Special event helps players set a record while celebrating the 30th anniversary Microsoft Solitaire

Special event helps players set a record while celebrating the 30th anniversary Microsoft Solitaire

Windows Solitaire on Windows 3.0 in 1990

May 22 marks the 30th anniversary of Microsoft Solitaire, which has come a long way since it debuted as Windows Solitaire on Windows 3.0 in 1990.

Today, the game is played on computers, laptops, tablets and phones in every corner of the globe, arguably by one of the most diverse gaming audiences in the world, says Paul Jensen, studio head, Microsoft Casual Games.

“With a worldwide appeal, Microsoft Solitaire Collection, as it is known today, hosts over 35 million players each month, from more than 200+ countries and territories, in 65 different languages,” Jenson says. “And after 30 years, Microsoft Solitaire is still one of the most played games on the planet every day, with more than 100 million hands played daily around the globe.”

Microsoft is celebrating the anniversary by inviting players to join an online event aiming to reach the most games of Microsoft Solitaire completed in one day. Join by downloading Microsoft Solitaire Collection for free on Windows, iOS or Android, or play through your browser. Visit the Xbox Wire post for details, to watch Major Nelson’s interview with a pair of Solitaire experts discussing the coveted winnability rate of the game, and check out Microsoft Solitaire T-shirts and mugs available now for the first time ever.

The post Special event helps players set a record while celebrating the 30th anniversary Microsoft Solitaire appeared first on Windows Blog.

Source: Special event helps players set a record while celebrating the 30th anniversary Microsoft Solitaire

About KENNETH 19694 Articles

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