mysql-5.7 Client Error Codes and Messages
Client Error Codes and Messages Client error information comes from the following source files: The Error values and the symbols in parentheses correspond to definitions in the include/errmsg.h MySQL source file. The Message values correspond to the error messages that are listed in the libmysql/errmsg.c file. %d and %s represent numbers and strings, respectively, that are substituted into the messages when they are displayed. Because updates are frequent, it is possible that those files will contain additional error information not listed here. Error: 2000 (CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR) Message: Unknown MySQL error Error: 2001 (CR_SOCKET_CREATE_ERROR) Message: Can’t create UNIX socket (%d) Error: 2002 (CR_CONNECTION_ERROR) Message: Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ’%s’ (%d) Error: 2003 (CR_CONN_HOST_ERROR) Message: Can’t connect to MySQL server on ’%s’ (%d) Error: 2004 (CR_IPSOCK_ERROR) Message: Can’t create TCP/IP socket (%d) Error: 2005 (CR_UNKNOWN_HOST) Message: Unknown MySQL server [ more… ]