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[Apache & PHP] “zend_mm_heap corrupted” error on apache logs

2018-01-03 KENNETH 0

[Apache & PHP] “zend_mm_heap corrupted” error on apache logs   오류 내용 zend_mm_heap corrupted   발생 환경 OS : CentOS-7 WEB : apache-2.4 PHP : php-5.6   참고 :   설정 FILE : $APACHE_HOME/bin/apachectl export USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0   절대적인 내용은 아니겠고, 이런 설정을 apachectl 에 한번 추가를 해보자…   PHP 메뉴얼에는 Note: USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 in the environment will stop the memory manager from functioning, all allocations fall back on the default system allocators which can be useful for debugging leaks, and should only be used for this purpose. 이렇게 설명이 되어 있었다… ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

413 Request Entity Too Large on nginx

2017-09-14 KENNETH 0

에러메세지 413 Request Entity Too Large on nginx   Nginx 설정의 client_max_body_size 를 변경해 줘야 한다.. default 값이 1M라고 했던가??   client_max_body_size 50M; 이런 식으로…  

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pulseaudio [alsa-sink-VT1708S Analog] alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: 부적절한 인수

2016-12-20 KENNETH 0

OS : CentOS7 증상 : 리눅스 데스크탑에서 갑자기 유투브 재생이 안됨.. 탐색바를 확인하니 영상의 정지화면은 한컷씩 나오는 상태   관련 로그 log file : /var/log/message Dec 20 13:43:56 office pulseaudio[1881]: [alsa-sink-VT1708S Analog] alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: 부적절한 인수 Dec 20 13:43:56 office pulseaudio[1881]: [alsa-sink-VT1708S Analog] alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: 부적절한 인수 Dec 20 13:44:24 office pulseaudio[1881]: [alsa-sink-VT1708S Analog] alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: 부적절한 인수 Dec 20 13:44:24 office pulseaudio[1881]: [alsa-sink-VT1708S Analog] alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: 부적절한 인수 Dec 20 13:44:42 office pulseaudio[1881]: [alsa-sink-VT1708S Analog] alsa-sink.c: Error opening PCM device front:0: 부적절한 인수   pulseaudio 재시작 해줌… 원래 구동상태 ps -ef|grep pulseaudio choilha 1881 1 0 12월01 ? 00:59:26 /usr/bin/pulseaudio –start –log-target=syslog   죽이고 재시작 13:48:40 $ /usr/bin/pulseaudio –kill 13:49:14 $ /usr/bin/pulseaudio –start –log-target=syslog   이후 로그 정상, 영상 재생 정상…

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mysql server system variables log_warnings to log_error_verbosity

2016-10-04 KENNETH 0

url :   under 5.7.2 : log_warnings over 5.7.2 : log_error_verbosity   log_warnings Deprecated 5.7.2 Command-Line Format –log-warnings[=#] System Variable Name log_warnings Variable Scope Global Dynamic Variable Yes Permitted Values (32-bit platforms, <= 5.7.1) Type integer Default 1 Min Value 0 Max Value 4294967295 Permitted Values (32-bit platforms, >= 5.7.2) Type integer Default 2 Min Value 0 Max Value 4294967295 Permitted Values (64-bit platforms, <= 5.7.1) Type integer Default 1 Min Value 0 Max Value 18446744073709551615 Permitted Values (64-bit platforms, >= 5.7.2) Type integer Default 2 Min Value 0 Max Value 18446744073709551615 Whether to produce additional warning messages to the error log. This variable is enabled by default (the default is 1 before MySQL 5.7.2, 2 as of 5.7.2). To disable it, set it to 0. The server logs messages about statements that are unsafe for statement-based logging if the [ more… ]

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Apache Benchmark apr_socket_recv error when performing a load test

2016-05-23 KENNETH 0

origin : Problem Apache Benchmark breaks with apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer (104) when performing a load test. This is even more annoying since we do not get results for the requests performed before this one. Context linux host, Ubuntu 14.04, 3.11.0-17-generic kernel performing a load test against a jekyll serve ran on localhost using ab v2.3 for the load test both jekyll and ab are being ran on the same machine Sample Output benny@alpha:~$ ab -c 50 -n 1000 http://localhost:8080/ This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 1528965 $> Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, Benchmarking localhost (be patient) Completed 100 requests Completed 200 requests Completed 300 requests Completed 400 requests Completed 500 requests Completed 600 requests Completed 700 requests Completed 800 requests Completed 900 requests apr_socket_recv: Connection reset by peer [ more… ]