Realms Plus for November: Heights, frights and snowball fights

Realms Plus for November: Heights, frights and snowball fights

Seventeen new pieces of Realms Plus content become available in November, including 101Droppers by Diamond Studios, SkyWars by CubeCraft Games and World Builder by Blockception.

To get your hands on all the new content and more, subscribe to Realms Plus via your Minecrafting device. For those new to Realms Plus, it’s a subscription to your own personal Minecraft server, where you can play online with friends in shared worlds across devices. You and up to 10 of your friends can enjoy over 100 pieces of content on Minecraft Marketplace – including adventures, skin packs, worlds and mini-games.

Head over to for all the details, including summaries of the 17 pieces of content new this month.
Source: Realms Plus for November: Heights, frights and snowball fights

About KENNETH 19693 Articles

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