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iptables port redirection

2015-12-29 KENNETH 1

iptables 를 이용한 포트 리다이렉션   원하는 내용 OS : linux 기본 smtp 포트는 25번을 사용하되, 587에서의 접근을 허용하고자 함 다만, 메일엔진에서 설정하지 않고 리눅스의 iptables만을 가지고 처리 하고 싶다면…   설정 echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp –dport 587 -j REDIRECT –to-port 25 기존에 작동하는 25번 포트는 변동 사항이 없으며 추가로 587 포트에 대해서 접근을 요청시 25포트로 리다이렉션 해줌   테스트 사용툴 : terminal & telnet # telnet 587 Trying… Connected to Escape character is ‘^]’. 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.14.7/8.14.7; Tue, 29 Dec 2015 11:39:37 +0900

Monitoring NGINX Plus Statistics with ELK

2015-12-29 KENNETH 0

In today’s world, having a scalable and reliable web infrastructure is crucial to your site’s success. Monitoring NGINX Plus performance and the health of your load-balanced applications is critical, and acting on these metrics enables you to provide a reliable and satisfying user experience. Knowing how much traffic your virtual servers are receiving and keeping an eye on error rates allows you to triage your applications effectively. NGINX Plus includes enterprise-ready features such as advanced HTTP and TCP load balancing, session persistence, health checks, live activity monitoring, and management to give you the freedom to innovate without being constrained by infrastructure. The live activity monitoring feature (implemented in the NGINX Plus Status module) makes it easy to get key load and performance metrics in real time. The large amount of useful data about the traffic flowing through NGINX Plus is available both on the built-in [ more… ]

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Using NGINX and NGINX Plus to Load Balance Oracle WebLogic Server

2015-12-24 KENNETH 0

Oracle WebLogic Server is one of the world’s most popular enterprise-level Java EE platforms. The resilient, event-driven architecture of NGINX and NGINX Plus make them a reliable, scalable, and high-performance solution for effectively load balancing your WebLogic Server applications. The open source NGINX software acts as a reverse proxy, load balancer, and content cache, as well as providing an extra layer of security and handling termination of SSL traffic for your WebLogic Server applications. NGINX Plus builds on NGINX with advanced load‑balancing algorithms, application‑specific health checks, dynamic scalability with the on‑the‑fly reconfiguration API, and a live activity monitoring dashboard and API that provides valuable metrics about the traffic flowing through NGINX Plus. To help customers get the most out of their WebLogic deployments, NGINX, Inc. has published a new deployment guide, Using NGINX and NGINX Plus to Load Balance Oracle WebLogic Server. This guide [ more… ]

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jsp 에서 사용자가 생성한 java class 호출 하기

2015-12-23 KENNETH 1

jsp 에서 사용자가 생성한 java class 호출 하기   사전 주의사항 java에서 기본적으로 지원하는 class 가 아닌 사용자가 직접 생성한 class 를 호출하기 위해서는 반드시 package 화 되어 있어야 한다고… 한다. 이 글에서는 apache + tomcat 연동 가상호스트(도메인 이라고도 표시할 수 있고)의 설정이 완료되었음을 전제로 한다.   서버 환경 OS : linux WEB : httpd-2.4 WAS : tomcat-7.0 / java-1.7 뭐.. 중요 하진 않다.   class 선언 환경 document_root : apache,tomcat 에 지정한 대로 사용 class package name : jsptest class name : HelloTest jsp file name : hellotest.jsp document_root 에 WEB-INF/classes 디렉토리 생성 WEB-INF/classes 하단에 ”class package name” 으로 사용될 디렉토리 생성 (즉, document_root/WEB-INF/classes/jsptest 가 되겠다)   class 생성 위치 : document_root/WEB-INF/classes/jsptest 파일이름 : package jsptest; public class HelloTest { private String name=”HelloTest : 한글.. hello!!!”; public void setName(String name) {; } public String getName() { return name; [ more… ]

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MS15-082 – Important: Vulnerabilities in RDP Could Allow Remote Code Execution (3080348) – Version: 1.1

2015-12-23 KENNETH 0

Severity Rating: ImportantRevision Note: V1.1 (December 23, 2015): Bulletin revised to correct the Updates Replaced for the Server Core installation option on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.This is an informational change only. Customers who have successfully installed the updates do not need to take any further action.Summary: This security update resolves a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows. The vulnerability could allow remote code execution if an attacker sends a specially crafted sequence of packets to a targeted system with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) enabled. By default, RDP is not enabled on any Windows operating system. Systems that do not have RDP enabled are not at risk. Source: ms-security