과 AWS관련 서적을 번역한다는 소식을 알고 있었으며 비슷한 시기에 출간된 프리렉의 AWS서적과 함께 오라클 역시 관심이 있는 도서 였기에 기다리고 있었다.   전반적인 특징 개념도가 나름 잘 되어 있다. (삽입된 그립들 역시 정성이 들어간듯 느껴짐) 스샷 형태의 이미지가 고루 사용되었다. 가독성도 괜찮고 이미지에 대한 부가 설명 삽입도 적절해 보임 (일부 [ more… ]